Harry Potter and the Black Phoenix

Puck Silverbreeeze

This is a work of Fanfiction, I do not own any recognizable characters

Harry Potter and the Black Phoenix
Book 1
Chapter 3 – Four Elf Maidens
Puck Silverbreeze

Disclaimer : This is a work of Fanfiction. No disrespect is made to the owners of the original works. Please do not sue me. I am not making any money from your property and am giving you free exposure.

My little brother, the first among my Chosen upon Avalon, began his group of followers with four elf maidens. Belladonna of the Drow, Nimue of the Moon, Narcissa of the Sky, and Rowena of the Stars. One to be his hands, One to manage his Avalon, one to manage his Wizard Affairs, and from the Stars a beloved tutor to train his magic, his skills of court and lordship. I wonder if he is following in the footsteps of my Divine Mother, for it is said that Elminster Aumar was the first of her Chosen.

Midnight Mystra

Lady of Mysteries, Goddess of Magic

From, The Book of Life

Volume: Rinovdro'chevm'elzarsenger

(Harry Potter of Avalon)

Yuletide, Narcissa Malfoy's Chambers, Malfoy Manor

Narcissa sat on the edge of her bed, tonight was the one night when the Black Family Magic that bound her will was both strongest and weakest. She was well aware of it on this holy night of yuletide, she was also the most in control of herself during this one night. She sat on the bed and allowed herself to remember a happier time. Before they were old enough to draw the attentions of the former Lord Black. A time when Sirus was the living and true heir, when she and her sisters were too young to be married off, before the Dark Lord was interested in her family, And Narcissa allowed herself to cry for her lost happiness.

Harry had used too much power in his summons, and every daughter of House Black married to darkness was targeted, due to the stress on the family name rather then Bellatrix's given name. So while Harry focused on Bella, his inexperience and supernatural power level reached out to the other lost in darkness sister as well.

Narcissa sat up as power gathered before her and a silver fire ball appeared, from the center of the fire ball a male voice heavy with power and authority spoke.

"… Black, dark daughter of House Black. The Living Heir to your True Lord calls your spirit forth. Breaking the bonds of Magic that force your mind to serve another. I summon your spirit before me… So Mote it be."

Bellatrix was able to sense much about Harry when he called her, mostly due to the fact she was his focus and the magic itself proved his claims. As for Narcissa, she did not receive information from the magic itself, her summons where a side effect of Harry's inexperience and lack of practiced control. This had an odd effect as Narcissa was bathed in Harry's magic and her core found in his magic power and abilities it desired. While she did not realize it, as Bellatrix's body died in Azkaban, Narcissa also spoke an oath, believing the source of Power to be a Dark Master beyond even her husband's Master.

"Teach me of Power, Teach me your Magic and I swear to serve upon bent knee and with bowed head until you release me fully trained or take my soul from me. So mote it be."

And so Narcissa's Ravenclaw like drive for knowledge and Syltherin ambition for control and power sealed her fate.

The Magic was of the Green Way, Magic born on intention not words. The Elven Power of the caster merged with the divine flame of Mystra followed Harry's desire to redeem his mother's friend, a daughter of a House to which he was heir and acting lord. All the leaking power caused by inexperience grasped upon Narcissa's oath and bound her so tightly that the blonde woman disappeared with it as it faded form the room, all without disturbing a single ward upon House Malfoy.

Bedroom of Willow Morgan

Number 3 Privet Drive

Little Whinging, Surrey

A brown haired human woman of youthful but indeterminate age slept peaceful. But that was not to last. As Harry Potter woke the Weave and returned the Green Way to Earth, as he summoned his Goddess and Lady from across the void. Willow Morgan stirred in her sleep. When Harry put the ring on his finger and transformed from his human prison into his fated form. A pulse of elven magic surged through Privet Drive. It had passed over Willow's twin daughters without even causing a stir in their dreams. The energy just washed away the girls glamour, washing away the hiding magic, leaving the daughters of elf royals to wake in their true elf forms. The elven magic with a taste of the phoenix and a helping of the divine rolled over her son James, home form Hogwarts for the Christmas holidays, the boy stirred in his sleep and smiled as in his dreams he remembered a much younger Hogwarts and his father with the eyes of Emerald and Silver Flames. Turning over onto his side the boy whispered in his sleep an elven word he had not spoken in nine years, "Da" was softly whispered and traveled back along the wave. Finally the wave swept over Willow and her own glamour just rewoven before sleep shimmered. Her hair lengthened to her mid back, the color darkened to moonless midnight. As she turned her head in her sleep the weight of the lengthened hair caused it to shift off her ear. The newly exposed ear shimmered as well, the upper lope lengthened and came to a visible fine tip at the top.

