What was lost
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha…though some us wish.
Can you hear me?
I'm calling for you, oh child I'm calling
Holding onto my thoughts of pain
Remembering that soon I will gain
Your recognition, your love
Feeling darkness near my heart once more
Quickly save me before I go
Once I'm lost I can never come home
Can you hear me my child?
Save me from this utter darkness…
Help me get back onto the road home
Help me get back to you
By: Crazed14yearold
Chapter 16: I'll wager my life
Sesshomaru stood in disbelief at his "uncle". That almost made him scoff at him right then and there. How could he be? He didn't act anything like him, looks maybe but that's his only tool. 'And your mother's word on it.' came Sarihona's voice sounding in his head. He had to admit his mother had a point, for why would she lie to her son? Once again no logic in a situation. He looked over his uncle again and found that he did resemble him a little…ok they almost looked like twins, but Sesshomaru wasn't like him…was he? Visions of his life before he had encountered Rin, when he had went cold. It was enough to make anyone's heart stop when you realize that you were a cold blooded killer. Not just any killer but a high class one at that. His tirade within himself was halted when his "uncle" turned hot liquid green eyes onto him…Sesshomaru could feel the blood being pulled from his veins so his uncle could quench his thirst.
Now, most people would only see a blur but Inuyasha and Sesshomaru having their abilities saw Lucisherkon lunge himself at Sesshomaru. He began to throw punches at him, that was until he caught one right in his jaw. Landing on his rump Lucisherkon looked up. He had underestimated this one…and that made him mad. Why? How? How was he able to decipher his quick body language. It made no sense to him. This pup couldn't be no older than three centuries old making him around the age of 20 winters in the human custom. Yet hear he was on the ground looking up at his nephew in astonishment. He then heard the hanyou laugh.
"Aw, man! You just got what is called the 'Sesshomaru Uppercut'! I know how much that hurts! Finally someone else knows the pain that is inflicted on me when he punches!" he said in a sarcastic tone, yet if you knew the hanyou well enough, you would swear…that he was actually braggingabout his elder.
"And your about to see what's called "Whip smack" and your going to wish you never marred your dear uncle's face!"
Everyone including Naraku shuddered….they had heard say something very similar come out of Sesshomaru's mouth one time when Inuyasha had marred. ' I'll be damned…who would've thought that they had so much in common?' Inuyasha thought to himself but then his head began to hurt and then saw Naraku sending him a glare 'Inuyasha! Sesshomaru is NOTHING like that monster!' Naraku scolded him. 'Your right….how could I ever compare him to that filth?' Inuyasha was now ashamed of himself for even thinking such a horrendous thing about the person who seem to ironically protect him at any cost….no matter how much he says he "Hates" him. His sulking was cut short just as he saw a deadly accurate whip come out of Lucisherkon's fingertips unlike Sesshomaru's vibrant green one (at times it tends to go darker if he isn't all that mad) it was a deep and dark blue.
Sesshomaru of course ducked but it seemed that Sesshomaru wasn't necessarily Lucisherkon's target…Nirania stood behind him and got the full impact of whip.
The sickening sound of a whip being cracked filled the air…between the force of the blow and the little shards of ice that fled through one side of her stomach and came out her back…shards going through her. To top it off Lucisherkon's ice shards were poisonous. Sad thing was…she just got up from being unconscious and the first thin that she sees is a blue whip coming at her to send her into the most terrible agony. Sesshomaru stared wide-eyed at Nir as she fell to her knees; then her face.
"Nirania! Nirania! Please say something! Nirania! Oh……oh no" Kagura said as she began to sob. The little girl who had lived such an innocent life, then died, then came back, then died once more. Sesshomaru felt the sorrow seep into him like a river dose a ocean. Kagome couldn't stand it.
"You coward!" she yelled with all she could muster. Lucisherkon looked at her and have her the "Sesshomaru-death-glare" and very much like his nephew he picked Kagome up by the neck.
"Would you like to say that again….mortal?" he spat the word as if it was a curse.
"You…..bas-" she was cutoff when he took his index finger and middle finger and plunged it into her chest.
