Title:Two for One
Prologue: Mokuba's Confusion
Warning: This story's an AU of Noah's arc, it contains OC's, OOC characters and Yaoi…so if you don't like don't read!
Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh and I never will T.T
Lastly, I know that this is not how the Noah Arc starts so don't tell me!
Mokuba was watching the lights slowly passing hundreds of feet below. 'Why am I here?' He sighed and stood up out of the chair he had placed beside the window. He already knew the answer to his unspoken question, he always knew but he could never say it outloud.
He sighed yet again and walked to the door, just to have it open right before he reached it. In the doorway stood his older brother, Seto, He looked down at his little brother and smirked. Mokuba felt like giggling when he saw the smirk, but he held it in. "Hello Ni-sama." He said with a huge grin on his face.
"Hello Mokuba, I need you to come to the bridge. We'll be landing soon."
"Okay Seto, I'll be right there." He started walking towards the bathroom to wash up, but was suddenly pushed towards the ground when the blimp jerked forwards. He felt his face hit the ground and his head hit the door in front of him.
"Are you alright?" His brother asked helping him up.
"Yeah I guess, but what was that?"
"I don't know, but someone's getting fired." Seto's voice was a growl and Mokuba knew he was serious. "Come on Mokuba, we have to get up there, now." Seto then set off at a sprint towards the bridge with Mokuba right at his heels.
They reached the bridge and saw it in a state of chaos, crew members were running all over the place." WHAT IS GOING ON HERE," Seto roared making everyone on the bridge stop moving.
"Um ...sir, it seems like s-someone has hacked into the Kaiba Corps computer system and they are making our blimp fall towards the ocean." said the very unfortunate crew member who happened to be closest to Kaiba.
Mokuba gasped. "How can anyone hack into our system, it's supposed to be state of the art and impenetrable?"
"We know Mokuba sir; we don't know how it happened."
"What's wrong?" Mokuba looked around and saw Yugi, Jounouchi and the others. " What's wrong, Kaiba-kun?" said Yugi again.
Seto looked around and when he saw Yugi and his gang his frown deepened considerably. "Someone has hacked into my system." He said grudgingly.
"Wha' I thought your system was perfect, Kaiba," Jounouchi said smugly.
"Shut up, mutt!"
"As much as I love to hear you two bicker, I think the hacking problem is a bit more important right now." said Mokuba.
"You're right Mokuba. I believe that I am a bigger problem than that pathetic mutt." This statement came from an unrecognizable voice.
Mokuba looked around for the source of the voice and suddenly the computer screen in the front of the room turned on showing the face of a young boy.
"Hello," said the mysterious stranger, "I am Noah and I hope that you will all be my guests for a little game," He glared in Seto's direction, "especially you, Seto."
"Who are you?" Seto asked suspiciously.
The young boy looked confused and said, "I already told you my name is Noah."
Before Seto could respond Mokuba shot in, "What kind of game do you want us to play with you?"
"A game where all you're lives are in danger."
This answer defiantly had the effect meant because Mokuba's face went from excited to nervous. "Now I need to ask all of the duelists and their friends to step into the next room. Make sure you actually go to the door or the lasers will fry you." As if to prove his point a laser pointed menacingly at Yugi's group and another pointed at Kaiba. The only one without a laser pointed at him was Mokuba and for some reason this peeved him.
'He must think because I'm a little kid I can't do anything, so I'm no threat,' Mokuba thought angrily. His thoughts were interrupted as the staff slowly filed out of the room. 'They must have been instructed to by Noah.'
Mokuba lifted his head to stare at the screen as Noah began to speak again. "Now I need you all to go out onto the island that you have recently landed on and my robots will instruct you from there." Yugi, who was closest to the door, went through first followed by Jounouchi then Honda and eventually everyone except Mokuba and Seto were gone. When it came time for Seto to leave, he moved as if he was going to try and reach the kyes of one of the many computers in the room but a laser stopped him, frying the edge of his coat. He hissed in surprised and proceeded to go through the door. Mokuba was the last person in the room other than Noah on the computer screen.
"Why are you doing this Noah?"
"Because I need to get back what should be mine," Noah growled.
"We don't have anything of yours!"
Mokuba's words seemed to cause all of the lasers in the room to point at his head. "MOVE, NOW!" Mokuba heard Noah's urgent voice just before he saw one of the lasers, as if to punish him for speaking out against Noah, shoot a blast straight towards him. He saw it coming towards him, but he could do nothing but move a little to the side.
When Mokuba moved it caused the blast to miss its primary target, his head, landing instead on his left arm at the shoulder. The impact of the blast sent shock waves up his arm causing him to bite his tongue in surprise. He felt his left arm go limp as it slowly numbed. There were tears blurring his vision as he fell to his knees holding his injured arm. He winced as the stabbing pain continued. When he pulled his fingers away from the wound he saw that his whole hand was covered in blood, he stared at the blood for a full thirty seconds…before fainting to the ground.