Finally the glamour already weakened and losing power faded completely leaving the ageless beauty of an elf maid visible as the woman known as Willow was restored to both her birth form and full wakefulness. Eyes of glowing sapphire opened and a smile graced the ageless face. "I feel your summons my lord husband… I return to thee… Beloved King and Master." With these words Rowena Ravenclaw, Pure Blood Elven Princess and Founder of Hogwarts rose out of her bed to dress in a white acromantula silk then she sinks to her knees in front of the mirror.

It had taken her two years to create the hibernation time freeze spell that allowed her children to grow and be educated in this modern world. That was only possible with her husband's help, in fact she would not have her twin daughters if it had not taken so long to create the spell that would allow their son timeless slumber until the year of Harry Potter's birth. In this modern world a young heiress having children and saying she was a widow was not as darkly looked upon as it had been in the centuries past. Once they had mastered the time freeze hibernation spell, her beloved husband and master teacher returned through time to his past, her far future, obeying again the command of the Lady of Magic. Before he left, he again reminded her that he would see her alive and well the yuletide before he entered Hogwarts as a student.

For centuries she had taken the money he left her in the Vault of Stars, the most secure of the goblin vaults, looked upon with reverence by any child of the lawful goblin nation. For centuries she learned of magic, of money and of laws. And she the revered Ravenclaw would make appearances under the Ravenclaw name as a student of Hogwarts, so that the school would remember and be protected. She watched, she learned, she awaited his return. Now was the time. Nothing would hold her back.

Rowena Ravenclaw focused her magic, slowly she gathered energy from the air, from the wood under her knees. She held out her hands and with a smile whispered,

"Chest of Stars, House of the Mage, Home of Magic Living. From the shadows of time I call you forth, Trunk Manor."

She took a silver dagger pendent she wore on her neck at all times and made a small cut that healed as soon as the dagger touched her blood, and her flesh was restored without the slightest scar.

"By my Blood, Know Thee me… By my Magic, Know Thee me. Ancient House… Blood Wards of Rinovdro'chevm'elzarsenger, Know Thee me… Return to me for I go to the Master."

A large sorcerer trunk made of enchanted mythril, a crest of bastard sword and mage staff crossed capped with seven stars on which a black phoenix sat taking up the whole top face of this mage trunk.

Rowena placed her vow hand on the crest and smiled softly when the golden wedding band on her ring finger flashed. The yellow color of the gold faded giving the appearance of white gold, yet the magic of the ring was not yet done, the glamour still not spent. From white gold did brilliance come. As gold became platinum and platinum in turn became mythril. For the first time since the birth of her twin daughters, did the Lady Ravenclaw look upon her true wedding band and smile with the pleasure of a bond restored.

Some magics were too strong for anyone of the mortal realm to hold alone, be they mortal man of wizardry might or immortal elf of magic's life. To counter this short coming, the greatest of mage houses bound husband to wife and wife to husband, some as equals some not so equal. Rowena was bond-mate of her own will, the equality of her vows set aside willingly at the feet of the 'One Who Lives'. She found it the strangest of fates that mortal man had given a similar title to her lord husband as he lay a babe fending off the death magic of this world's wizardry Power Word : Kill, 'The-Boy-Who-Lived'. Currently she was alone as his bond-mate, but even so the bond allowed the first layer of the Bonds of Rinovdro'chevm'elzarsenger Spell Mantle. Protective spells woven by Harry in the Past and Future. When the Mantle is fully active it provides immunity the Unforgiveables. The first layer of the Bonds of Rinovdro'chevm'elzarsenger rested on her own personal mantle, giving Rowena and Harry both immunity to the Cruciatus Pain Curse.

Rowena smiled and taking the trunk onto her lap began to focus on the bond. She lost herself in the feelings of Harry, as he was now and as she remembered him. With a flash of light and the sound of a popping bubble Rowena is gone.

