Miss Moony would like to say that she doesn't own Harry Potter and that she had no help with this story from Miss Wormtail, Miss Padfoot or Miss Prongs.

------- I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good -------

A Little Bit of Crazy (in the Non-Life-Threatening Sense)

Luna likes to stay out in lightning-storms and dance in the rain. Everyone who sees her hunches their shoulders and walks on by, thinking she's crazy. Which she can be, sometimes.

Luna eats her toast dipped in pumpkin juice. All her housemates think it's disgusting, but they've never tried it, so how could they know?

Luna adopts a carefree demeanour when people start on her case. She smiles happily and pretends not to care that everyone hates her. It just makes people think that she's even crazier, but Luna's so used to not caring, that she can't bring herself to be upset.

Harry watches Luna sometimes. He follows her out into the rain and feels as if the blood of a lifetime is being washed off his skin. He tries toast dipped in pumpkin juice, and find's that it's surprisingly good. He pretends not to notice when people whisper about him behind his back, but it doesn't seem to work for him.

People start to think he's crazy, too, acting like that Loony Lovegood girl, but Harry thinks he might be in love with her, so he doesn't really mind, and he knows that, despite everything he's been through, or maybe because of it, a little bit of crazy (in the non-life-threatening sense) could be exactly what he needs.