Title: So Close But Yet So Far
Summary: This starts after 'There's A Rub'. Dean is in Chicago for the week. Rory and Jess start to hang out more together because it is summer vacation. Read it please and you will enjoy.

Pairing: Rory/Jess, Lane/Dave (he comes to Stars Hollow sooner)

Author: rnl1993

Chapter One - So Close But Yet So Far

On a Saturday morning it was around 10:45 in the morning. The morning breakfast rush had just left and Jess was walking outside when he saw Rory. She was sitting in the gazebo reading. As Jess walked over she could tell, then he was standing in front of her and she acted like she didn't notice.

The Gazebo

"Hey" Jess said as he put his hands in his pockets leaning up against the side of the gazebo.

"What do you want Jess? I am trying to read"

"Now is that anyway to greet a person?" he asked her dripping with sarcasm.

"No, but then again your just a pain in the ass."

"Ouch, your words hurt me." He puts his hands on his chest acting hurt.

"Yeah well get over it. What do you want?" she said, Part of her annoyed and worried that Dean would get the wrong idea about them hanging out together and the other part of her was happy.

"I'm bored entertain me."

"Ok, how about we go to the bridge and you let me push you in and you stay there." She smiled at him.

"Not now but maybe later."

"I'm holding you to that."

"Are you mad at me?" He asked, she closed her book and looked at him.

"No, I'm not but Dean sure as hell is from after last night." He smirked

"Well then so if he is mad at me does that mean I can't talk to you because bagboy thinks you have feelings for me?" He asked as she stood up and started to walk away but he followed.

"You're so full of yourself, why are you following me?" Rory said avoiding the question.

"I'm not we were talking and you didn't answer my question." They were headed towards the bridge

"This is flat out stalking you know right?"

"No, it's not you see stalking is when the person they are stalking can't see them and you can see me."

"Whatever" She said.

The Bridge

She sat down on the bridge and started to read again until he sat down next to her. He was looking at her then she looked at him

"What are you looking at?" She asked him.

"Nothing" he said then grabbed her book and wouldn't give it back.

"You took my book." Rory said somewhat in shock.

"That I did."

"But, I didn't mark the page." She pouted

"You'll get it back when you are my question." Jess said as he was smirking at her.

"Fine, and what was that question again?" Rory sighed then asked.

"I asked since your boyfriend gets all worked up when I hang out with you because he thinks you like me?" he smirked.

"No, well he thinks that but I don't." she said as she stood up and he did to. She started to ramble "And it's not my fault we like the same books and we like the same kind of music and why do you want to know anyway? I mean yeah your not bad looking but I'm with Dean and I like you as a friend and he just acts so stupid sometimes when I hang around you and everything."

"You know you just called your boyfriend stupid right?" Jess said smirking really big almost smiling, but remember almost.

"Wait, I only said that because you made me rant and I say things I don't mean when I rant."

"So you might have feelings for me then?"

"What? No, I don't." He smirked when she said this. For some reason he enjoyed getting her worked up.

"What are you smirking at?"

"You think I'm good looking." She slightly blushed as he said that.

"What where did you get that idea?" She asked trying to act like what he said didn't effect her but was do a poor job at it.

"You said I wasn't bad looking."

"I…I…." Rory started but Jess cut her off.

" You like me you think I'm cute." He said in a singsong voice.

"Fine, be that way." She pushed him into the lake he came up to the surface.

"What was that for?" he asked still shocked that she did that.

"That was for not leaving me alone to read."

"Well jeez I didn't know I would get pushed into the lake."

"Hey I warned you earlier."

"I thought you were joking."

"Your not very bright you know that Mariano?"

"Yeah well you aren't either I still have your book which is ruined by now from the water."

"WHAT! Great now I have to get a new copy of it."

"As much fun has this is standing in the middle of a lriver."

"It's a lake not a river." Rory said he just glared.

" I was wondering if you could give me a hand."

"No, because you'll pull me into the lake."

"No I am not going to now help me out of here."

"Fine." She gave him her hand and he pulled her into the water.

"You pulled me in."

"I did not you fell in."

Author's note- Please R&R, I know I should work on my other stories but I have writers block for them and this one keep bugging me. So here it is what do you think? You like it or no it's bad?