My first fanfic! I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

It was a normal day in the Gryfindor common room. That is, if you would count people doing magic spells, people turning rats into goblets, and a fiery tempered, now purple haired girl looking desperately around for the culprit.

"James Potter! Sirius Black!" Lily spat, her purple hair sticking out at all angles, as she desperately tried to tame it.

"You rang?" came a completely calm voice from behind Lily. Lily spun around and looked up into the deep brown eyes of James Potter. Lily tried to form coherent words, she tried to spit any mean comeback at James, but none came to her. She began angrily sputtering which caused James to smirk. "Having fun Evans?" He asked looking down at her emerald green eyes. "That purple hair looks nice on you. I can't say you didn't deserve it, after you turned my skin pink polka dots."

"You deserved it." Lily finally managed to choke out. She raised her wand and aimed it at him. She muttered something no one could quite hear, and many colors emitted at her wand.

"LILY EVANS! What did you do to me?" James asked, looking wildly around to see if anyone could see him. Lily had placed a curse on him, the first one that popped into her head. James' hair was long and black, some slight curls were added, and it perched elegantly upon his shoulders.

Lily smirked at him. "Turn my hair back NOW!" Lily spat, her voice dangerous.

"NO!" James yelled. "See, unlike you, you can't turn your hair back, it's an irreversible spell, but me here, I can just change mine back, since I have had many experiences with those less familiar with pranks."

"Good luck with that." Lily muttered. James gave her a confused, yet somewhat desperate look. "You see," Lily began, responding at once to his look. "I put the irreversible spell on you too." Lily finished triumphantly.

"FINE!" James cried, throwing up his hands in desperation.

"FINE" Lily repeated, mocking his gestures. "We'll turn it back on the count of three! One…Two…THREE!"

Nothing happened and they both stared at each other angrily.

"I KNEW you wouldn't do it!" They said together.

A tut-tut was heard from behind them and they both whirled around to see Sirius Black. He was looking at them with a highly amused expression. "James, mate, in case you haven't noticed the WHOLE common room is staring at you two." He said gesturing from James to Lily.

They both looked around to find it was true. All the kids that were inside on the warm Saturday evening were now staring at the pair of quarrelers with amused, frightened, and annoyed glances.

"Turn each others' hair back, now." Sirius said. "If you don't I will place a hex on the both of you that will be way worse than worries about hair."

They both obliged and turned each others' hair back at once. Lily gave a sigh of relief as she ran her hand through her now fiery red hair. James ruffled his now short, messy hair up a bit and then rocked back and forth on his heels.

"So…" he began, "How about that weather, Evans?"

Lily's mouth twitched as if she were about to smile, but instead gave him another glare and turned around and stalked off, up the stairs into the girls dorms. She ran up the steps and yanked open her door and flung herself inside, slamming the door behind her.

"That arrogant little…" Lily began, but then she stopped when she noticed her roommates staring at her. She looked at them one by one. Marlee, or Mari as most call her, was sitting on her bed, looking at Lily carefully. She was the shortest of the four, with deep brown, curly hair, and hazel eyes.

Sara had straight blonde hair and big green eyes. She was the party of the group, and loved to talk.

Katherine had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. She loved to talk also, but could also get lost easily into a book.

"James is an arrogant little what?" Mari asked slowly.

"I never said James." Lily said.

"Oh, you didn't need to," Sara cut in. "Who else would be? Besides Snape or Sirius? We just know you that well."

"And we kind of heard you to bickering like rabid squirrels down there."

Lily would have laughed at her comparison, if it hadn't been about the argument. "You heard that?" Lily asked, already knowing the answer.

"Oh yeah." Mari laughed. "Who didn't? You two always do that."

"Well I'll have you know…" Lily shouted, turning back almost at once to her angered behavior. "He always starts it. I just cant STAND him. He's so cocky and arrogant and-"

"We know, we know." Sara said. "He's rather handsome though."

Lily began making gagging noises and Sara threw her pillow at Lily. "Hey!" Lily laughed.


"That girl is SO annoying. If she'd just give me a chance then maybe…maybe things would be different." James said quietly, burying his face in his hands.

"Maybe." Sirius agreed, flopping down on his bed in the boys' dorm room. Sirius Black had long, dark hair that fell about his eyes and was considered handsome by over three fourths of the student population. Sirius and James always had girlfriends, but neither of them had girlfriends for very long.

"James, when are you going to just stop participating in these childish games and actually TALK to her instead of hex her?" Remus Lupin asked earnestly. Remus was James and Sirius' best friend. He was also rather handsome, but he was more calm than the other boys. He was a little shy of dating because of his other side, his werewolf side.

