Author notes: Hey guys, here's the finished version chapter one. Sorry it took so long to get it up. I'm happy about all the feedback and I only hope I do a good job on it. Now remember the poem is very important to the story so keep that in mind. I'll be mixing in lines from the movie, so I'll keep them in bold text. I don't want to be accursed of plagiarism.

A few terms I got off the internet…so if their wrong …please doesn't blame me… blame the internet.

The Katana - Not just a weapon, but the soul of bushi. It is the most sophisticated form of the beauty of killing. The more beautiful it is, the more deadly sharpness it has. Katana are distinguished from broadswords for the extremely sharp edge and the slightly curved blade. The beauty of a katana appears on its blade and edge. Its grace form and grim beauty has been fascinating many warriors.

The Wakizashi - Shorter than the Katana (about 68 cm), this sword was worn indoors by the Samurai, because the Katana was too long to fight in small rooms.

The Tanto - This is a small Japanese knife from the same steel as the Katana and the Wakizashi. This knife was sometimes worn instead of the Wakizashi

Thanks to all the people who left reviews:


Youkai No Rin














Fiona McKinnon


888888888 Now let's get come with the story…888888


'Tis the human touch in this world that counts

The touch of your hand and mine,

Which means far more to the fainting heart

Than shelter and bread and wine;

For shelter is gone when the night is o'er,

And bread lasts only a day,

But the touch of the hand and the sound of the voice

Sing on in the soul always.

Spencer Michael Free


"Tell me Sesshomaru, have you someone to protect?"

"Someone to protect?"


Sesshomaru woken abruptly from his rest from against the cherry tree base and scan the surrounding campfire area.

"Damn !" he cursed under his breath as he raised his hand to his temples to ease his throbbing head. Luckily, the rest of his traveling companions never roused from their slumber, so his sudden outburst went unobserved.

'That dream…that dream.' He thought angrily to himself, 'Why, can't I stop thinking about father's last words.' It had been over six months since he and Inuyasha fought against Sounga, and sent that cursed sword back to hell. And since that time he had been pestered by his father vision and words over and over again.

He stood up from the tree base, and started to walk through the forest to a nearby cliff edge. The full moon shimmer in the midnight sky like a bright candle, as his demon senses started to calm down, before to long he started feel like his old self… unfeeling, calculating, ruthless and the most powerful Taiyoukai lord in all Japan.

'Much better. ' he mused, then another memory popped in his head. This one was what he thought to himself as he watched his father ran off to save his beloved Izayoi, "Why would I have any reason to waste my time protecting someone. Ridiculous."

The wind started to pick up and blow his hair about, "Why are these memories plaguing me?" He said out loud, "I have lived several centuries without reminiscing about my past. Why is this happening to me now?"

He stopped questioning himself when his acute senses picked up two smells in the wind, one was of Inuyasha and the other was Naraku. He summoned his power to form a cloud and flew off in their direction.

"No Father, you died dishonorably because you needed to protect someone. I Sesshomaru am different. I shall never have someone that important to me to protect."

------------------Eleven years later--------------------------

"Hurry up Master Jaken!" Rin yelled as she sprinted toward to the open valley.

"Wait up Rin, you know I can't run that fast!" Jaken yelled as he panted and clutched at his chest.

She skidded to a stop and waited for him to catch up with her. Then she stooped down until they were eye level with each other and said, "You know Master Jaken for a youkai…you're really s-l-o-w."

"Why you insolent little…"Jaken squawked rising his staff above his head. But, before he could swing it down at her, Rin jumped up, laughed and ran through some high bushes where she disappeared from sight.

"Rin! Come back here…Rin!" He called out as he struggled against the thorny bush that he fell over. After he freed himself, he dusted off his clothes and adjusted his hat back on his head and remarked, "That girl hasn't change a bit in all these years, still as backward as ever. But I better hurry up and catch her or Lord Sesshomaru will have my head on a sliver platter."

But, Jaken could've been further from the truth, Rin had changed during the past several years. Once her height was taller than Sesshomaru's knees, now she was a tall as his chin. Her face was perfectly oval with beautiful deep set hazel eyes, a button nose, and full luscious lips. Her waist length dark brown hair had lightened into a rich auburn with golden highlights. But, it was her clumsy flat childish body that had the most dramatic change. She now had a lithe voluptuous body that was the envy of many human females as well as a few demon females around the Western lands, but Rin never seemed to notice her quite obvious beauty.

'I just can't be late.' she thought as she pushed herself to run even faster down the hillside. Today was a special day for her, because of a festival and real honest to goodness festival. She had never been to one before so she didn't want to miss one moment of it.

She still remembered the day she saw one of the many colorful flyers about the event. The festival was called a "Celebration of wishes." There were to be food, games, shows and a wishing well that could make wishes come true. So, she decided that after dedicating all her time between combat training and etiquette lessons, that the festival would be a perfect getaway for her.