Yuletide, Cupboard under the Stairs, Year 10 (1990)

Number 4 Privet Drive Little Whinging, Surrey

Harry stood and waited for a response through the magic. He spent the time getting used to his older and ageless body. He smiled as he now looked like he was at least thirteen instead of the seven year old size he had been before the magic transformed him. In the back of his mind memories of a future past slowly settled. Harry felt a returning pulse of magic on the path of the wave the ring caused. He tilted his head as a boy child's whisper is heard, "Da". Harry looked up in shock at Lilyth, with a soft voice Harry whispers, "My son is awake, I wonder how she timed it."

Lilyth blinked and stared at her son with glowing phoenix eyes. "Who timed what?.. And how can you have a son, Harry", she trilled. Lilyth was very confused how could her ten year old son have a son already.

Harry smiled, "Sometime in the future, Lady Mystra sends me back to the age of the Founding. I meet a elf maiden who I already knew. We bond and marry. She bore me a son. They were planning to follow me forward one way or another. Seems they are here now."

Lilyth nodded and trilled a soft song in joy. By the work of the Goddess she would have a grandchild to spoil and dolt on as her beloved son grows into his majority.

Harry looked up and smiled as a strong female voice seems to sing song from midair, "I feel your summons, my lord husband… I return to thee… Beloved King and Master…" Harry gave a sigh of happiness and relief as soon after he feels a bond and mantle he didn't fully realize he was missing solidify. "I will welcome thee with open arms and a loving heart, bond-mate and wife… My Rowena."

Lilyth just sat in shock wondering if her son by some twist of paradox was husband to a founder.

Harry grinned softly as a whispering voice reached his ears. "I feel your summons my lord husband… I return to thee… Beloved King and Master…" With a flash of light a female form dressed in a white acromantula silk robe apparated to kneel at Harry's feet.

Harry looked and saw hair as dark as the darkest midnight. A head bowed not in shame but in pure submission. A beloved maiden bound freely magic to magic. And he sighed in peace as Mystra's flame stirred in his core, 'The First among Peers. Thy Most Loyal. Lady Master, girl apprentice. First of thy bond-wives. Trust in her for she can no more betray you then could I. As you are to Me, so she is to Thee. In You and yours am I pleased.", whispered the voice of his Lady Goddess. For willing servitude is neither unknown nor looked upon badly upon the Planes. It is truly a common form of training in The Art. And with Harry as with the original Mystra when dealing with her closest and most beloved, the choice was always the Chosen's. Rowena made her choice long ago and has returned to his side, as they promised each other. Harry reached out his hand and softly lifted Rowena's chin. He smiled when glowing sapphire eyes met his glowing emerald.

Lilyth gasped, she knew that face, and now sitting so close she could sense the elf blood in the woman. This was Rowena Ravenclaw, Founder of Hogwarts. Just what is the future of her beloved son in the service of the Lady.

Rowena smiled sweetly as she laid the trunk to the side, she lifted her wrists crossed left over right as if bound. Rowena relaxed and released the breath she was holding as Harry took her wrists in one hand, the personal modified unbreakable vow they created.

"I am thy apprentice… I am thy bond-mate… I am thy senses upon the World… I am thy hands upon the World… Without thee I live not… Accept me and I shall give thee all I am… Accept me and all I am or could ever be, is thine, body, mind, and soul. All I am shall be thine…"

Rowena whispered in Elvish, she fights the urge to smile when she hears the gasp like trill of the phoenix behind Harry.

Harry smiled and stroked Rowena's cheek with his free hand as he whispered back in Elvish,

"I accept thee… Thee be mine evermore… Body… Mind… Soul… Bonded are thee and I. Forevermore."

He leaned down and kissed her softly before sitting down on the trunk and pulling the tall elf maid into his lap. "So what did you bring me, dear?", he whispered playfully.

Rowena giggled softly and smiled, "Well we are sitting on the Manor, it's the only way I know to give us the time we need. I have a strong feeling you will need to master some of your skills before Hogwarts."

Harry softly stroked Rowena's hair, future memories enough to offset being reared by the Durselys. He nodded, "Lets wait for Bella's human spirit to come, then we can go in and use the Time Stop." He pointed to the drow spirit in the circle.

Rowena nodded, "You should see James now, he is a first year at Hogwarts. The girls start with you in the fall." She blinked as the phoenix and Harry both made gasping trills.