"Chess anyone?" Peter Pettigrew asked after a long silence. Sirius nodded and went to retrieve his chess set. Peter was shorter than the other boys and was very quiet and shy. He wasn't as handsome, and no one could really see how he fit in with them. But Sirius, James and Remus considered Peter to be their brother and Peter thought the same of them.

They were called the Mauraders, the most wanted by girls, and most wanted for detention by Filch. Nonetheless, they were hilarious, and even the teachers, though reluctantly, found them amusing.

"Thanks guys," James said, finally emerging from his spot behind his hands. "You guys are my family, my brothers, and my best friends."

"Aww…" Sirius cried, wiping an imaginary tear from his eyes. James rolled his own eyes and threw a pillow at Sirius. "Hey!" Sirius laughed, "watch the hair!" The boys laughed and Sirius received three more pillows thrown at him from his roommates.


"Come on! We're going to be late!" Sara yelled at her dawdling roommates. "You guys are my best friends but sheesh are you slow! HURRY UP!"

"Sara! RELAX…breath deeply." Lily laughed.

"I can't when we're going to be late." Sara countered.

"IT'S JUST DINNER!" Marlee exclaimed.

Sara flushed slightly, as if just realizing that her roommates also knew where they were heading. "Oh yeah…right. Okay then, take your time."

When the four girls finally arrived at dinner, they took their seats at the Gryfindor table by the sixth years. Only two more weeks left of school, it seemed as if someone sped p the clocks and no one knew how to stop them.

The Mauraders came in shortly after the girls and took their seats at the Gryfindor table in the great hall. They sat across from the girls and they all exchanged friendly glances. All except James and Lily who were purposely avoiding each others' eyes.

By the time the food appeared on the plates, Sara wasn't the only one hungry. They all reached for the food at once. Sirius and Sara obviously eating the most.

"I don't understand," Marlee whined, glancing and Sirius and Sara, "how can they eat so much and stay so skinny?"

"You're just as skinny Lily reminded Marlee.

"I guess," Marlee agreed, "but I don't eat that much!"

By the time everyone finished and Sirius and Sara could officially call themselves full, they wound their way out of the throng of students, into the hallway.

The Mauraders, Lily, Marlee, Sara and Katherine walked together to the Gryfindor common room. They gave the password to the fat lady and climbed in.

The fire was crackling and it was mostly empty. The eight students took their places in front of the fire and sighed. There wasn't any tension between six of them, but between James and Lily, you could practically taste it.

"So…" Sirius began, glancing at his two stubborn friends. "When do you guys plan on hexin-I mean talking to each other again."

"Never." James and Lily said as one.

James sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Listen, Evans… could we talk outside for a second?"

A prolonged silence followed this statement. After three minutes of it James stood up.

"Fine!" He said, "I'm going to bed guys I'll see you up there. See you in the morning girls." He glanced at Lily coldly and then made his way to the Boys' dorms.

Lily looked rather sheepish of her actions and said quietly, "See you boys tomorrow." She nodded at the other girls and attempted a smile.

Once Lily was inside the girls dorms the other six began talking.

"What is their problem? Can't they try to get along for two seconds?" Sirius exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air in desperation.

"I know," Sara whined, "It's so obvious that when one of them is miserable, the other is. Why can't they realize they could be good friends or more?"

"I think James has already realized that." Remus pointed out. "I mean, he's been liking her since first year. Lily needs to see that."

"It's not just Lily's fault," Marlee said, "I mean, they both do this all the time. It takes two to argue, not just one.

The others nodded and returned to gazing at the fire in silence.

"Well, I'm off to bed." Remus said, standing up and stretching, "You guys coming?" He asked, looking from Sirius to Peter. They nodded and bid farewell to the girls, walking up to the boys dorms and out of sight.

The girls followed suit and walked up to their rooms where they found Lily, obviously pretending she was asleep.

"Lil, I know you're not asleep." Sara said, "You always snore when you are, and you're not snoring now."

"I do NOT snore!" Lily said defiantly, bolting up in her bed.

"Well you don't talk or sit up either, so we know now you're not asleep." Marlee said.

They all got dressed in silence and threw themselves onto their beds. "G'Night guys." Marlee said, yawning.

They all exchanged goodnights until everyone finally drifted off to sleep.

Everyone except Lily.

A/N: SO... what did you think? Any comments or ideas please do tell me. Reviews always are welcome. Wink.