like me, you really like me!! Hurray!!

Dedication- To Phantom of Dragons!! Inspiration major!! (I did like Akira kitana better though)
Disclaimer- I own nothing at all. Wish I did. Blah, blah, blah, blah blah. Somebody slap me.
It had been more than a week since Harry had gone to Hogsmeade alone. He had been trying to talk to Christine, but she had studiously ignored him. She had been quiet and withdrawn. No matter how much she ignored him, he stood it, for she also ignored Malfoy. He was rather pleased that she did. It meant that he had more of a chance.

He peeked over the edges of his Transfiguration textbook and looked at Christine as she tried to change matches to needles. She was so cute, her face screwed up in concentration and the flash of disappointment, then the second attempt. The flash of joy when she succeeded. He could watch her for eternity. His mind drifted into a fantasy where he and Christine were dancing at a ball and she had eyes only for him.

"Potter!" snapped Professor McGonagall, slamming a ruler into his desk, effectly snapping him out of clouds and dreams. "My class is over, Mr. Potter. Your rehearsals have begun."

"People. I am ashamed! "Down Once More" is atrocious! I do not know what is wrong with all of you today, but clearly your minds are not where they need to be!" shouted Madame Beacon. The cast cringed as she ranted. Christine couldn't look either Harry nor Draco in the eyes. That made it hard to sing from her heart. But she didn't want to fall any further for either one.

"From when Raoul enters, now!" she shouted, snapping her clipboard. Everyone scattered. Chrisitne hurried to her place beside Draco on the ledge on the underground lake. They had finished most of the set pieces already, so it was easier to rehearse. But it made everything so much more real, and that much more scary.

Draco stared at her. He wondered why Christine was so different today. He quickly looked to Madame Beacon who nodded sharply.

"Wait, I think my dear, we have a guest." Harry ran in, behind the metal grill door that separated him from Christine. "Sir, this is indeed an unparalleled delight. I had rather hoped that you would come, and now my wish comes true, you have truly made my night."

"Free her,
Do what you like,
Only free her!
Have you no pity!?

"Your lover makes a passionate plea."

"Please, Raoul, it's useless."

"I love her!
Does that mean nothing?!
I love her!
Show some compassion!
" Harry reached through the bars, hopelessly. It hurt Christine's heart to see him in such agony for her. Wait, they were acting! This isn't real! she scolded herself.

"The world showed no compassion to me!" Draco's voice was so full of hate, that Christine was taken aback. Are they making up for my poor performance today...? she mused, staring at them.

"Christine, Christine,
Let me see her!
" Raoul begged.

"Be my guest...sir." said Draco as he opened the portcullis. Raoul was shocked that he did that. He stepped forward gingerly, afraid of the water that surrounded him. "Misuser, I bid you welcome.
Did you think that I would harm her?
Why would I make her pay
For the sins which are
" the Phantom whipped out a Punjab lasso from the water and swung it over Raoul's head before he had time to think. He thrust him against the portucullis, mocking him the entire time he tied him up.

"Order your fine horses now!
Raise up your hand to the level of your eyes!
Nothing can save you now, except perhaps, Christine!
" He walked swiftly to her, holding the rope so tightly that his knuckles went white.
"Start a new life with me!
Buy his freedom with your love!
Refuse me and you send your lover to his death!
This is the choice, this is the point of no return!
" The Phantom kept jerking the rope, tighter and tighter, effectively cutting off Harry's air supply. Christine looked at him, aware that something was wrong, but couldn't quite figure out what. Then she realized, Harry was choking!

"Harry!" she cried, dashing through the water, pulling out her wand and severing the ropes that bound him. He collapsed to his hands and knees, coughing and hacking. Christine knelt next to him, concerned, but unable to do anything.

"Are you alright?" she asked, feeling rather stupid for asking such a needless question. But he looked at her and smiled.

"Thanks to you, I will be." he rasped out. Madame Beacon marched onto the stage and marched straight up to Draco, who was standing there, looking perplexed and angered.

"Mr. Malfoy. I've admired the fact that you have embraced your character and that you take this seriously, but this is too far!" she proceeded to yell at him for a good five minutes while Madame Pomfrey was summoned. As Harry was examined, Christine stayed by him. He constantly smiled at her and his eyes were so happy, even though his throat was black and blue.

"Do you think that Draco did it on purpose?" asked Luna, as she and Christine walked to Transfiguration the next day. Christine sighed. So many people had asked her that already. She was quite tempted to say yes and invoke a response, but the better side of her brain wouldn't let her.

"No, he didn't." she said, sighing. She wished that people would forget about it. Draco had just gotten caught up in the heat of the moment. He hadn't meant to choke Harry half-to-death, it was a freak accident. At least, that's what he had told everyone. She had seen his eyes and she couldn't be sure that he didn't mean it. After all, he did hate him rather violently. She tried not to think of it. It disturbed her.

She couldn't concentrate all day, and that night, she could barely even eat. Something was worrying her, but she didn't quite know what. She had something bugging her at the back of her mind and she didn't know what it was. All she could do was drink some pumpkin cider and go to bed. It had been a rough day and all she needed now was sleep.

She started up the stairs to her common room, but everything seemed so distant. She wasn't quite aware of where to put her foot. Was that a trick stair, or her imagination? And why were the walls spinning? Her legs couldn't support her. She knew she was tired, but she didn't think that she was this worn out. She slid to her knees, her satchel falling off her shoulder and falling to the ground. She slowly crumpled to the ground, and slid into dreams of mists and lakes.

It was a while later when she started to awaken. She kept her eyes closed and moved about in the soft satin material that was encasing her. It was so soothing and comforting. All she wanted to do was sleep and sleep. But she couldn't. She must get up. She opened her eyes, and all was darkness. After a second of panic, she realized that it was only a dim lit room. As her eyes grew used to it, she realized that she was laying/sitting on a swam boat bed.

"Ah!" she squeaked. She leaped out of the bed and stood to the side, rather embarrassed to have been sleeping in such a bed.

"Ah," said an all too familiar voice from behind her. "You are awake." She slowly turned to see Draco sitting on an unfamiliar chair behind her, legs thrown over the chair arms, book in his hands.

"Where are we?" she asked, looking about her in confusion.

"Have you really forgotten?" he asked, fluidly standing. "My home."

"The Slytherin common room?" she asked, confused. He rolled his eyes as he moved even closer.

"My home." he said, placing a hand on her shoulder. She suddenly caught a sight of her own pale face across from her. A mirror. Her eyes flashed about. There were more mirrors, and familiar dusty red curtains...They were back in the Phantom's lair, in the thrid floor hallway.

"Why have you brought me here?" she demanded, whirling to face him so quickly that his hand was forced off of her shoulder. His aura seemed disappointed, but he quickly hid it.

"I found you collapsed on the floor and brought you here to sleep it off." he explained. She glared at him.

"You couldn't take me to my common room?" she said, feeling rather helpless.

"This was closer." he said, once more placing a hand on her shoulder. She had a feeling deep inside her that was almost unpleasant. Her heart began to beat a tattoo of fear, and longing. "I wish to apologize."

"For what...?" she asked stupidly, becoming lost in his eyes.

"For this afternoon. I hadn't quite realized how hard I was pulling the rope." he said, tracing a finger down her cheek. Her mind went completely blank as he caressed her, she didn't even know what he was talking about. As long he still held her...Wait...this should not be happening! She shouldn't be here! She ripped herself out of his tight embrace and ran out.

"Christine!" he called after her, face full of disappointment and betrayal. She didn't answer.

Ah-H-h-H!! I got shivers! Review for me, pretty peoples!!