"Aaaahgh!" Kagome couldn't even scream right. Inuyasha fought to get to her as well as Sesshomaru but there seemed to be a lot of youkai all of sudden. They were pushing them and making it a point that they weren't going to get to her. There was a mighty blast and they all looked to see that Rin had successfully blown off the left arm of Lucisherkon, the same arm and hand that was holding Kagome suspended in the air.
"Leave her." Rin said in almost a whisper.
"Ah, that's right, I forgot there were two whelps……mind to join your sister?" he said in a sarcastic tone.
Lucisherkon ran at Rin at full speed. However he forgot that his little nephew was very protective of "this one" he ran right in front of Rin blocking his uncle. Lucisherkon slowed and sighed.
"Do you enjoy wasting my time? Hmm?" if anyone didn't know any better it would seem that he was serious.
"No but I do rather enjoy doing THIS!" he said as he thrusted his left arm through his uncle's gut and used his right arm to hive him yet another uppercut. Sesshomaru had let loose his most deadliest poison into his uncle's gut.
"Wind Scar!" Inuyasha yelled, his scar of the wind was particularly large right now considering his vengeance for Kagome's death.
"Hit him!" Rin said to herself as she let loose yet another arrow.
Between the combination of all of it Lucisherkon's body began to deteriorate. All that was left was his head and some floating flesh.
"Hmm, I underestimated you….that was quite the show though I must say……" he laughed evilly and then said
"I don't suppose your ready for my true power….we'll meet again Sesshomaru…soon enough….I cannot die…as long as there is life and hatred….I cannot die." and with that he busted into a ball of energy and flew to the sky which seemed to open as he traveled to another world vanishing from their eyesight.
"Is he…is he dead?" Inuyasha said quietly.
"Don't be foolish Inuyasha! His power still hovers in this area, he clearly is not dead."
"Inuyasha, Kagura." Rin said in a voice that almost sounded in the tone of Hakuodoshi's.
"What is it kid?" both asked.
"Bring Nirania and Kagome hear…….there's something I must confirm."
"Rin…" Sesshomaru said as he watched Rin try her best not to cry at the looks of Nir's body.
Rin then pulled her hands to her heart and began to say something under her breath like "Help me…you called me and hear I am." a jewel popped out of Rin's body making Rin glow slightly the jewel looked lost and lonely without its protector.
"Rin…is that a sacred jewel?" Miroku asked, trying to comfort Sango who swore she could've done better in saving Kagome.
"No it's a Moon Stone."
"Moon Stone."
"Yes, a Moon Stone. It gives me the greatest powers that I have and I just have to make something clear…my connection with Kagome. I don't know why but I feel the need to protect her." Rin bend down and held the moon above Kaome's forehead letting the stone reflect from the sun….the sun then going through the stone have Kagome a symbol on her forehead of a dragon. The same symbol burned on Rin's forehead as well. Rin looking exhausted then put the stone back into her where it was suppose to be.
"So then its true." Rin said looking at Kagome in awe.
"What Rin? What's true?
"I am…I am…Kagome's ancestor."
"I see."
"Oh my!" as were the other's few choice of words.
"Something troubles you milord….what is it?"
"Nirania….once again I couldn't….I couldn't get to her in enough time…."
"Fa- Sesshomaru-sama, it wasn't your fault! Please believe me! And Inuyasha it isn't your fault about Kagome's death either! Mother please don't cry……it hurts as much to see you cry as it would Sesshomaru-sama!" Rin exclaimed with full hear then looked up to the heavens.
"Grandma Sarihona! I beg you! Help me find my strength! I know there's something else I can do!" Rin yelled with tears coming down her eyes.
Her chest, where the Moon Stone was, began to glow. She looked down at it and then nodded. Picking up her bow and arrow she closed her eyes and the sky darkened. The moon came out from its hiding spot in the clouds. The bodies of Kagome, Nirania, and Jufang all began to glow with a heavenly aura.
"Moon Light!" she said in her own voice that was suddenly strong and confident. A pillar of healing power descended from the heavens and everyone was covered in it. When the light cleared everyone was healed AND Jufang, Kagome and Nir all began to stir. Rin looked at what she had done for the people she loved and then gave one last smile to Sesshomaru…and then she fainted.
Kagura and Sesshomaru caught her at the same time, and then looked at each other. They soon became lost in each other's eyes. Forgetting the rest around them…as far as they were concerned, they, besides Rin who was in their arms, were the only ones alive.
