Disclaimer: I do not own Xiaolin Showdown. If I did do u think I would be writing this.

The sound was getting louder and louder. By this time they all noticed the sound. We ran outside to see a boy with blazing red hair in a black trench coat and robots approaching."Who is he?", I asked. "He's Jack Spicer our enemy", said Raimundo. "Jack Spicer evil boy genius", said Jack proudly "He has a weird way of getting around" I said pointing at his heli-pack and giggling. Yep weird is a great word for Jack Kimiko said giving me a high five. "I'm not weird", whining Jack. "What are you doing here you no good vermin?", said Clay. "That's my business." ,said Jack . Jackbots attack!
The four monks ran forward to meet the robots in battle. I wanted to help too! I ran forward but something was stopping me. I turned around. Jack was holding me by my sweater. "Let go of me", I yelled. "Nope your coming with me", sneered Jack pulling me into a under arm lock. "No! Let me go! Let me go! I tried as hard as I could to wriggle free. The monks heard my screams and came to my aid. But Jack was too fast. "Silk Spinner" he yelled firing at the monks.
First he hit Raimundo who was struck down to the ground and was unable to get up. Then Clay threw Kimiko up in the air. Kimiko swung around firing a blazing kick at Jack but was stuck down and fell onto Clay. Both stuck helplessly on the ground. "Help!", I screamed as the heli-pack rose higher and higher. Omi sped across the temple grounds gaining speed and power. He then dashed high in the air yelling out Wudai Neptune Water! I watched in awe as Omi fired a icy kick at Jack and destroyed the heli-pack. Jack dropped me. My face was full of horror as I started falling. Omi had also started falling and sent up a pillar of water to save himself. Omi reached down to grab me hand but it slipped right through his. Jack ripped something from his pocket and yelled "Golden Tiger Claws!" I was grabbed and thrown in the portal. "Rowena!", yelled Omi. Thump! I landed on a hard stone floor. My cheek was cut and had started dripping blood. My bones hurt and I was so weak. Jack had gotten up. I weakly stood up in defense getting in battle position. Jack cut the air with the Tiger Claws. He put his hands in the portal. I felt my hands pulled behind my back and cuffed. "Let me go", I yelled over and over making as much noise as I could hoping some one would come to my rescue. "No", said Jack getting annoyed. "Gawd, stupid Shen Gong Wu weigh too much!" "Why don't you let me carry them", I offered innocently as he dragged me along. "Ha", he laughed "I'm not stupid enough to fall for that. "You were stupid enough to not use the Golden Tiger Claws in the first place.", I said chuckling. His mouth opened for a reply but nothing came out. "Fine you got me there.", he admitted. I could feel the blood now trickling down my neck. I tried wiping the blood from my cheek with my shoulder but couldn't reach. Jack turned around getting out a handkerchief and wiping the blood from my face. "Thanks", I whispered not believing I just was nice to him.
"Where are we anyways?", I asked. "We are at Chase's entrance", said Jack feeling around the door for a button to open the door. "No!", I screamed. "You can't you wouldn't!" "Like I'll feel sorry for you", said Jack. "Please No!", I said pleadingly. I can't believe it I was begging, but I can't let my dad down. "I can't go back in there", I screamed. (Thought: No! I need to escape somehow. Maybe I can use my power to break through the cuffs.) Tsunami Strike Water! But it didn't work. Jack laughed "Those are indistrucable." Jack pushed something on the door and it opened. "What, worm!", yelled Chase. Special Delivery for Chase Young, said Jack in a sing-song voice. Chase walked down the steps of his palace. He grinned staring at me. "I guess you told Omi about everything", said Chase smiling. "Yeah and I told him to stay away from you!", I shouted. Blood started running from my cut again. "So you can't get him", I yelled. "Wrong", said Chase. "Now that you have told Omi. He can't wait to come and rescue you"
(Thought: I can't believe I fell for that. This was all Chase's plan. I would escape. Tell Omi my sob story and then be captured again is use for bargaining ship )
It was all my fault. I fell down to my knees tears flowing from my eyes. "Don't worry you'll receive the best of care when Omi is at my side.", said Chase. All my hope was gone. How would I ever solve this? It was over. "Omi", I screamed passing out on the cold marble floor.


First of all I wanted to bring out Rowena's emotional side but I think I gave her to much self pity. I think I could of thought of a better way to do it. I'm sorry. Plz Review

Here's a little comic I made.
Rowena: How come I pass out so much? You make me look pathetic!
Tsuzuki: I dunno I guess it adds a good touch.
Rowena: Wuht? I'm gonna kick your ass! (pulls up her sleeve)
Omi: Rowena! Don't talk to the nice girl that way. APOLOGIZE

Rowena: HMPH! Sorry
Tsuzuki: (sticks her tongue at Rowena)

Rowena: Hey! Did u see what she did ,Dad?

Omi: Nope Sorry missed it

Tsuzuki: Haha

Rowena: Grr……