True to his word, Craig did keep in touch. When Marco wrote about the amazing sights, he wrote about his improvement in support group. When Marco wrote about the amazing feeling of helping others, he wrote about his growing friendship with Ellie. They corresponded constantly throughout the summer, keeping each other updated on their respective sides of the Atlantic.

Ellie happily took note that Marco and Craig's friendship was intact, and though she was positively dying for details, she didn't press too hard. It came naturally when she and Craig started hanging out more often, spending time together after group meetings, and then, whenever they had free time.

"It's still bugging me, Ellie," Craig admitted one night while they sat watching a movie on his sofa.

"What's bugging you?"

"The Marco thing."

"Yeah, still don't know what happened there, so..."

Craig sighed. "We made out."

Ellie tried to keep her expression unremarkable. "Oh?"

"Yeah. But then Joey came home, and after that we just talked."

"Talked about what?"

"About me being confused, basically. And that we should just be friends." Craig looked emptily at the screen. "He just left after that, Ellie. It felt so unresolved."

"If you decided to just be friends, then why was it unresolved?" Ellie asked, a little confused herself.

"It just felt that way, I don't know. I think about it, and I don't think we could ever date or anything. But—"

"You still have feelings for him," Ellie finished.

Craig nodded in agreement, and Ellie took her turn to sigh. "Obviously our situations are just a little different, but I know what it's like in the unrequited world, especially with Marco," she confessed. "You'd think a girl would lose interest after fake-dating a gay guy for a year."

"Heh," Craig responded, his voice taking on a subdued, defeated tone. "You know, it doesn't help that I still have feelings for Ash, too. Yet here I am, all alone while they're both somewhere else in the world."

Ellie placed a hand on Craig's arm. "Hey, I'm here. You can talk to me whenever you want, okay? I'll listen."

"I know," Craig replied, and gave Ellie a small smile.

"Basically, Craig, just remember this: whatever is going to happen will. You'll deal with it when you get there."


Thinking back to that afternoon that he sat so still on his bed, stunned, Craig knew at that moment he'd have never imagined himself being so calm upon Marco's return. But one summer—and one new, amazing friend—later, things had changed. He was able to keep a perfect composure when Marco called, inviting him to the Dot. And when he saw Marco walking towards him, skin glowing and hair unruly, he was able to smile and conduct totally friendly, normal, guy behavior. Only a few butterflies in his stomach told him otherwise, but by the middle of their conversation, the butterflies had disappeared; it was then that Craig knew it was all okay.

He and Marco never revisited the elevated level of their friendship. The new year brought new people and new problems, and even a new future for Craig. Riding along in Joey's convertible, ready to start from scratch away from Degrassi, Craig felt nothing but content; he glanced back at a tearful Manny in the back seat, then shifted his gaze forward once again, smiling slowly. He had the best friend he could ever ask for, and that was good enough.