Here it is, the final chapter of Know your stars Fosters home for Imaginary Friends. My first finished story, after this I'll be able to work on all my other stories. Enjoy!

Know your stars Foster's style

Final chapter

Complete and random insanity more than you've ever seen, with more that you can comprehend with 100 of your brain

The 2 casts entered the studio, and the voice picked up.

"Hey everybody, good news and bad news, the good news is-"

"What, you decided to kill yourself?" asked Bloo.

"No, that this is our last announcement for the show."

Everyone cheered, but then….

"The bad news is you're all getting interviewed, BandB characters to!"

Everyone groaned as Mr. X began to leave. "Well, so long everybody."

"You too, X!" He then groaned.

The voice cleared his throat and … "Know your stars, Know your stars, Know your stars."

"Here we go." Grumbled Mac.

"Mr. McDicker,"

"Uhhhhh, you had better call me by my right name you b-bastard!"

"What if I don't want to call you like that?"

"Then I'll k-k-kill you, you bastard!'

"Whatever, Mr. Mcvicker, loves Beavis and Butthead and says to himself how glad he is to have them in his school."

"WHAT! What are you stupid, I hate them. I plan to kill them every night, not say I'm thankful for something I hate." As soon as he was done saying that, security beat him up.

"McDicker got beat up, huh huh." Butthead laughed.

"Coach Buzzcut, dosen't care about his students."

"What the hell are you, stupid, I care about those little turds!"

"You'd let some other guy kick their asses."

"This is my class!" he roared "I do the ass-kicking around here!"

"Tom Anderson, is dumb as Beavis and Butthead."

"What? I'll have you know I'm a veteran of 2 foreign wars, and I graduated high school." (Okay I don't really know that, but he obviously has had to in order to join the army.)

"And yet you're too stupid to realize that Beavis and Butthead are the guys who keep wrecking your house."


"David Van Driesen"

"You can't annoy me, I'm just going to tune you out, m'kay?"

"- they just made a ban on drugs and "doing it" before you're married!"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" He then got into a fetal position and sucked his thumb.

Then all of the sudden, Berry, somehow alive and breathing heavily, burst into the stage to see a studdering McVicker, an angry Buzzcut, a startled Anderson, and, well Van Driesen was still in the same position.

"Oh hey Mary." Bloo said casually.


"Merry, Larry, Cherry, I don't see what the difference is, they all start with J." ( Someone said that in a review, don't remember who, but thanks.)

"Here's another J word for you, Ji-diot!" Mac said, getting angry.

Berry then lept on top of Stewart and began beating him.

"OW, OW, OW, OWWW!" he yelled in pain.

"Huh, huh, huh, hey Beavis, she wants to do it with Stewart." Butthead laughed, at one's expense as usual.

"Yeah, heh heh, she probably wants to get it on with his small, pathetic ass." Beavis retorted.

"Stewart Stevenson, is a stupid, pathetic wussie."

"Is now really the best time to be picking on Stewart?" Daria asked.

"Who asked you Diarrhea?" yelled Beavis.

"Well, Beavis, considering that I'm better and smarter than you are, I am-"she was cut short by Bellamy the Hyena (One Piece character not yet seen in the dub anime, but in the video game, Pirates Carnival) jumped in using his bane bane (translated as spring spring) fruit powers and socked Daria, then proceeded to set her on fire and shoot her, She laid on the floor dead.

"Jesus Jumped-up Christ!" yelled agent Fleming.

"He he, Diarrhea's dead."

He then smacked Mr. Stevenson in the nuts.

"Oh my god." Then he fell over.

"Why is it my son and husband are always getting injured?" Mrs. Stevenson asked herself.

Bellamy then laughed and looked around at everyone "Anyone want to join my crew, you'll have to give up all your dreams."

"Shut up, butt-plug." Butthead said blankly.

Bellamy was PISSED "FOOL, YOU DARE CALL THE GREAT BELLAMY THE HYENA A BUTT-PLUG!!!" He then charged at the giggling duo, but Butthead kicked his nuts and he fell off to the side, unconscious.

"Ha sucker! You got owned!" Bloo laughed.

