Chris: Yes, another story. This time about Eliwood and his three brides-that-may-be. No, this is not going in Do You Want My Help? for a couple of reasons. One, these are all canon couples. The ones in my romance archive are not, with a few exceptions. Also, I'm planning to have stories just like this highlighting all of the canon couples. So think of this as a volume in a big library of canon couple one-shots.

It'll be four chapters, with one to start it off, and one for each couple. Well, you'll get it sooner or later.

Disclaimer: Don't own Fire Emblem.

Chapter 1: An Heir

"Lord Eliwood!"

"Huh?" The red-haired lord turned and spotted Marcus running towards him. Eliwood paused and waiting for the veteran paladin to catch up. "What is it, Marcus?"

"I have received a missive from Lady Eleanora!" Marcus said, handing Eliwood a letter.

"What? From my mother?" Eliwood's eyes widened and he tore open the envelope and eagerly took out the letter. "I wonder what she said!"

"I have no clue, milord." This, of course, was a blatant lie, as Marcus had already opened the letter with the help of Matthew to see what the message was. And using his skills, Matthew was able to seal it up again, even mimicking the Pheraen house seal on the envelope. Sure, Marcus felt bad about his lie and about deceiving his lord, but the paladin felt that he should know whether or not anything bad had happened to the Lady.

"Oh no! Mother, mother! It's too early! We're trying to fight a war!" Eliwood's anguished moans sprung from his mouth. "I can't be thinking about marriage now! I mean, I'm supposed to be one of the leaders! It's not in my place to claim one of the girls as my own!"

"What's wrong, Lord Eliwood?" Marcus stood to the side like a good vassal, his hands clasped behind his back. His face was carefully arranged to show no emotion, but inside he was laughing. Not laughing like he was going to die, but laughing enough.

"My mother wants me to marry someone inside the army! She said that she saw some very pretty girls when we visited the castle and now she thinks I need to marry one of them!" Eliwood's hands trembled. "What am I going to do, Marcus? I can't disobey my mother but I really don't want to start trying to pick up one of the girls like Sain!"

"If I may voice a suggestion, milord?" Marcus said.

"Yeah, what is it, Marcus? Please tell me it's good." Eliwood looked pleadingly at the paladin, the letter stretched tight in his hands.

Now, Marcus also wanted his lord to marry and raise an heir so that the throne would not be passed to another family. While this might be selfish, Eliwood's father provided very well for him, and he didn't want anything to happen to his son. "Well, milord, maybe you mother has the right idea…"

"Marcus! How could you say such a thing?"

"Well, during my rounds in the camp, I've seen some of the girls looking at you. I'm sure it wouldn't be so bad to return some of their affections." Marcus stated.

"I don't know…Which girls?"

"Lyn, Ninian, and Fiora."

Eliwood scratched his chin. "Yes, yes, well…I can't go and disobey my mother's wishes. She's all I have left in my family." He let out a sigh. "Fine! You win, Marcus! Oh, and before you say anything, I know you looked at the letter beforehand." The lord walked off and tossed the letter to Marcus. "Oh, and tell Matthew that he really needs work with forging our family seal. Also tell him that Oswin is spying on him."

"Um…Yes, milord!" Marcus saluted and rushed off, probably to convey this news to the spy.

"Mother, mother, mother…Oooh….Even out here, you still want me to find a wife." Eliwood stuffed his hands inside his pockets and wandered off, his thoughts running wild in his head.


"Hey Eliwood! That was a nice training session earlier!" Lyn, a dark-green haired lord from Sacae, waved at Eliwood. "I never knew you were that strong!"

"Oh, thanks Lyn! You were pretty good too. I mean, it was hard for me to keep my eyes on you." Eliwood returned.

"Hehehe, thanks!" Lyn laughed. "How about another sparring session later today, huh?"

"Well, sure, why not?" Eliwood said.

"Thanks!" Lyn winked and walked off, whistling.

