Note: I don't own Xiaolin Showdown.

Thank you all for reviewing my first xiaolin showdown fic: Heylin love.


It was Saturday evening. The four xiaolin apprentices were really tired due the chores and the intense training.

Kimiko was playing Goo Zombies 3 with Omi, Clay was reading some letters from his parents and Raimundo was studying the sheng gong wu scrolls. The other three dragons almost didn't believed the Rai was really going study. Since he came back from the Heylin side the dragon of wind was very serious at his duty as a xiaolin apprentice.

Raimundo wasn't so focused that night, because he was almost sleeping on the scrolls. 'I am SO tired. I can't believe that master Fung made us do all that chores. At least when I was with Wuya she didn't made me do any chores. She is very beautiful in her human form. WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING? Wuya is a evil wich. Why do I miss her so much? Why did I joined her in first place? I just remember of a woman's voice telling me to help her, and it wasn't Wuya's . I know that she gave everything that I always wanted. But she tried to kill my friends. I sometimes wonder if they really are my friends, so why they just tried to bring me back to the good side only when their lives were at risk. Why am I thinking about this. They ARE my friends. I'm just tired. It's bed time'. Raimundo thought.

When he was getting up from the chair, Rai accidentally hit a part of desk. After that Rai heard the sound of two things falling on the floor. When he looked to the floor he saw two old books on the floor and a secret compartment in the desk.

The young monk picked up the two books and cleaned the dust and read the titles: Dashi's Diary and Wuya's Diary. Rai was so astonished that he fell on the chair.

The dragon of wind couldn't suppress his curiosity and opened first first Wuya's diary. Many pages were blank, others he couldn't read because of the age of the paper. Rai could only read the beginning of the book.

It has just passed 2 months and I'm already hated by everyone in this new city in China. Me and my father moved to this city because it was really difficult to support me since my mom died when I was three years old. That kid named Dashi is the worse of all the kids that I ever met. When I asked if I could play with the other girls, they... started laughing at me and they said a lot of horrible things about the way I look like. Then Dashi came to me and said pointing to the marks on my face: "We don't like strangers around her. Specially if they are freaks of nature'. After saying that he pushed me into a mud sport and I got my whole body covered with mud. Then, all those children started laughing really loud. I went running into my house and started to cry.

I only go out just to go to buy food and to go to school. However the kids still taunt me just because of the strips that I have on my face. My father doesn't love me neither. He even beats me up sometimes. He says that the only thing that kept him for abandoning me is the promise that he made to my mother.

One day I will have my revenge. They all are GOING TO PAY for everything that they had done to me…

The diary ended there, because the rest of the pages were illegible for Rai.

'So Wuya is only evil because of the constant taunting of the children of her city. The worse is that Dashi did this to her. I just can't believe this I have to see Dashi's point of view before judge'. Rai thoughtas he opened Dashi's Diary.

Dear Diary ( that sounds so girly XD),

Man, I really had a lot of fun today. The new girl named Wuya is a poor excuse for human being. It is really fun taunt her, and even more when she goes crying to her home.

My father says that her whole family is evil, and that's why her father doesn't get good jobs.

My family says that I will become a great xiaolin warrior one day. I will go tomorrow for my training. I'm so excited that I will have some problems to sleep. Hehehe.

'What a jerk. Dam not again! I can't believe that I can't read the most of this thing. Why the time has to decompose the paper?' Rai thought as he found another legible part of the diary.

I finally defeated her. I can't believe that a stupid bitch like Wuya could have such power. Hehehe. It was really fun fight her while she said things about vengeance. She almost defeated me, but I had a secret plan. I said I was sorry AND SHE BELIVIED. She is the most stupid person of the world. When she was off guard I sealed her inside of a puzzle box. The best was that I ended being a hero and a living legend.

The diary ended there.

'It can't be. Dashi is a bastard and Wuya is just a victim. Everey thing that we knew was a lie.'Rai thought. After thathe hid the two diaries inside the secret compartment and went to his "room".

He went bed without talking with his friends. He was already under the covers when Kimiko asked him: "Are you okay Raimundo?".

"Yes. I'm just tired. Goodnight." He said. "Good night". She answered.

'Should I tell them what I discovered? Or I should be quiet? Well there is only one person that can say if what I read is truth' Raimundo thought before falling asleep.

Well this is my second XS story. Please review and say what you thought. I accept all kinds of criticize.