Rin was nearly exhausted when she finally reached the outskirt of the village where the festival was at around noon. " I-I g-guess-s I-I should-d wait here a few moment, u-until Master Jaken catches up-p." she panted out loud to herself.

About thirty minutes had past and she still didn't see any sign of Jaken coming down the road and she was starting to get pissed out, " Where could that little shrimp be at? He knows that we have to be back at the castle before sunset, and with the castle two hours away that doesn't leave me much time to see the festival." She started to pace back and forth when she noticed a large rock over at the side of the road, so she walked over and sat down on it, " I knew I should've thrown him on my back and carried him here like a baby. Argh! I'm going to miss anything."

Then she searched back down the road again, but this time she noticed a large white cloud and heard a horse's hoofs galloping fast, "What the hell…?"

Before she could say another word the white dust cloud was all around her and when it settled, she was face to face with a black horse and cloaked rider. Rin's battle instincts immediately took over, she flipped backward landing gracefully behind the rock, her fingers resting slightly on her hidden Tanto.

"You there…" The mysterious rider called out. "What kind of woman are you?"

'What kind of dumb question is that?' Rin thought, until she realized what she was wearing. She had on some clothes that Inuyasha's mate Kagome brought her for a birthday present a while back… a pair of black jeans, black sneakers, and sleeveless red v neck shirt, instead of a her normal kimono outfit.

Rin didn't see anything wrong with the way she looked, and she didn't like the tone what the stranger was speaking to her in. She was one woman who was trained not to take any garbage from anyone.

So with her eyes narrow and a tone so cold and unfeeling that Sesshomaru would've been proud of her, she replied, "I'm the kind of woman who does not speak to talk to strangers unless I've been properly introduced." And with that she then turned and started to walk toward the village.

The cloaked stranger jumped down from his horse, ran up and grabbed her from behind, "Stop right there, you litt…"

He didn't have time for the rest of his speech, because Rin quickly grabbed his hand off her shoulder and tossed him into the air, unsheathed her knife and got into a defensive stance all before his body hit the ground.

But, much to Rin's surprise the stranger landed skillfully on his feet, took off his cloak and tossed it to the side. "You're a feisty one aren't you? The stranger chuckled, "Well since you don't talk to strangers, let me formally introduce myself… my name is Lord Masaharu of Okinawa." he bowed, and as he started to stand back up he exam the young beauty in front of him.

Rin for her part also examined the man in front of her keeping her defensives up. He was handsome, ruggedly handsome and fit with a aristocratic air about him which was very similar to her lord's. But that's where the comparison ended, he was about five eight in stature, and his hair was fiery red and shoulder length. But, his eyes were his most striking feature they were a beautiful shining green. They sparkled just like the gems that Kagome had once shown her called emeralds. Rin had to admit they were the second most beautiful pair of eyes she had never saw in her life.

"So woman, are you going to introduce yourself to me?" Masaharu said, as he slowly walked over her looking for any holes in her defensives.

Rin just shook her head, and countered his every move. She knew he was looking for an opportunity to attack her and she wasn't going to give him the chance. She was about to speak when the unthinkable happen.


They both turned quickly to see a large youkai charging at them from the nearby bushes, " Food!" The youkai was a green misshapen looking ogre that roared with dirty yellow teeth, and saliva that oozing out of its mouth can burned the grass below when it made contact.

"Shit!" Rin cursed, as she forgot all about Masaharu as she faced her new opponent. "I never should have left the castle without my Katana. Oh well I just have to make do." She started to attack, when Masaharu shoved her to the ground and cover her with his cloak.

"Stay under this, count to twenty, and then hold your breath for a few seconds!"

"Hey! I can handle that demon myself!" Rin yelled as she pushed the cloak off of her.

"STAY UNDER THERE!" he barked.

She was angry to say the least but with a stampeding youkai bearing down on them, she knew that it wasn't the best time to have an argument. So she obey his command and placed the cloak back over her, but left a small opening so she could see what was going on.

The youkai charged wildly at Masaharu, but he jumped into the air and somersaulted over its head. While still airborne he quickly turned and placed a powerful kick right at the base of the monster's neck and spine.

"GRRR!" the monster cried out as it fell forward onto its knees. When Masaharu landed behind the monster, Rin noticed that he took out two small red bottles from his hakama. He spun around and was about to throw them, when the ogre caught him by surprise.

"ARGH!" he yelled as the beast claws left a gouging path along his right arm and upper chest. Rin's eyes widen as she watched his blood soak through his now shredded purple and black haori.

'Enough of this…I can help.' She thought as she once again pushed his cloak off her, and jumped up to help Masaharu with the creature.

"WOMAN, I TOLD YOU TO GET STAY UNDER MY CAPE!" He yelled as he combated against youkai grasp.


Just then the youkai started to glow brightly, and before she could question what was happening Masaharu was running toward her.

"Get down." he panted, but Rin didn't move fast enough so he threw her back on the ground but this time he covered her with his body. "Take a deep breath and hold it." he then grabbed his cloak and threw it over them.