Harry tilted Rowena's chin up to look into her eyes, "Girls, what girls?"

Rowena grinned, "I was pregnant with twin girls when the Goddess called you back. I know you don't remember much, don't worry we will work through it slowly." Rowena leaned forward and kissed her lord. She knew he was shocked but pleased. He had always wanted a large family. Rowena knew she was the first of his bond-mates to bear children for him. Although she was sure she wouldn't be the last. She has foreseen a few more Elven dhampir. So she knew that her lord's daywalker bonded will bare children. But she was still the first to please him in such a way. And she found that to be a source of pleasure. "Their names are Lily and Rose. They have your mother's hair and my eyes. With your smile and laugh. Rose is mad at you too, she has to wear her hair long like Lily or everyone can tell she is a Potter." Rowena giggled softly remembering the Potter Family Curse with hair.

Lilyth almost fell off her perch in laughter, "The poor girl! A girl with James's hair!" She flew over to the couple and landed on Harry's shoulder. Tilting her head she trilled in a musing tone, "She does realize that you are Lord to more then one house, and there will be more then one wife, Right!"

Harry laughed hard, "Mother, Rowena knows, we both do. We need more bonds to complete the spell mantle. And I am lord too many times over for the Ministry to allow me only one wife."

Rowena smiled and reached out to stroke the feathers of the black phoenix so like Harry's future animagus form, yet clearly different. "I do know Mother Potter. I even approve. Your son has too much passion and love for any one female." She smiled when Lilyth nodded and leaned over to kiss the phoenix form of her lord's mother on the head. "Its good to see you Mother Potter." Rowena cuddled back into Harry for a bit and just listened to the phoenix song. Suddenly both Harry and Rowena looked up. Rowena softly sank to her knees at his side and waited.

A voice weakened by time in Azkaban but still strong willed is heard coming back along the summoning ritual Harry still had active,

"Power I know, Might I sense… I know your blood… I taste it in your power… You are Heir to Black by Godfather's love and Magic true… Blood Gift Bearer, Future of Noble House… But you are Lord of Elves and Ward-Master Potter by blood… I know what I was meant to be … If you return my immortal soul to me… I will swear true oath to thee… So Mote it be…"

A pale spirit faded into existence next to the drow soul that has been waiting in the circle. There is a flash of light and suddenly a nude drow female is kneeling in the circle her head bowed in submission, imitating Rowena's posture when she greeted Harry.

"Dosst xan'ss zhahus seke. Dosst vow seke. Nin a Faer Vow. Usstan valbyl usstan ulu dos. Usstan tlun rothe. Dos ph' Jabbuk. Jal Usstan tlun wund'akhen ulu dos. Usstan tlun ehmtrud khel, shar lu' quortek. Usstan orn tlu l' oloth nindel kla'athen dos. Hwuen dos phlyle ussta dro lu' quortek." (Your word was true. Your vow true. Now by Magic Vow. I bind myself to you. I am slave. You are Master. All I am belongs to you. I am owned body, mind and soul. I will be the darkness that serves you. Until you claim my life and soul.)

, whispers the newly reborn drow in the tongue of her Mothers as she offered her crossed wrists for bondage.

Harry rose from sitting on the trunk and walked toward the circle. Deep within Harry's magic core the silver flame stirred and Mystra spoke, "I don't like her. She is too dark and evil for my tastes. But I sense that if you can claim her she will be as loyal to thee as the star elf who bore thee heirs." Harry smiled and whispered back to his core, knowing the Goddess would hear, "Then we be agreed my Lady." Harry called up the Silver Flame into a visible aura as he grabbed the crossed wrists of the drow female. In clear drow dialect of ancient Elven he spoke,

"Usstan ja'hai dos. Usstan valbyl dos. Usstan tlun Jabbuk. Dos ph' Rothe. Usstan tlun dosst dro. Usstan ehmtu dos. Khel, Shar lu' Quortek. Dos ph' ussta morad wun Oloth. Usstan phlyle dos mal'rak. Ssin'urnElg'cahl Renor! (I accept you. I bind you. I am Master. You are Slave. I am your life. I own you. Body, Mind and Soul. You are my action in Darkness. I claim you forever. Belladonna Black!)"