"Why can't you pay that much attention to ME!" yelled Berry.

All of the sudden, the pirate ship Thousand Sunny bust through the studio walls, and with it the straw hat crew. The rubber man Monkey D. Luffy, the swordsman Roanoa Zoro, the navigator Nami, long-nosed guy Ussop, chef Sanji, man-reindeer doctor Tony Tony Chopper, archeologist Nico Robin, and shipwright Franky (not yet seen America).

"What is it with all the One Piece characters today?" asked Madame Foster.

The crew muttered "I dunno." And shrugged.

Berry, having finally lost it attacked the crew.

"AHHHHH!" yelled Chopper and Ussop, "Scary, crazy lady!"

"I don't think so!" yelled Zoro, and he pulled out his 3 swords and positioned them (with one in his mouth). He then charged forward and cut with his swords. "Oni Giri!"

Berry had attempted to fight back with a small sword, but stood no chance against Zoro's master skills. After one of those cliché sword cross scenes, Berry fell to the floor, decapitated and finally dead. Everyone cheered.

"Hey!" yelled Chopper, you're that guy who made fun of me!" (see Terrance chapter)

"Yeah, so?"

"So THIS!" Chopper then transformed into his human strength point form and began to beat the crap out of Terrance.

"Whoa, check it out Butthead, it's that Franky dude!"

Franky took a pause and then some music started playing, he then pointed to Beavis.

"Hey you, did you just call my name?"

"Uh, yeah, he he!"

He then pointed to Bloo. "Did you just say my name?"

"No I didn't!" Franky started dancing.

"Ow, Ow, Ow, Don't be shy everyone, say my name!"

Everyone wanted to do something, but they were paralyzed by his bad singing.

"I'm the world's most supper man, the Water 7's former underground face and the Straw Hat Pirate Crew's shipwright, yes they call me, uummmmmmm, FFFFFRANKY!" A large explosion came up beside him while everyone stared in horror.

Then Goo reappeared with an army of friends, "I'm back and-" at this point she's just plain raving on.

"Wow, this chapter's gonna have one high body count." Stated Zoro.

All of the sudden, the Foxy crew Pirate ship (also not seen in American anime)

crashed through the walls of the studio, and filled the place.

"Phe, phe phe!" laughed the leader Foxy the Silver Fox (many OP characters have unique laughs) "I've finally found you, Straw Hat!"

"Uh, Boxy?" asked Luffy, obviously not remembering who he was.

"No you idiot, it's Foxy!"

"Oh yeah." He said dimly

At this point, we turn to a few of the notable crew members. The "groggy monsters" a team of 3 strange (and huge) creatures, name Hamburger (a brown, monkey like creature, wield clubs, the leader despite being the smallest), Pickles ( green, has slightly humanoid face, WAY bigger than Hamburger, wields swords), and Big Pan ( biggest of all 3, so big that he his upper half is out side, wields no weapon, is wotan (half fish-man, half giant), and his fish species is mudfish), on a side note, all 3 are laughing for no reason. We also see Porche, a beautiful, but not very bright woman, and Kapoty, a Fishman.

"And so the Foxy Pirates have entered the arena-er, studio." Said a strange looking man on a very large bird

"Who are you?" asked Mac.

"Oh, terribly sorry, I'm Itomimizu, and he's Chuchuun." He said, pointing to the bird.

At this point, Chopper is done beating the infernal hell out of Terrance, and has switched back to his human form, which caught the attention of Porche.

"Choppy, you're back!" she then ran to him, picked him up, and hugged him tight, which resulted in funny anime escape attempts.

"Ah, why me?" he asked himself.

"Attack my evil army!" announced Goo, but all of the sudden, a bunch of people fell in the room, and it was the Shandian tribe (also seen (though rather badly dubbed) in Pirates Carnival). They consisted of the following: a small, red-headed girl named Aisa, a man in a hunter's uniform named Braham who wields two shotguns, Genbou, a fat, bazoka wielding guy, Laki, a green haired (in a pony-tail) girl with a gun, Kamakiri, a dark-skinned, scythe-wielding guy, and Wiper, another dark skinned-man, but with tattoos (not to mention almost no piece of clothing except a pair of shorts), and a bazooka.

