Note: I don't own Xiaolin Showdown.

Thank you StephanieFan, PHANTOM RANGER , dArkliTe-sPirit, justKoolkat and Darkwriter941 for your reviews

to justKoolkat: I'm glad that you liked my story and I'm a man.

Please forgive me when I make some grammar mistakes and for taking so long to update. I don't have much time to write.

Phase 2: finished

None of them knew what happened with the dragon of wind. Wuya kept trying to help him with her magic, but it was useless. All she could do was watch her loved one lay on the floor. According to master Fung there was nothing about those black spots on Rai's left arm in the ancient scrolls.

The elder monks and Omi were already getting in position to attack. They thought that it would be easy to defeat Wuya because of her sadness. Master Fung noticed that and said: "Don't do that. She isn't a threat anymore.". The other monks were astonished with these words. Master Fung was defending the heylin witch.

"Master Fung. She is our enemy. We should defeat her while she is vulnerable. She IS evil." Omi said angrily. The young monk couldn't believe that his master a person that was like a father to him defend Wuya. "Omi, she isn't evil anymore. I can feel it. Wuya would you like to stay here?" Master Fung asked. That made all monks but Raimundo, Dojo and Wuya yell: "WHAT?". Master Fung got surprised with everyone's sudden outburst.

"Master Fung sir, do you think this is a good idea? She is our enemy and I don't believe that she became a good person so quickly." Clay said confused. "Clay is right we can't just let the old hag sleep here after all the she done" Kimiko said trying to convince the older monk. "Don't you want to think for a little more time before allow her stay here?" said Dojo jumping out of the older monk'sholders.

Wuya didn't fell welcome there. The only person that believed her was Master Fung. She wanted to get out of there. 'I want to leave this place, but I don't know what to do. I could re-create my castle, however I don't know how to help my loved one. And I can't just enter in a hospital. What I would say: "Hi I am a 1500 old witch and my love here is very sick can you help me?". They would call the police! I think I don't have choice. I'll have to stay. I hope my love wake up soon. "I'll stay Fung…Thank you for believe me." Wuya said. Master Fung smiled and said: You can stay in Raimundo's room. I'll take you there."

The other monks and Dojo just looked at Master Fung, Wuya and Raimundo enter in the temple. They wondered when she was going to attack.

Wuya barely talked to the other monks. Even during the meals. Wuya feared for her and Raimundo's safety. She feared that the monks would just attack them. She also knew that she could easily stop them. But she didn't want to hurt anyone…not anymore.

At 2:00 a.m.

None could sleep. For the monks was hard to sleep knowing that a witch and a "traitor" were next to them and for Wuya, well she didn't wanted to sleep. She was afraid that something would happen to Raimundo while she were asleep and she was also afraid that someone would attack them.

Kimiko, Clay and Omi decided to get up and try to think away from Wuya. She noticed that all the other monks got up and were walking away from their rooms. The witch said: "Don't tell me that you all are going to bathroom.". Omi looked at her with angry look on the face and said: "This isn't of your business." Then the three monks jst walked away from her.

Wuya knew about their hatred over her. She sighed and stared at her love sleeping next to her. He was still asleep. She started to stroke his forehead and for the first time in her life she started to pray to God.

The three young monks were walking through the temple when they found master Fung looking at the full moon. "Master Fung, why did you allow Wuya and Raimundo stay here? They are evil!" Omi said trying to convince the older monk. Fung looked at the bald monk and said with a small smile on the face: "You may be too young to understand this, but Raimundo's love changed Wuya. He her one thing that none ever gave her: affection." "Are you saying that just because Raimundo started to like her, she changed! I still can't believe it." Omi said crossing his arms. Master Fung knew that Omi wouldn't change his mind soon. Clay and Kimiko were starting to understand what Master Fung said, but they still had their doubts.

Dojo was still trying to sleep. Suddenly he felt like there was something breathing on him. When he opened his eyes he saw a dog. This dog had yellow scales on the back and black scales on the other parts of its body, it had a tail like scorpion's and each paw had tree sharp claws. The only thing that Dojo could do was scream: "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!"

Fung, Kimiko, Clay and Omi heard the scream and ran to know what happened. They found Dojo in his huge form trying to fight against that devilish dog . The dragon didn't wanted to breath fire on it, because it could destroy the temple. "TSUNAMMI STRIKE WATER!" Yelled the dragon of water as he attack the dog. When Omi hit the dog, it became black smoke and disappeared. "That was weird" Kimiko said.

"Dojo, where is the little girl that was screaming?" Omi asked innocently. Dojo got a little angry with that question and said: "I don't scream like a little girl." They suddenly felt a small breeze. "The vault!" Said Master Fung before ran towards the Senh gong wu vault. When they reached the building there was at least fifty dogs and one of them was holding the Dragon crown with its mouth. The monks and Dojo tried to fight against the dogs. They were doing a good fight, but suddenly all dogs became smoke. When they tried to see the dog which was holding the Dragon crown, it was nowhere to be seen. "Wuya is behind this. I knew we couldn't trust her." Omi said angrily. "Omi, We have no prove that Wuya was involved. Let's talk to her. She may know something about these creatures." Master Fung said before he and the others started to walk to Raimundo's room.

Wuya felt that was something happening in the temple, but she couldn't leave her love alone and defenseless. She Noticed that Raimundo was opening his eyes. She was about to hug him when she looked at his eyes. It weren't forest green like they used to be, they were could green and his pupils were like cat's. She didn't knew what was going on.

Inside Jack's house:

Jack Spicer Was asleep. He was sucking his thumb while he slept. The man with short hair and the other with longer hair were watching the scene. "Pathetic, don't you think?" said the man with longer hair. "Let's just wake up. Seeing a person at his age suck his own thumb makes me sick." Said the man with short hair before he grabbed the evil "genius" and threw him against the wall in the other side of the room.

Jack woke up frightened. When He saw the two men walking toward him he screamed: "MOMMY! I mean… JACK-BOTS ATTACK!", but nothing happened. "What the…" Jack said even more frightened, there wasn't anyone to protect him. The evil genius tried to run but the man with sort hair grabbed him and said: "You aren't going anywhere. We destroyed all your toys. Calm down we need to talk." Than the man threw Jack on his bed.

"What…t do you wa-nt from m-e me?" Jack said with his voice shaking. "Can you please stop being a coward for once in your life and listen. We want your help." Said the man with longer hair. "What if… I refuse?" Jack asked almost knowing the answer. The man with long hair smirked evilly and said: "If you don't help us, you will die before you can scream." Jack froze. He didn't have a choice. "Okay, I accept. What do you want from me?" The two man explained what Jack should do.

On a mountain next to the xiaolin temple the evil dog that was holding the Dragon crown with its mouth got near of the man with medium sized hair and gave him the shen gon wu, after that the dark dog became smoke.

The man with medium sized hair looked at the dragon crown and smirked. He looked at the full moon and thought: 'The phase two of the Reunion is finished'.

End of chapter 9 and end of Secrets

This is the end of Secrets, but I will work on the sequel as soon as possible and I'm going to say what crossover this is story is in the sequel . I hope you all enjoyed. I accept all kinds of criticize (even flames) .