The thirteenth book

I sat on the mildly uncomfortable couch. It was my couch, well it was Yuki's couch, but like I said it was my couch... and I was sitting on it. This had bin going on for three years now, we stayed at a 'lovers' house, my fathers lover's apartment, well he really wasn't my father, he was my step father, I had met him when he came to America and with many crazy problems, people, and a girl with a flying panda, we made it back, and as a reward I became Sora Shindo.

But anyway I sat on my couch, and read a book, well a half finished manuscript, "Yuki... This crap sucks" I had a habit of doing that speaking my mind, "you just can't kill Jill she's the main character, she can't die" I said punctuating the last three words.

"Well she did deal with it, she died and so will this series" Yuki said between the click of the key board.

"why. Why do you always stop at twelve, why don't go into the teens, just make thirteen books" I said standing up waving the manuscript around. He stopped typing, smiled his weird smile resting his chin on his hand, "If I wrote thirteen copies, it would seem long right" I shook my head " right, and if it seemed long people would stop reading it right" I shook my head again, "But Jill had a daughter right" I shook my head again, "and her daughter can continue on all the trouble, or one of Jill's friends can right" I shook my head, "So now were at an under standing" I just kept looking at him, like a cow looks at an on coming train, then pointed at him, "Your weird" I said dragging out the word weird, "And your blond"

"Your one to talk Yuki, and its brown"

"what ever, at least I don't cut my hair so short that I'm confused as a boy" then he touched my chest, "And grow some boobs your what thirteen now?" I just looked at him, "I'm a guy stupid" I yelled,

"Well then grow some balls"

"How can I with having two mother figures"

"I'm not a mother figure Sora, Shuichi is, he's always on the bottom, I'm the only father figure you have" He said now yelling.

"Your a gay father figure, same as dad, and all I see is you now, Dad works so late, and I'm home schooled by you so wow that helps a lot" I screamed back

"Sora" He said calmly now.

"I'm gonna go back to reading now" I sat back down on the couch. I knew it wasn't any ones fault I acted this way, it was just who I was. But it was seven thirty now, still too late for dad to be away, I was starving first of all, Yuki never feeds me and, where was Shuichi. I could see Yuki was frustrated, and I was worried.

Just then the phone rang "Hello."

"Yuki?" It was Shuichi. He sounded nervous.

"Shuichi?" Yuki said with an annoyed tone. "Why aren't you home yet? You were supposed to be here an hour ago."

"I know, but K made me go shopping for a new wardrobe for the band and wouldn't let me near a phone. I am so sorry, please don't be mad."

Yuki and I knew what kind of person K was. He was the kind that wouldn't take no for an answer. I could feel his temper rising but only was able to say, "Just come home soon."

I seemed to notice that he was being unusually nice to Shuichi for being late for Shuichi said, "I will right there," and hung up the phone.

"You know what he's expecting when he comes home. you gonna give it to him" I asked now happy dad was coming home.

"No I'm to tired, Today was long" Yuki yawned

"Ya really long, can we go to the amusement park tomorrow, its Saturday" I asked hope in my voice.

Yuki sighed, "You know we only go there when Shuichi has done something, and its a reward, him and me on a date" Yuki said his eyes moving with the screen.

"Ya you and dad on a date how about we go as a family, bonding time, all of us were so busy we haven't bin seeing each other lately" I asked hoping he would say yes.

"Okay get me the number and I'll call ahead, we'll go to the park tomorrow" I jumped in joy happy moment, I ran into there bedroom getting the park number, and when I returned Yuki had ordered three tickets to the amusement park. I was incredibly happy.

"Don't you have work tomorrow" Yuki asked and my bubble popped, "Didn't Touma want you to come in tomorrow" Aw shit I forgot I had to sing with Nittle Grasper, of all the damn things, "I'll trade in the tickets for ones when your not working"

"Why do I always have to work on Saturday, why not during the week" I asked kicking my couch

"well did you finish your lyrics"

"ya Uncle Touma already made the arrangements, he probably wants to add them together" I said as the clock struck nine.

"You need to get to sleep you half to be there at eight" Yuki said

"Fine" I walked away toward my room. My room was unusual in many ways, well for one it was on an angle and when you entered you had to do down one step turn left and go down five then turn right and step off the landing. But the stairs did that to make a book/CD shelf. But the shelf opened like a door and inside was my study. I also had a connected bathroom just for me. The walls of my room were dark purple and the ceiling was dark blue like the trim. I had that weird techno lighting and different shaped metal on the walls some were mirrors some held things behind them, and one hid my bed that folded out from the wall. The room was darkly lit and the floor was made of dark tiger maple. I also had a futon, and a small bar table that came out of the wall with bar stools, the wall facing the city has a sky light, the ceiling and the floor were connected by a slanted wall that held a skylight and right below that was a window with a window seat, I also had a T.V, CD player, and DvD player built into the wall. The room its self was a small apartment ten feet wide twenty at least long and it was on an angle that made things weirder if I do say so.

But it was my room the way I liked it, I folded out my bed, and went to sleep with out changing. The only light that was in the room now came from the moon and bounced off all the shiny objects in the room. I heard the door creek and foot steps down my stairs, "Good night Sora" My father said placing a kiss on my for head, "I love you" I moaned 'I love you' back and fell in to a deep slumber.