Rin thought that the ground had split in two after the large explosive, and then she heard pieces of the youkai's flesh fall around them. A powerful wind blew the cape about them, and all she saw was a reddish glowing miasma surrounding them.

Rin had a strange feeling about of the mysterious cloud. The mist seemed to be penetrating her very soul, but it wasn't an evil feeling it felt more pure…more divine.

She noticed that all the pieces of the youkai flesh were dissolving as the cloud dispersed. Before too long there was nothing left of the pervious chaos except for the two people who were at that present moment laying in each other arms.

"You can release me now." Rin said, as she did her best to avoid Masaharu intense gaze on her.

"That might not be wise. There may be another youkai lurking nearby somewhere. I think it would be best if we stay together for a while." he smirked as he seemed to make himself more comfortable on top of her.

"Lord Masaharu, if you do not release me right now….you will regret it." she spoke more sternly, and this time looked straight in his eyes.

"What can a woman possibly…AHH!" he grunted, as he quickly rolled over her to the side and grabbed his genitals with both hands.

Rin swiftly jumped up and glanced at the momentarily paralyze man, "You should never underestimate the power of a woman."

She was walking away, when he moaned out, "Is that any way to repay an injured man who saved your life."

She twirled around and looked at him as if he was crazy, 'The gall of this man. I never asked for any help from him.' She was so frustrated with him, but suddenly her sympathetic nature started to overshadow her anger. She just couldn't leave any wounded creature that asked for help go unattended.

"I'll help you but, no funny stuff. Okay?" she said warily.

"I give you my word. Now, bring my horse over to me." He said as he attempted to stand up. He still hadn't quite recovered from her attack.

She did as instructed, and walked his horse over to him. He had managed to stagger over to the rock that she had been sitting on before.

"Search my saddle and take out the white package and hand it to me." He ordered.

"The magic word is 'please'." Rin replied as she firmly placed her hands on her hips, "I am not one of your servants. I offered to help you, I am not required too."

Masaharu looked oddly at her and then smile slyly, 'She very different from the other woman I have ever met. She stands up for herself, and demand respect regardless of one's station, those are very worthy qualities. I must get to know her better.' He thought. "Forgive my rudeness, but since I do not know your name, I can not politely ask you for the things I require."

"My name is Rin."

"Then please Rin will you hand me the white package inside of my horse saddle."

She turned and searched the saddle and retrieved the item and gave it to him. She watched as he unfolded the package and noticed that's its contents with a creamy purple substance.

"Could you help me applied this to my wounds."

"What will this do?"

"Just wait and see." He smirked.

Rin helped him took off his haori and undershirt, and started to applied the ointment on his wounds. She did her best to hide the blush that crept over her face. His upper body was tan, broad, and very tone. But, something didn't feel right, and she could put her finger on it but something about Masaharu was different.

She finished applying the cream and before it had time to harden, it started to glow bright purple and his wound began to heal itself.

"Are you a hanyou ?" She questioned as she marveled at his recover skin. She had never seen a wound closed that fast on anyone except Inuyasha. And even with him it took at least a day for him to heal.

"Do not associated me with those damned creatures. Hanyous and demons are abominations, and it is the job of humans to wiped them off the face of the earth." He said angrily, and pushing her away slightly.

Rin just stared at him, humans despising demons wasn't anything new to her. But the way he said it, she felt a strange premonition that she need to distance herself from Masaharu for the sake of her Lord.

She jumped up and began to adjust her clothes and said, "Well…now that you are better, I think that I will be leaving." But, she was stop short when Masaharu pulled her roughly to himself.

"But, I have not repay my debt to you. Please allow me to take you into the village a purchase you some new clothes."

"That won't be necessary, I am just going home." She answer, as she wriggled free from his grip.

He didn't want to lose her yet, so another idea popped in his head. " Well then allow me to take you home."

"No!…Thank you." she replied quickly, that was the last thing she needed for him and Lord Sesshomaru to meet. "My companions do not like me to bring strangers home. Beside then is no need for you to repay me, I did what any other person would have done."

"No you are wrong there Rin. Many people would have seen a injury man as a target, to rob or even to kill. I'm obligated to you and I am pretty relentless in repaying my obligations." He smiled.

Seeing that she couldn't get rid out him she answered, " Okay, I sure be able to come back to this village tomorrow. I'll meet you there."

"You promise?" he looked at her curiously.

"Yes…I give you my word."

"Alright. But, if I don't see you by one o'clock. I will start searching this lands until I find you."

'What a day.' she thought as she bow and then turned and walk away. She was about to disappear in the forest. When he called out, "Goodnight my small warrior, until tomorrow."

"Goodnight!" she said weary.

Masaharu kept looking at the spot she disappear at, then whistled for his horse to come to him. When his horse got there, he jumped on his back and pointed him in the direction of the town. "Let's go Raidon. Tomorrow will another adventurous day. First, we need to see what more the main land has to offer, and then I need to prepare Rin for her new life as my wife." He then galloped off to the town.