Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar, only my characters.

This is my first kind-of fun story, and so I hope it will be a blast! Also, I am now accepting Anonymous reviews. Yay!

Sokka: Just get on with it already!

Me: Fine, fine. Just don't get your panties in a bunch! Here you go.

Chapter 1- Surprise, surprise!

"Hey, Abby, can you call Alex down here? Diner's ready!"

Katherin, my older, more popular sister always cooked diner and treated me, her younger sis, like crap.

"Whatever." I breathed, but yelled at the same time from my homework desk upstairs. "Just one minute." I whispered, concentrating on my picture that I was making for my Art 1 class. I have alwayswanted to be gifted at it, and I was passionate about my work, but my talent didn't match up with my passion.

After 2 more minutes, Katherin yelled again, "NOW!"

"FINE!…Fine." I yelled then sighed to myself. I always wished that my sister had more respect for me, but it was in the older girl's nature to bully. It was just that I had gotten just as much as needed at school, I didn't need it at home as well. But, I got up anyway and went to where my 12 year old brother was, which was in his room playing with his GI-Joe.

"Yo, Joe!" he laughed when he looked up and saw it was me. "Diner's ready, and be careful when you go down there. Look's like Kathy just broke up with her BF."

"Thanks for the warning, Abby." He replied and stood up. I turned off his light for him, and we went downstairs.

My brother had curlyish brown hair, and grey eyes, also, he was relevantly short for his age, or at least shorter than the rest of the kids in his class. He looked like he should be around 10, and not 12.

My real name was Alexandria, but if you ever called me that, I'd knock your socks off. I was about 5'5", a long light-brown haired 14 year-old girl, who didn't really fit in at school, and who nobody understood. Even my best friends didn't understand me, and so we weren't all that close. But, the one person who understood me better than anyone was Alex, and so, we were best friends.

We finally got downstairs, and we took our seats and began to eat the meal prepared for us by Kathy. Dad was never home for dinner, and my Mom died from cancer when Alex was 8, so, Dad never did anything when he was here anyway, this way we didn't miss him all that much.

"This is wonderful!" Alex commented as we all ate.

"Yes, it is." I agreed.

There was a pause. "Hey Abby, I got wind the other day that you told on some kid for cheating who really didn't. Is that true?" I groaned. "Is it?" she asked. Alex began picking at his dinner, trying not to listen.

"They did cheat! And don't try and be Mom!" I tried to say calmly, although it was really hard with all the nagging coming from the opposite end of the table.

"I'm not trying to be Mom, and besides, when you look bad, I look bad, and we can't have that now can we?" she looked at me with her drop-dead glare that she always gave me whenever I almost ruined her popularity.

"Ah, blow it out of your air hole!" I said, quoting Katara on Avatar, my favorite show.

Now, Alex couldn't stand being out of the conversation. "Hey, that was on Avatar!" The two of us laughed at that, but it was soon broken by the Queen of Disturbances, Kathy herself.

"Do you quote that stupid kid's show at school? You are in high school now, and you're still not acting like it. It's a stupid show that 7 year-olds watch! I can't believe you actually watch it!" she said, trying to get me fired up.

"You don't have to." I said, my eyes filling with tears. "You don't even have to be my sister for all I care." I threw my napkin down into my chair as I got up and ran up the stairs to my room.

"Abby!" Alex called after me, but I continued running, knowing that he'd let me have my time alone. But the thing that made me the most upset was the fact that Kathy was laughing at me as I ran.

Once I got into my room, I closed the door and I threw myself onto my queen-sized bed with my mother's beige and white bedspread. I cried there, smelling her scent. Even though it had been washed many times, it was still there.

I cried for I don't know how long, but some time later, Isaw all the lights under my door go off, and the room had gottendark. I looked at the clock. It said 9:30. I sighed and got up, propping myself on one elbow and I looked at my Mom's picture which was right next to my bed.

I could barely see the picture, but I knew it was there. "I know I shouldn't let her get to me like that, but I just can't help it." I looked at her smiling face again, and then I heard 3 loud thumps that made me jump out of my skin. They had come from my closet.

I got up, thinking that something had fallen, just like something always did, but when I opened my door, 3 figures rolled out. It was too dark in the room to tell what they were and to put them back onto my shelves, so I got my flashlight, not wanting to wake up the other two with my overhead light, and then went backover to where the figures lay.

I shone my light into their faces, and my mouth fell open when I realized that I was staring into the faces of the Avatar, Katara, and Sokka frommy favoriteshow, Avatar: the Last Airbender.

There's the first chapter! I hope that you liked it and that you'll review. o-dragon