Okay, I cheated. This chapter is named after a band. And it's a short chapter, but... I think it does the trick, again. We'll see whatcha think.
element90- wow, short chapters here, but I feel they do the job. Thanks for the good luck wish, by the way. Not sure how much it'll help, but it's greatly appreciated, I assure you. Glad to see you're not mad, too. Some people would probably mess a person up if they did that. Hooray! Anyway, I think my favs list is such a barren wasteland because I created my account in March, but I didn't visit it regularly until last month or so... During the summer, I spent about seventy percent of my time hauled up in my room, listening to music, writing down notes in my notebook... But now I'm back.
"Jenga!" Keely and Phil sang, as their tower of "Truth or Dare" Jenga collapsed to the ground.
"I'm bored," Tia announced from the other room. Keely and Phil, however, were not listening. Tia noticed this, and entered the other room. "I said, 'I'm bored'!"
"We know," Phil said, looking over his shoulder at her. However, this was a huge mistake, as Keely took her opportunity to tackle Phil and kneel on his chest. "Okay, okay, I give!" he wheezed, and she got off of him, raising her arms in victory. He usually lost whenever they decided to fool around like that.
When she got off of him, he took a pillow from the couch and threw it at her.
"We could go down to the mall," Via suggested. "Sale at Old Navy, you know."
"Mall with three girls? I think I'll pass…" Phil muttered.
"I'm not going if Philly-Willy isn't going…" Keely said.
"Phil…" Tia said, looking at him.
"You can't do it right," Keely said. In her most pathetic voice, she begged, "Pleeeeeeease, Phil?"
Phil tried to look away from her, but gave in eventually. "I hate those Bambi eyes, Keely," he said.
"I know," Keely said, smiling. "Don't worry, Phil. We can ditch these two if you want when we get there…" Keely said mysteriously, winking at him. He raised his eyebrows, intrigued by the bad girl that occasionally sparked up in her.
"Okay then," Tia said delightedly. "To the mall!" The four walked outside, and Keely and Phil climbed into the back seat.
Via was about to climb into the passenger's side, but then realized something. When she asked, Keely and Phil looked at each other, horrified.
"Tia…what's this gash in the side of the car?"
Keely gasped. "Oh, fu--"
Well? What did you guys think? Too overboard? Too weird? Love it? Hate it? Let me know! (As previously said... I expected this to be my last chapter. Then again, I expected my Just Walk Away to be a oneshot, so we'll have to see.) Review! Review! Cookies to those who review! Stay tuned for my next ficcy, an early holiday story for you guys!
By the way, if you're confused about the gash in the car, go back to chapter "When Doves Cry." You should've read that carefully before, but I know it's a little confusing. The mere fact that I'd have to explain it would take away from the story, so hopefully you got it before you read this part of the note. ;)