Three months later.

Robin leapt into the air and high kicked his opponent. His opponent grabbed his leg and hurled him towards the wall. Robin kicked off the wall and flipped over his opponent. He tossed several birdarangs and a freeze disks.

His opponent merely dodged the disk and caught the birdarangs in one hand. He tossed them aside and extended a bo staff. He beckoned Robin forward. Robin extended his own staff and took a cautious step forward. He was looking for an opening.

They circled one another each one looking for a sign of a weakness in their opponent. Suddenly both sprang at one another and began to fight as if their lives depended on it. Each matched each other move for move. Suddenly Robin went high and knocked his opponent to the ground. "Game over I win."

"It would seem that way. Your definitely improving Robin, but you still leave yourself open to attack on your left side. You must learn to keep your guard up on both sides if you want to avoid being caught off guard." His opponent, Slade, said getting up and brushing himself off.

"I'll remember that next time I'm in a fight. But I'm not the only one who needs to improve. Your reaction time was slower today and I noticed that you didn't put everything into your attack. You've never gone easy on me before so why start now?" Robin asked out of curiosity. He changed from his workout suit into his costume.

"I was distracted today that's all. Yours and Starfire's visits are the few joys left in my life. The rest of your friends still don't trust me that I have turned over a new leaf. Still I do what I can to help improve your skills and take down my former associates." Slade said humbly

"Well if we hadn't shared the weirdest experience of our lives neither would I. But Starfire is right. Everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves and you have shown these last few months that you are serious about changing." Robin pointed out.

"Speaking of Starfire how is she these days? The last time I contacted her she seemed shall I say a little testy." Slade asked him.

"She's just worried about Silky is all. He's going through his molting phase again eating everything in sight. Well I have to get back to the Tower. Same time next week?" Robin asked his former nemeses now turned ally.

"I'll be waiting. You should get going. Raven and Cyborg will be worried. Tell Beast Boy thank you for the video game." Slade said

"I will bye." Robin said heading out of the lair. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon as Robin headed back to his home. For the past three months since the switch he had been visiting Slade to keep him company. In exchange Slade trained him to be a better crime fighter. Not all the Titans liked the situation, but they put up with it.

When he arrived back home he found Raven reading while Cyborg and Beast Boy played a new video game. Starfire was cooking in the kitchen with Silky resting by her feet. He smiled pleased to be home with his friends.

"Robin! It's good to see you again. I take it that your training session went well today?" Starfire inquired as she raced over and hugged her boyfriend.

"Yeah everything is cool. Hi guys is everyone doing okay?" Robin asked. The others nodded and went back to what they where doing. Robin kissed Starfire and then excused himself so he could go to his room.

Taking out his journal he wrote down everything that had been happening for the last few months and how he felt. He glanced at the pictures of his friends and his newly framed truce agreement with Slade. Sighing he put his journal away and grabbed his teddy bear to take a quick nap. Life was good.