Sarah struggled against thhe restraints that were currently bounding her arms behind her back. She had seen straight jackets before, but she never thought she'd be in one. Ever since that God forsaken Labyrinth. Deep down she knew that something like this would have happened somewhere along the line, just not for this reason. She should have known that no one would have believed her when she told them that a character from her childhood book had truly come to life and abducted her baby brother. She shouldn't had insisted that it had all happened and that she could prove it. Especially since she couldn't. She wouldn't. If she did, it'd reveal the Underground to everyone. But she really had no choice. It was what got her hear in the first place. It had been three years since her travels in the Labyrinth. Three years of bearing an unbearable secret and trying in vain to forget what had happened. If she hadbeen able to live and forget, she might have been able to finish her last year of high school. But now that'd never happen. Finally admitting defeat after a half hour of tugging at her restraints. The girl sunk down, her hair splaying on the padded walls of her 'cell'. She oculdn't help but sigh and try again.

"I need you Hoggle." She stared into the small window so she could see her reflection.


Fitful tears racked her and she fell to the padded floor. She wished for it to swallow up. She didn't care where she went. Hell, she'd go to the Bog of Eternal Stench even. No, she thought to herself. It didn't happen. It was a dream. A far of memory. The people tell you it didn't happen so it didn't happen. It was fake. It had to be. For the first time, she really did feel crazy. All the things people had said were finally getting to her. After what seemed like an eternity of thought, she oculd no longer bear it. She fell asleep, her tear streaked face buried in the pad of the floor.


Sarah was walking. She wasn't sure where. All she knew was that the path was long and winding...and looked so familiar. A flowing green dress that had no straps hung around her bare feet. She swung her head around, her long brown hair swinging around her. "W-Where am I?" she managed to stutter. She suddenly felt leather clad hands massaging her bare shoulders.

"You're here, love. With me." Sarah gasped, but wasn't suprised. It wasn't the first time she'd seen him in her subconcious.

"J-Jareth? What are you doing here? If they find you they'll surely-" He cut her off, pressing a soft gloved finger to her lips.

"I know, pet. They won't find us. I promise." He ran a hand down her hair, drawing her closer.

"But what if they do?"

"They won't. They may think they can, but only you can let them into your subconcious. This is to be our little secret." He purred into her ear. Sarah nodded, never wanting to tell them about this anyway. Whether it was a dream or not, she still wished that when she woke up he'd be there. She had never thought in a thousand years she'd have feelings for the Goblin King. She didn't even know if they were real or not, she never took the time to know what what he was really like behind the harsh mask he always wore. She edged herself closer to him, placing her lips gently on his, timid, shy, but at the same time begging for him to kiss her back. And he did with a vengance. She hated to break free, but knew she had to. She pushed with all of her might, finally breaking away.

"I think this is the part where I have to wake up," she breathed. Jareth but nodded. As she was nearing wake, he spoke.

"I may not be with you out therebut I will be in here." He pointed at his head. Sarah couldn't help but shudder.

As if real life was the dream, a comepletely sane girl in a padded mental ward room woke up in a cold sweat.