
Sakura awoke with a start, it had all being a dream, or was it? She tried to convince herself, she was laying in her bed, her room, and her house. She breathed in relief, who could ever want to kiss that idiot? When she thought about it, it made her laugh, but deep down she had a feeling that she was wrong, but she tried to ignore it. She glanced at the nightstand clock that displayed 6:45am and found a piece of paper neatly folded besides it, she reached for it, and read it.

Hey Sakura, if you wake up before 7:30am, report to the classroom, Iruka will review our reports from Mss. Akane.



She quickly showered, got dressed, and ate breakfast, when she was done she stood in front of the whole view mirror finishing last minutes details. "What a stupid dream, nobody would kiss that idiot." The pink haired girl said aloud.

Who are you trying to fool? 'Inner Sakura' question, her voice was quiet and gentle.

"He's an idiot, a dead last. Nobody takes him seriously, what a fool!"

Why do you say that?

"Nobody cares about him."

You knew that this would eventually happen, yet you tried to hold into a dream that would never happen.

Sakura ignored her 'inner' and kept saying hurtful things about her blond teammate, when she reached the class's doors she stood outside, listening to her friend's laughter and talking. She opened the doors and scanned the desks for her group. She saw groups seated together, though some looking pissed, and others just torn between angry and calmed. She saw Ino seated by Neji, and up behind them Sasuke, but she was not able to locate Naruto.

The pink haired girl was about to greet Sasuke when Kakashi, Iruka, and the other teachers choose that moment to enter the classroom. "Ok settle down, and sit close to your group." Everyone did what they were suppose to do, "Sakura, could you please take a seat?" Say girl had forgotten, that she was still standing and was about to go and sit with Sasuke, but she instead sat in front of Ino and Neji.

If Sakura had walked towards the raven haired boy, she would of have seen the blond sleeping on the Uchiha's lap, and the fingers that run gently through his spiked golden locks. She would have had seen the worry and concern on those black eyes, which were directed only to the only one who had stolen his heart. The one who had teach him so much, she would of had seen their love, but she didn't.

"Well, let's start shall we?" Iruka opened a folder and read it quickly, "I'm disappointed in Shikamaru's group, not only did you not completed the mission, but you also lost… um, Pinky." The others were confused beyond everything, what the hell was he talking about? It seemed that Kakashi thought the same, but instead of keeping it to himself he decided to express his confusion.

"What the hell are you talking about?" See, told you, "and what's a Pinky?" This sent some giggles and laughter through out the classroom, Iruka silenced them with a glare, they didn't want to get in his bad side.

"Well, according to this, it was a cat. Shikamaru, could you clarify this for us?" Say teen rose from his seat, a very unpleasant look in his face, though he also looked tired. In fact, his entire group looked like they hadn't slept too well last night.

"Pinky is a damn cat, his owner asked us to take care of some of her pets, and since you," he pointed accusingly at the teachers, "assigned us this stupid mission, we had no choice but to accept! The lady left us alone with her pets… and guess what?"

"Um, what?" The teachers said in union.

"She had different kind of pets! A cat, a dog, a rabbit, and a hamster. Oh, but that's not all, I'm allergic to cats, Hinata is afraid of anything that looks like a hamster, Tenten is now afraid of dogs, and Choji hates rabbits! Poor Lee is terrified of anything that comes close to those animals and you know why?" the teachers shook their heads, "Well, because apparently the woman forgot to feed them! And I guess the cute, cuddly pets wanted to play with us!" The other groups stared at him and his teammates, so that was their mission, poor things!

"Um… oops?" Kakashi said, not knowing what else to say, suddenly there was a small 'meow' and all turned to look at the window. The window was opened and seated at the edge of the window was a dark-brown cat. "I'm guessing that's Pinky." No sooner had Kakashi said that, that the cat leaped from his position and run towards the first group, Shikamaru leaped from his seat and Lee followed him, both running towards the doors.

"There's hell no way I'm sticking around for this!" The smart boy shouted.

"I'm with you, that cat has it for us, he wants to see us suffer!" Lee said following him through the door, all their team running behind them some saying curses as they run past their mentors, the cat right behind them.

"That was…" started Iruka.

"…Interesting." Finished Kakashi, "look at the bright side, at least they stay together!" He pointed out, and Guy glared at him as he went after the teens and the cat. Meanwhile, the other groups didn't know what to say, they just stare, and while all this was going on the sleeping blond was not disturbed one bit.

"Let's continues shall we?" Iruka said as he kept on reading the reports of the other teams, soon the only ones left were from Neji's group. Kakashi took the report from Iruka and read it, he was pleased by their performance. It was great, turns out that both Naruto and Sasuke were able to handle the children well and I quote; "The kids said that they had an awesome time with Sasuke and Naruto, and would love to see them again!" Kakashi smiled as he read it.

He kept reading and found out that Neji and Ino had a little problem with the kids, something to do with paint. His expression turned to a confuse one when he saw; "Everything was perfect, but the children have asked to not bring the witch again." Kakashi showed the papers to Iruka, who in turned shrugged, he didn't want to know. "Very good, you should be proud of yourselves, and since half of the class left already class is dismissed, have a nice day!"

