Title: Forbidden Letters

Genre: Romance

Rating: PG / T

Summary: Since Seth is bound to his duty and cannot express what he really feels to Eirika, he writes letters. However he never sends them…Yet intervention comes in the form of Forde. EirikaxSeth

Guardian Arrow: Hey Guys! I've skipped on over from Gundam Wing to do a fic for my favorite video game of all time…FIRE EMBLEM! Now this is my first shot at romance so don't be harsh…

Note: This is the first chapter of an approximate two chapter story!

Chapter 1

If Only

Dearest Eirika,

Do you know how hard this is? Writing to a person you know you could never compare to? Well that's you my dear…you are my obstacle… But I welcome this obstacle because I do not want to overcome this obstacle if that were you. My heart bursts when I write these letters… The strain from keeping my words to myself and acting uninflected… is growing steadily unbearable and my heart groans from the stress. This is why I have created these systematic letters. I guess you could call it a diary or a journal but I tend not to think of it that way…I think of it as a collection of forbidden letters.

Seth paused to think, his pen dripping cobalt ink onto the desk pad. The paper absorbed the ink and it spread blotting out all other notes that had accumulated from his musings. He used a lightly tanned hand to push back crimson locks that ran astray into his eyes. Seth looked up and out the window to gaze out into the courtyard.

He had his timing down pat. Princess Eirika had a habit of going into the courtyard on evenings as summery as this to pick flowers and contemplate matters. When Seth discovered her little hideaway, he would always seat himself at his desk at that time and watch her from inside the safety of his chambers.

He knew it was against protocol and everything that his duty as a knight stood for but…as he explained it in his writing "the strain from keeping my words to myself and acting uninflected…is growing steadily unbearable and my heart groans from the stress." It was his own little hideaway just like Princess Eirika had the palace's courtyard. It was only fair…

When she would come to the courtyard, he would watch her and record his emotions on the parchment and vaguely note her actions. Seth wasn't afraid of anyone finding out his hobby. No one dared step foot into his room and plus he kept the papers under a rock in the floor that had worked loose. No one would know except him and this parchment. Finding inspiration once more, he continued his writing.

"That's right my dear…forbidden letters. Letters I wouldn't dare to send because for once I am scared. Yes, your Silver General is scared of the reaction of his lady…the most precious thing to him except his honor. But you compared to my honor…I would gladly forfeit my honor to have you…But alas that can never be… I, a knight, and you, an esteemed princess of a kingdom. How can fate be so cruel? Undoubtly cruel… I may explain to you over and over that I can never fraternize so frankly with you because of my duty as a knight…I know it is bullcrap and you know it's bullcrap but it's the only thing that I can use to hide behind. The excuse even sounds pathetic to my own ears and I can't imagine how hard it is for you my dear to hear it over and over again. If only you knew how I feel…if only..if only…"

With sincere love,


Seth stopped his writing as Princess Eirika left the courtyard to go to bed. He watched her go, her aqua hair flowing in the light breeze and walking gracefully to the exit. He sighed heavily as he searched for a thick envelop. Folding up the letter delicately, Seth placed it inside and swiftly stamped it shut with his own wax seal.

After he sealed it, he got up and walked over to the loose rock. With a slight grunt, Seth lifted it free from its resting spot. Underneath the rock lay a little cavern that housed at least 10 envelops. Seth reached in and scooped out the parchment to count how many he had. Ten envelops all that had at least three days worth of writing in. Those envelops held so much…they held his feelings and his unproclaimed love.

His musings were interrupted by a firm knock against his door. Seth fumbled with the letters before dropping them into the hole and sealing it back up again with the stone. He straightened his tunic before walking briskly to answer the door.

"Yes?" Seth called, peering out into the dimly lit hallway.

"Seth? It's me…Eirika."

Seth opened up the doorway immediately, letting light pour out into the corridor.

"I'm sorry my lady. I didn't know you would call so late into the evening." Seth apologized.

Eirika politely shook her head. "No it's fine Seth. But it can't be too late fore you're still up and by the looks of it…" She took a second to glance at his right hand. "You were up writing. I told Ephraim not to load you with unimportant paperwork."

Seth gaped silently at her perceptiveness but quickly masked it with an amused façade. "Ha! You are observant milady. But I don't mind paperwork …as long as it isn't too lengthy."

"You don't mind anything Seth! You know you can speak up for yourself. I would enjoy that…seeing you proudly tell my brother where to take a hike!" Eirika laughed.


"But I know you would never do such a thing for it is against—"


"Protocol…again…" Eirika mumbled under her breath.

"What was that milady?" Seth inquired, guessing that it was not information that he should know.

Once again Eirika shook her head. "Oh nothing that you should be concerned about…And please Seth call me Eirika when we talk like this in private. It doesn't offend me…in fact it pleases me even greater!"

"All I want is your utmost happiness Prin—I mean Eirika."

"I know you do Seth but I want you to know…I want you to have happiness also… Good night…" Eirika said happily with a slight smile upon her face.

"Good night, Eirika." Seth said solemnly, nodding his head with a light smile.

He closed the oak door and leaned against it with his back.

"You are my happiness Eirika…if only I could tell you …if only my letters could reach you."

Guardian Arrow: A tad corny wasn't it…oh well…I hope you liked it at least! This is my contribution to SethxEirika fics because not many are out there! Please don't flame! Review please!