a/n Ok, here is my last chapter; unless you guys tell me that you want a sequel! Enjoy! I'll tell you at the bottom, whether or not I'm writing a sequel!

"Well, I have an idea…" Hermione trailed off smiling slightly.

"Yes," Draco said impatiently.

"All we have to do is focus everyone's attention on someone else. Then by the time they get over it, or something new comes around, they'll be use to seeing us together."

"What exactly to you have in mind?" Draco asked noticing the evil smile that was curling her lips.

"Oh, you'll see," she said and kissed him on the cheek before skipping off to find Harry.

"That would be great!" Harry exclaimed as soon as he heard Hermione's idea. "So do you want me to start people talking?"

"Yeah, I thought maybe you could let it slip to Pavarti and Lavender, they are always asking you what happened. As soon as they know, you can bet the whole school will know," Harry nodded smiling evilly.

"Speaking of the devils," Harry muttered looking over Hermione's shoulder. Hermione turned around just in time to see Lavender and Pavarti walk into the Great Hall and make a bee line for Harry.

"See you Harry," Hermione said smiling before she skipped off to go find Draco.

"So what was your idea?" Draco asked pulling her close to him.

"If it works you should know by tomorrow," Hermione said smiling and she rested her head on his shoulder.

The plan worked perfectly, Draco was waking up to go to breakfast the next morning when Todd burst into his room smiling crazily.

"You'll never guess what I just heard," he said his smile broadening.

"What?" Draco asked, immediately thinking of Hermione's plan.

"Well, you know when you and Hermione got taken by Michael? Well it turns out it was Weasley who let him in! The whole school is taking about it!" Draco faked astonishment and secretly smiled to himself. Hermione was a genius!

Hermione smiled at everyone and said hello to them as she walked by in the hall way. Her plan had worked! Everyone was so into talking about how Ron had let the rising Dark Lord into Hogwarts that they had completely forgotten about Hermione and Draco. Harry hurried up to her and smiled at her warmly.

"It worked! Oh, and Ron is furious, he says he is going to track down who told and make them pay," at this he grinned. "But I wouldn't worry about it, Ron can't find his quill if it is on his desk in front of him. I highly doubt he'll find out it was me who told Pavarti and Lavender," Harry finished still smiling.

When they got down to breakfast, Ron was at the end of the Gryffindor table glowering at everyone. Some people were giving him dirty looks, the Gryffindors were giving him disgusted looks and some of the Slytherins were pointing at him and laughing.

"Hey Ron, sorry about the leak, who could've told?" Harry said in fake sympathy, sitting down next to Ron.

"I don't know, but I plan on finding out," his huffed angrily stuffing food into his mouth.

"Chew with your mouth closed Ronald," Hermione said happily sitting down next to the boys. Ron shot her a look and shut his mouth.

"Well, seeing as Dumbledore gave us the day off, I'm going to go study," Hermione said and she skipped off to the library.

Dumbledore had decided that since everything was back into working order after the Death Eater attacks and everything that they should be rewarded. Thus a day off.

Hermione buried herself into a large book as she sat in an armchair in the corner. She was so absorbed in the book that she didn't see a shadowy figure make its way towards her. Suddenly someone grabbed her from behind and put a hand over her mouth. They pulled her up and into the shadows, Hermione went rigid and froze in panic.

"Got you," a voice whispered into her ear. Hermione turned around to see…

"Draco!" She screamed at him as he laughed at the frightened and now angry look on her face. "You scared the crap out of me!" said yelled at him, smacking him lightly.

"Sorry, but it was worth the look on your face," he said smiling and grabbing her around the waist.

"Humph," Hermione said crossing her arms and pulling away from him in pretend anger.

"Come one Hermione, it was a joke," he said pouting and giving her a puppy dog face.

Hermione bit back a smile and turned her back to him, trying her hardest not to laugh.

"Hermione," Draco wined looking at her begging her to say she forgave him. The look on his face was priceless. Hermione burst out laughing and Draco looked at her angrily.

"You were joking?" He said and Hermione nodded laughing.

"You should have seen the look on your face," she said through bits of laughter.

"Fine, know we're even," he said pulling her back to him.

Softly they kissed on the lips and Hermione's hands went around his neck to play with his hair. Draco circled his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him. He deepened the kiss and heard her moan softly. His hands went up and down her sides and he swung her around so that her back was to the wall.

Then he detached his lips from hers and placed them on her neck. He hand snaked up her robes and he began to play with the bottom of her shirt.

"Not here Draco," Hermione moaned and Draco smiled.

"Where would you suggest?" He said smirking.

"You know where the room of requirements is?" She didn't need to say any more. Draco grabbed her hand and led her to the room of requirements. After walking by a few times he opened it up to find a large bed.

Slowly he kissed Hermione and they both fell onto the bed. Their kiss deepened and soon both of them were moaning. After all their clothes were discarded, Hermione just realized that she was naked in front of Draco. She blushed slightly.

"You're beautiful," he whispered. Then looked into her eyes for approval to move on, she nodded and he sunk into her.

After the initial pain, pleasure swept through Hermione as she made love to the man she loved.

Moonlight cascaded through the window when Hermione woke up. She smiled when she felt Draco's arms around her. She buried her face into his shoulder still smiling. Who would have thought? That she would have been…In love with him?

a/n Ok, I've hear what you guys said….so I'm writing a sequel! How did you like the ending? Tell me what you thought, and I'll get to writing the sequel! I hoped you guys liked this fiction. How does this title sound: In Love With Her?