
The title says enough… Bakura has to survive a sugar high Ryou… BxR lime-ish. No longer a one-shot! Bakura Uke in the first part, Ryou Uke in the second part. XD Short fic!

Catlover: Aaaaaaaand its time for another random fic that couldn't leave my mind!

DCatlover: Whoa… the plot bunnies are attacking you…

Catlover: (tries to get a plot bunny of her leg) They are everywhere! Aaaahhhhhh! O.O

DCatlover: I'll save you! (trips and fall on his face) or I won't…

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!

Warning: lime! Don't like, don't read! Shoo! Oh! And watch out for Bakura's potty mouth… he swears a lot in this fic!



I groan as I watch my Hikari giggle happily, as we are in our bedroom that we share together . It is the wrong kind of happy… Ryou has been eating too many sweets again…

How can I tell? Well if your Hikari is bouncing of the walls like a five year old, than that's NOT a good sign…

Believe me, eating sweets is a good thing… Heck! I can eat as much sweets if I want to. I'm just a five thousand year old spirit! If alcohol can't affect me (which I can, surprisingly enough in some fics…) then why would sweets affect me?

Ryou on the other hand… shiver… Brrr… I remember the last time he ate some sweets… he was even more scarier than Yami Marik on a normal day (what would not be so normal for 'normal' people… -.-).

But… to help me from all of my problems (which are mainly Ryou's sweet tooth), I hid all the candy we had in the house away from him…

Uh oh… I think he just found out…

"Baaaaakuuuuraaaa" Ryou pouts as he tries to look angrily. "Gimme back me delicious candy! Gimme, gimme, gimme!"


"But whyyyyy?" He moans as he hugs his pillow doing the teary eyed trick on me… it's not going to work… oh no… not this time!


I'm surprised as he suddenly jumps onto the bed I'm on. Before I know it he has me pinned on the bed, and gives me small kisses in my neck…

"Please Bakura…?" He whispers huskily in my neck as he gives it a tiny lick. "… would you please give my candy back…?"

Ooooohhhh… this is so unfair! The little bastard knows that I can't resist him… and… ohhhh… damn fucking hell! He knows my neck is my weak spot…

"Ooohhh… fucking no…! I remember the last time you had too much sugar…" I whimper (yes I feel embarrassed now…) as he gives me a hicky…

…HEY! Since when do I allow him to be Seme…?

This thought quickly leaves my head as he is buttoning the buttons of my t-shirt down… until I'm only half naked on the bed…

Ryou gently kissed my chest… and then comes face to face to me again… "But Bakura… you know that I just love candy…" He murmurs in my ear…

Hot damn… that little bastard sure knows what I like… it's a shame he never does this when he's not hyper… that, or I don't know my Ryou that well enough… hehehehe… I surly hope it's the last one…

He slowly give soft kisses, that only make me want more… "Hmmm… Ryou" I moan softly as he slowly, ever so slowly he works his way down until my chest. Stopping at my left nipple…

"Bakura…?" He suddenly murmurs softly as he looks into my eyes… "If you are not telling me where my candy is, I'm going to have to force you…!" He tries to look serious, but he just can't! He is too innocent looking to be serious…

This actually makes me laugh, Ryou is strong (he's not a wimp, as many authors think he is… and surly not innocent) but I know that he could never take me down in battle…

Ryou looks irritated as I laugh… is he actually being serious…?

Before I know it, he takes my left nipple in is mouth and sucks on it… oooohhhh… hell… he is being serious… by Ra… he sure knows how to use his tongue… I let out a low moan, as he kisses it lightly…

"By Ra… Ryou… hmmm…" I gasp as he licks, and sucks my nipple in to full hardness…

After he's finished with my left nipple, he licks and kisses his way to my other nipple… I let out a low groan as he gently sucks on my second nipple, curling his tongue around it while sucking on it harder and harder…

…until he suddenly stops…

"Do you give up now, and tell me where my candy is…?" He says as he blushes slightly, making him look like an angel… "We can share our candy together…" He says as he smirks at me lightly (Yes… for some reason Ryou can smirk) …

"Hell no." I smirk back at him, trying to look as arrogant as I can. If he want to play it this way, than so can I! I might as well enjoy it… hehehehe…

And yet again he seems irritated with my answer… I have denied him four times in a row… damn… I must be getting better with resisting him… not that Ryou is un-irresistible…

I gasp as I suddenly feel Ryou's hand caressing my chest again… but this time he is moving lower… and lower… until he's groping my crotch and rubbing it…

"OH! RA…! Fucking hell! Ryou…!"

I groan loudly as I feel Ryou's hand move up and down… making my leather pants suddenly feel un comfortable as I feel myself harden…

"O-okay…! I-I give… up! Ra damn…" I gasp as he rubs slow soft circles to the place where now all of my blood seems to flow…

"Then where is my candy…?" Ryou asks almost innocently… almost

"D-down stairs… in the right kitchen cupboard… hot damn…" I manage to bring out as his hand is still rubbing me…

Ryou grins… "Thank you Yami" His hand suddenly stops rubbing me, making me whine in displeasure (yes I feel embarrassed again…).

He suddenly bents down to kiss me, while forcing his tongue down my troth… kissing me passionately as he rubbed his crotch against mime, in a teasingly slow rhythm… making me moan in his mouth…

"Hmmm… sexy hikari…" I mumble softly in our kiss…

After a while, he breaks the kiss and gets off me. I looked dumfounded as I see him walk to the door opening…leaving me behind, still on the bed.

"I'm going to get some candy now…" He says teasingly as he winks and shakes his ass invitingly… while leaving the room… "Bye!"

For a minute I'm still sitting dumfounded as I looked at the spot where he just stood… thinking by myself 'What the hell?' over and over…

Suddenly I can feel myself smirk evilly… he doesn't really think he can get that candy for nothing, now does he…? He's not done with me…yet…

… He will need to earn that candy…

And it's a good thing that I just know how…

To be Continued…


Catlover: O.O

DCatlover: O.O

Catlover: O.O

DCatlover: O.O D-did you just write that…?

Catlover: (nod, nod) O.O

DCatlover: (faints) x.x

Catlover: Oh my God! I can't believe I wrote that!

DCatlover: x.x

Catlover: Well… was it good…? Please tell me…


That is… if you want to…

Come on don't be shy, click the purple button!

You know you want to…………