The remaining teachers were about to exit, when the silver haired man stopped and turned around to face the remaining teens. "Sasuke, say to your little fox that I say to not get sick again, same with you. You both have the tendency to share." At that comment, Sakura turned to look at the raven haired teen, and was surprised to see him blush, but what did a stupid fox had to do with sharing anything?

"I'll do that." Sasuke responded, he was still running his fingers through Naruto's hair, no one noticed. Kakashi smiled and left. Sakura stood and walked towards Sasuke a smile on her face, but she froze and her smile vanished seeing the blond boy sleeping in her Sasuke's lap. Sasuke raised a brow in question.

Blinded by rage, jealousy, and hatred and without thinking, Sakura grabbed the sleeping blond and harshly yanked him to his feet, fully waking him in the process. "What!" Naruto shouted surprised, and since everything went so sudden Sasuke sat there without blinking, unsure of what had actually happen.

"How could you do this to me!" The pink haired girl was still grabbing the blond hard and shouting, "you know how I feel about Sasuke! He's mine, and not an idiot like you will stand in my way!"

"I love Sakuse, can't you understand? I'll do anything to make him happy, anything!" Naruto said and Sasuke was surprised by the sudden confession. He smile, but it quickly vanished seeing what the pink haired girl did next. The slap sent Naruto to the ground, touching his right cheek, the blond looked through blurry eyes at the girl who he had called his friend and former crush.

"What you can do is stay away from him! You'll ruin him by your mere presence!" Sasuke couldn't take it anymore, he stood but the angry girl ignored him and continued, "You were the one who kissed him, weren't you? I'm sure my Sasuke would never kiss a loser like you! Dead last!" Tears threaten to fall any minute now from Naruto's eyes.

"Sakura that's enough!" Sasuke said glaring at the surprised girl, she tried to speak but the angry Uchiha didn't let her. "Don't you dare touch or hurt my Naruto ever again!" the raven-haired teen knelt beside the now crying blond, and pulled him in a reassuring hug. "Are you alright?" his only respond was a weak nod from his angel. "Sakura, to make things clear for someone like you, I was the one that kissed Naruto." The pink haired girl only stared at him with a confused face.

"But it's wrong." Sasuke couldn't believe what he had just heard, "its wrong for you to be with someone like… like Naruto! You can't love him, it's just plain wrong." The Uchiha was about to shut her up, when someone else spoke.

"Why is it wrong?" Amazingly, it was Neji the one that asked, all looked at him, "Tell me, why is it wrong? Is it wrong for him to love someone else besides you? And if I remember correctly, Uchiha isn't yours. He doesn't love you. He loves Naruto!"

"Shut-up, Neji I don't want to hear you talk." Sakura's voice held venom, "you can't say anything about this, so stay out of it!"

"Why, afraid of the true?" The angry girl ignored him.

She turned her attention and glare at the still crying boy. "Naruto," say boy stiffen in Sasuke's arms, "now I get it when Kakashi said to my Sasuke to take care of his little 'fox' he was talking about you, I should of known. After all, you do have a demon sealed within you, I bet you asked that damn Kyuubi to help you to get Sasuke away from me. What I think about you Naruto is that you're a pathetic-idiot-fool-bast-." The hard slapped stopped her in finishing her sentence, she turned to glare at the blonde girl. "What the-."

"Shut-up Sakura, don't say no more, you have no right to say anything as hurtful as that to anybody, especially to someone who has considered you as a friend." Ino told her and Sakura wiped her cheek.

"Me? Friends with… that," she looked offended, "whatever Ino, I thought that you would understand, but I guess you don't love Sasuke as much as I do, what a pity."

"No, I pity you, I do like Sasuke but I realized that he wouldn't feel anything for me, so I let it be, and I'm moving on. You on the other hand are obsessed with Sasuke, but he loves someone else who truly loves him back, so my advice to you is, stay away from them." Sakura said no more and left, but not before glaring at the crying blond and muttering a go to hell.

You're the idiot Sakura. Still the girl ignored her 'inner' and kept on walking.

After Sakura's departure the teens were in a state of silence, Neji broke it, "Come on Ino, let's leave them alone for awhile." The girl nodded and she walked towards the couple, she put an arm around Sasuke and the other around Naruto hugging them both. "Bye, good-luck." She whispered softly in a sincere voice.

"Thank-you." Was the only thing that Sasuke was able to say, Ino and Neji nodded and left. The couple didn't know how long they had been there, hugging each other.

"I'm sorry." The raven haired boy was startled from the sudden apology, "I didn't know that Sakura would react that way, what if others respond like her, I wasn't thinking about the-." Sasuke lifted the blond's face until their eyes met.

"Don't think that way, I'm glad that we're together, and it doesn't matter what anybody says, Naruto… I love you." He said as he kissed the blond, pulling apart they searched each others' eyes, finding sincere feelings for each other.

"I love you too, and thank-you." As their second kiss that day, both knew that the other was able to heal their sick heart, sick of loneliness and emptiness, both understanding that they needed each other to be completed as one. Needing no reason to question it, but simply to go with it. Knowing that, nothing or no one would get in their way. No questions ask.

The End