"Hey Wiper, nice to see you guys again!" Luffy called.

"The feeling's mutual." The Shandian leader called out, but he and his tribe were cornered (along with Foxy and Luffy's crews.) They easily killed the army though, and when Goo attempted to run away, Foxy hit her with with his Noro Noro (slow slow) fruit beam, after which she stood in place and Kamakiri cut her down. After 30 seconds, she fell down dead.

"Getting back to the matters at hand!" yelled the voice, clearly angry. " Mac and Beavis, will be force fed sugar again!"

"NNNNNOOOOOOOO!" Mac yelled while Beavis yelled "Yes!" Mac attempted to run, but soon, he and Beavis had massive amounts of sugar enter their bodies.

Mac went wide-eyed and began running around, while with Beavis-

"I AM CORNHOLIO, I NEED TP FOR MY BUNGHOLE!!!" Everyone backed away, especially Imaginary Man. The 2 then began to attack the people on the stage.

"Imaginary Man, is about to be attacked by his sister."

"Wha-" Nemesis came out of nowhere with a red lightsaber and IM battled her with a green one, after a long fight, he cut her down.


Now watch as I lightning insult everyone!"

"Is that even possible?" asked Mr. Herriman.

"Yes it is, now watch. Frankie Foster, is a jedi-sith, Mr. Herriman, is a moron who has no way of dealing with the wild, Eduardo, after this I'm going to make sure ghosts haunt you forever, Wilt is a loser who ruined his and his kids' life, Coco is an abomination of nature, Cheese, after this I'm going to make sure someone screams in your ear every day."

The response was big, Frankie began steaming, Mr. Herriman began rambling, Eduardo and Cheese were crying, Wilt and Coco felt depressed.

"Hey, quit mocking everybody!" yelled Nami.

"Oh, Nami, you're so beautiful when you're standing up for other people!" Sanji said with hearts in his eyes.

Meanwhile, Chopper finally broke free of Porche and took refuge in Nico Robin's arms.

"Robin!" he cried.

"Don't cry Mr. Doctor." She said softly.

It only seemed to get worse, Bellamy woke up and started to attack people and the voice non-stop insulted people, worse than it had ever done. However, what the voice DIDN'T notice is the fact that the Great Cornholio wandered backstage and found the door, he then reappeared on stage.

"My people, I have found the one bunghole, who will give us TP, TP for our bungholes."

While no one generally had an idea of what he was talking about, they all followed him nonetheless. The soon found the back door and opened it, and found the announcer.

"Are we having a party?" he asked.

The response he got was a fury of pain brought down upon him by the various characters.

"Gomu Gomu no Pistol!"

"Dragon Twister!"

"Thunder Tempo!"

"Deathblow Star!"

"Mutton Shot!"

"Sakura Hoof Point!"


"Strong Hammer!"

"Nine-tailed rush!"

"Burn Bazooka!"

During the attack, Hamburger hit him so hard that he snapped the announcers neck. Beavis and Butthead then peed on him and everyone re-gathered on stage. But then Dutchess appeared. Before she could say anything, Luffy punched to death and they all left, the nightmare finally over.

They all held a party at Foster's, here's what happened.

Sanji cooked and flirted with the ladies, while Nami was sneaking around Foster's looking for Money, Chopper treated the injured after the fight with Cornholio (who was still around) Robin and Herriman looked at ancient records, Zoro tought a few friends how to sword fight. Franky helped a few guys with self-esteem issues, and Luffy, he just partied! There was plenty of song and dance. They sang "Play that Funky Music", "Shook me all night long", "Love Shack", and "Brass Monkey". After the party, the following things happened.

Luffy's crew went back to sea, with Foxy in pursuit. The Shandians returned home.

The Beavis and Butthead cast also returned home, the duo now watches Cartoon Network.

Life for the friends just returned to normal, with the exception of their 4 biggest pains having been killed.

Despite the fact that the show had brought so much pain, it brought so many people together, and that rules.

The End

One Piece copyright to Echiro Oda

Foster's copyright to Cartoon Network

Beavis and Butthead copyright to Mike Judge

I'm going to take a long hiatus now