"DADDY!" Nir's voice broke them out of their trance. Nirania flung herself onto Sesshomaru and gave him the biggest hug he'd felt in the longest time. She then looked at Kagura who was holding Rin.
"How come you always get the one who's hurt or passed out?" her question made Kagura and Sesshomaru laugh.
"Inuyasha! Oh goodness I had a horrible dream!" Kagome sobbed into Inuyasha's chest.
"Shhh shhh, calm down Kagome I'm right hear, I'll never leave you again!" he said as he placed a kiss on her forehead.
"Master…" Jufang said as he looked at his master and mistress.
"Jufang!" Sesshomaru said and quickly got up and gave the troll a brisk hug.
"Master! This is inappropriate…I've missed you my friend."
"You were my only pet! I now know that trolls are immortal….lets keep you in the family huh?"
"A pleasure."
"Sesshomaru…when do you think he's coming back?" Kagome's voice was very soft, almost a faint whisper.
"I honestly don't know Kagome….mother?" '
Without a doubt he'll be back…but for now I must erase your memories of the future…its only necessary ok? You won't remember anything of or what the future is like. You won't even remember me doing this to you……hold still loves' she said in a kind and caring voice. Inuyasha and Naraku were the first ones to feel it seep into their minds. Then everyone else quickly followed.
They stood there in the after effects of what she had just done both looking dumbfounded.
"Uh…what just happened?" Inuyasha was of course the first one to voice his mind.
"I…could've sword I just saw a boy…" Kagura said to herself.
"What's that?" Naraku asked her.
"Oh nothing…" Kagura lied.
"Well we better get headed back. Kagome…do you want to go to your time?"
"Oh Inuyasha! Please! I've missed my mother so much not to mention my school work, little brother, cat Buyo, and yes even my crazy old gramps." Rin looked down when she heard the name 'mother'…..what was she…..her great x 12 grandmother? Rin just shook it off.
"Sesshomaru-sama….since Lady Kagura is our mother and…." Rin trailed off
"Your our father…." Nirania filled in
"Can she come home with us!" both asked in hopeful unison. Kagura laughed a laugh that sang music into his ears unlike any he had heard before. He secretly promised himself that he would forever hear that joyful noise that she emanated.
"I don't think that your father would want me too…" Kagura was cut off by Sesshomaru.
"Oh no, it would be a pleasure……………has anybody seen Jaken?"
"Uh….." came everyone's reply. 'Oh you mean that little toad thingy?'
'Yes mother.'
'Opps…hehehe I kind of knocked him out, he was making an awful screeching sound and my ears couldn't take it. Oh my dear son, don't forget that now because you have my powers doesn't mean that you'll always bear the mark of "The Four Moons" on your forehead, only when you become truly powerful will it always appear. You'll get the hang of it eventually.'
Inuyasha and his group began to head out and Sesshomaru's group as well. Seeing that he had two new extra people to his little group made him feel proud….knowing they were all his. Inuyasha stopped to look back at Sesshomaru, Sesshomaru the same. Naraku stopped walking his way and looked at the two of them and then they set there gaze to him. With a smile and a nod almost if to say "See you when we get back what was just lost from us….until then bye!"
Naraku went and began to makeup for all of the things he'd done wrong while he was still evil.
Inuyasha went on his way with Kagome to her time and they came back just to develop a healthy lifestyle with Miroku and Sango.
Sesshomaru went on his way to build his empire, with his new Empress by him and the two Princesses. Making Nirania's chamber the "Chamber of the Sun" and Rin's "Chamber of the Moon" each began to study in the arts their father had been brought up in…each studying to get stronger for their "Great-Uncle" for who knows when he would appear and begin the battle of the century.
Unseen by them Lucisherkon watched them all from afar.
"I'll get you back……I'll get you in the future." and with that he vanished but his eyes were forever watchful.
The End
A/N: Oh wow it feels weird making my very first series AND my very first story come to an end. There will be a sequel. Hope you all enjoyed it! I certainly did writing it! Well thank you for all of you who have been so faithful throughout the whole thing! No doubt there was dry spots but I tried my best. Thank you all once again! You don't know how much it means to me though. Once more thank you all! Luv you! It was GREAT! Hope you al enjoyed it! R&R