Harry's magic surrounded Bella, the Silver Flame bound her life to his. She felt it happen and part of her felt exalted. For she knew that as long as she was loyal her drow heritage will not be held against her. She felt the Flame burn Harry's personal mark on the insides of her wrists where they are touching in his grasp, yet there was no pain. Accepted and bound, she lifted her head and spoke clearly in the common tongue of the land,

"I am bound and claimed. Belladonna Black is my name forever more."

Bella smiled, Harry had renamed her and bound her tighter then he thought. Her name did translate into Belladonna in English, but her given name was Beautiful Death not Beautiful Poison. To be honest she liked the name her Master give her better.

Harry stepped back and sat on the trunk. He looked up when Rowena gasped. Bella had stood up and left the circle her wrists turned outward showing her new brands. Harry nodded his head and smiled as the two bond-sisters felt the shifting of the Bonds of Rinovdro'chevm'elzarsenger as a new layer formed. A soft sigh of relief left him as he spoke, "We three are now immune to mind control. The second of the Unforgiveables troubles those within the Bonds of Rinovdro'chevm'elzarsenger nevermore." He grinned at Bella, "Must be the drow's resistance to mind magics that drew us over critical mass." He stood up ready to enter the trunk for the first time when his aura flared and he looked at the circle.

"Teach me of Power, Teach me your Magic and I swear to serve upon bent knee and with bowed head until you release me fully trained or take my soul from me. So mote it be."

,spoke a female's voice. Bella looked toward the circle in shock, "Narcissa!"

Narcissa appeared in the circle and looked around, she saw a black skinned, silver haired version of her sister standing nude and noticed brands on her wrists. Without thinking it through she stripped off her robes and knelt down bowing her head in the middle of the circle, she scanned the group around the circle in the tiny room and noticed that the magic around the male felt just like the magic she felt under better control. Nodding her head Narcissa spread her knees wider and closed her eyes, knowing that the male could now see more of her then anyone has, "Will you teach me?"

Harry sighed and sat back down, "Why should I? What worth would it be to me? With a touch of mind to mind Harry called Bella to kneel at his side opposite Rowena. He then cupped Belladonna's face and flared Silver Flame around her. When he lifted his hands Belladonna was dressed in dark purple acromantula silk pants and witch's robe. "I will enchant it for you later when I master the skills needed.", whispered Harry to Bella as he sat back to watch Narcissa.

Narcissa's eyes widened at the causal show of power, she did not understand what the Silver Flame was and believed it a manifestation of Harry's aura. "Such power? Where could he get some power!"

Harry shook his head and turned suddenly as a kneeling elven maiden appeared at his side. He breathed slowly to calm his heartbeat and put his hands on Row's and Bella's shoulders to stop them from reacting. "I know you Elf... You are Nimue of Avalon... My Ring gives me the power to Know Thee."

Nimue of Avalon looked upon the child and the females around him. Her image the height of royal snob. She sniffed and looked down her nose at this boy. "You think yourself a Lord? I see a boy, just a human boy of thirteen. I will not serve a child!", spoken in the High Tongue of the Tower of Blades.

Rowena hissed as the mouths of the Black Sisters fall open in shock. Lilyth shook her feathers and waited something inside her told her that her son's honor would be defended well. Rowena lifted blazing eyes to stare Nimue directly in the eyes. She answered Nimue in the ancient language of the Blades, "A thousand years ago, when I was young, not yet, a century worth of winter moons. I traveled seeking one who can train be beyond the limits of High Elven Magic. I met a man who walked the worlds as the mortals do. Thinking him the Race of Man, I followed him meaning to confuse and chase this male from the Forests of my Forebears. As I watched forest trolls descended upon him. I smirked. In my youth, I felt it a legitimate way for my Realm to cleanse itself of this mortal human male. You are a Queen of a Realm, one that has been untouched by mortals since the building of Hogwarts. Imagine my shock young queen when I felt my Mother's Realm rise to the silent summons of this male. He did not speak loudly, pointing with a focus like the Wizards do. Nor did he chant and dance the way, the Shamans do. He spoke softly as a master does to a beloved hound. Yet the Realm answered him, my Mother's Realm knew him, better then my mother knew it. You look upon him young queen, and you see no farther then his apparent age. Look deeper and know the soul of the Mage Lord. For he might yet rise your Realm and Holy Avalon might find you wanting."

Nimue stared at that boy-child and rose her Realm to judge. She lifted Holy Avalon to judge a child who was no child and yet not a man. Avalon came at her call to try to crush this male. For a millennium Avalon knew no other touch and answered Nimue alone. In their joint arrogance both elf maid and Realm made their gravest error. As Avalon settled sure, knowing no mortal can carry her full weight alone. Nimue saw emerald green eyes glow brighter still and midnight hair bleach to True Silver. In the mind of Nimue and her Realm suddenly a million voices of all genders and ages rose.

The One True King

We sing to Remember

We sing to Call

We sing to Mystra... The One True Spell

We sing to our Lady Silverhair... The Dark Maiden

Hear our call and Remember

We are the Blades of Silverhair

We are the Dark Elves of Light

We are Ancient

We are Ageless

We are the Undying

We sing to Remember

We sing to Call

We sing to Mystra... The One True Spell

We sing to our Lady Silverhair... The Dark Maiden

Hear our call and Remember

Remember Blade Elves

Remember High Elves

Remember Lowest of the Low, Highest of the High

We be Elves...





House Elf

We be Elves

Remember Blade Elves

Remember High Elves

Remember Lowest of the Low, Highest of the High

We sing to Remember

We sing to Call

We sing to Mystra... The One True Spell

We sing to our Lady Silverhair... The Dark Maiden

Hear our call and Remember

The Endless Traveller...

Lolth's Bane

Shar's Fear

Dark Maiden's Beloved...

Mystra's Endless Prince...

Sorcerer Eternal

God of Sorcery

Lord of Magic

Weaver unparalleled

Call us home

We sing to Remember

We sing to Call

We sing to Mystra... The One True Spell

We sing to our Lady Silverhair... The Dark Maiden

Hear our call and Remember

Born in time... Born to a Realm

Where the Weave slumbered... Answering no call

When Science was God and Wizardary Unyielding stone

Immortal to Mortal fall

Born out of the House of Flames' Lost Princess

By Magic and Love

For him was Time Torn Asunder

The Endless Traveller

We sing to Remember

We sing to Call

We sing to Mystra... The One True Spell

We sing to our Lady Silverhair... The Dark Maiden

Hear our call and Remember

In Her slumber the Weave heard a whispered call

Across Time Across Realm

Blood of Dragons

Blood of Flames

Blood of Fey

Blood of Blades

A whispered call

An answered call...

I am Mystra

I am the Lady of Might and the Mistress of Magic!

I am Power Incarnate! Wherever magic is worked, there am I -

upon all planes and realms, whatever

the hand or claw or will that works the sorcery!

Behold me and fear me! Yet behold me and love me -

as all who deal with me in honesty do.

This world is my domain.

I am Magic, mightiest among all those men worship.

I am the One True Spell at the heart of all spells.

There is no other.

We sing to Remember

We sing to Call

We sing to Mystra... The One True Spell

We sing to our Lady Silverhair... The Dark Maiden

Hear our call and Remember

He called and She answered

He calls and we answer

We are the Mages of Mystra

We are the Blades of Lady Silverhair

We sing to Remember

We sing to Call

We sing to Mystra... The One True Spell

We sing to our Lady Silverhair... The Dark Maiden

Hear our call and Remember

Look at that which you have awakened

Watch as Hair as dark as Midnight

Begins to Shine as bright as TrueSilver

Watch as Mortal Elven Eyes

Glow by Death's Light

You have Awoken the Lord Silverhair...

We are his Sorcerers

We are his Blades

We sing to Remember

We sing to Call

We sing to Mystra... The One True Spell

We sing to our Lady Silverhair... The Dark Maiden

Hear our call and Remember

We hear his call

Mystra's Chosen Brother

The Dark Maiden's Beloved

We are the Ageless

We are the Undying

Let the Realms tremble and quake

We answer the call

Of Our Lord Silverhair

Our Lady Silverhair's One True King

Nimue fell to the floor and Avalon spiraled with her. They had known in their minds that the Mage Lord was here. But having seen a man-child, in their pride they could not believe. Now both Nimue the Lady of the Lake, a power unto herself and the Isle of Myrddin Emrys both cried bitter tears. Their very existence forfeit, they had attacked the One True King.

2007-09-14 - 06:23:32 PM