Eliwood watched her depart. Lyn, a lively, hot-headed woman from the plains of Sacae. Always ready with an idea, although she often carries the unwanted opinion that her idea is better than everyone else's. Sticks with her friends till the death and doesn't turn from whatever path she's chosen. Hence, she's really, really stubborn.

Eliwood scratched his head. He wondered if Marcus was right and that Lyn had feelings for him. The lord shook his head. He was getting way too deep about all of this. 'Curses! Now, out of all times, for me to have to do this!'

He shook his head distractedly and looked at the sky, looking for some semblance of peace. Maybe unfortunately, he came across the figure of Fiora. He waved to the teal-haired pegasus knight and she waved back. Fiora steered her pegasus towards the ground and alighted next to Eliwood. She jumped off, saluting the lord.

"Hello, Lord Eliwood."

"Didn't I say for you to stop calling me lord?" Eliwood laughed. "It's embarrassing!"

Fiora flushed slightly. "Yes, you did. I'm really sorry, Lo-...Eliwood."

"Heh, that's okay Fiora. Don't worry. So, how are you doing?" Eliwood smiled.

"I'm doing fine, Eliwood. Thank you for asking."

"Why are you always so rigid? Don't you ever lighten up a little?" Eliwood said teasingly.

Fiora blushed. "Um…Well…I've got to go, Eliwood!" She dashed off.

Eliwood watched her, slightly amused. Fiora was completely different from Lyn. Strict, military, and accomplished, she believed highly in what was right and what was wrong. Respectful of those at a higher station, Fiora never forgot when something nice and kind was done for her or for her people. Of course, she was also rigid and wasn't prone to having lots of fun, but she did have her moments.

Eliwood shook his head to clear his thoughts and continued on his journey. He looked up to see the sky-haired dancer, Ninian, standing in front of him. She was twisting the edge of her shawl nervously and she blushed as she looked at him.

"H-Hi Eliwood." Ninian murmured and she looked at him with her blood-red eyes.

"Hi Ninian. Are you feeling okay?" Eliwood asked.

"Y-Yes…Thank you for your concern." She curtseyed low. "You…really shouldn't bother yourself…on my account."

"No, no." Eliwood shook his head. "Don't say that. After all, you've been through a lot. If it's anything, I should be the one apologizing to you."

"Um…Thank you, Eliwood. It…It means a lot to me…" Ninian curtseyed again before leaving.

The red-haired lord gathered his thoughts. Ninian, the mysterious girl with sky-blue hair. He had saved her earlier, when he first met Lyn. And then they were reunited when they found her adrift from the shore of Valor Isle. She was soft-spoken, shy, and withdrawn. However, her dancing seemed to carry a special magic in it, a magic that seemed to come from her soul. Eliwood didn't know how she learned to be as spectacular as she was, but she certainly was an amazing girl.

"Lord Eliwood!"

Marcus's shout broke through Eliwood's reverie. He shook his head and faced the elderly paladin. "Yes, Marcus?"

"Have you decided on which girl you think you would like as a wife?"

"Marcus! You make it sound like I'm going shopping! This is an important matter! I need to think about this. I can't decide the whole future of Pherae on a whim…" Eliwood muttered, thinking hard.

"All the time you need will be given to you, milord!" Marcus replied.

"Yes, thank you…" Eliwood shook his head and walked off, mulling over the facts and his feelings. "Sigh…Why now, why now? There would have been time after this war was over…"


The next day, Eliwood staggered out of his tent, his hair tousled and his eyes bleary. "Urgh…" He leaned against one of his tent poles for support and sucked in a couple of life-giving breaths before steadying himself on his feet. Last night, he had been tossing and turning in his sleep, tormented by thoughts of who he should decide upon.

"Lord Eliwood! Have you made your decision?" Marcus walked up, his face bright and chipper in the crisp, morning air.

"Marcus…Not so loud…I really want to sleep." Eliwood mumbled, waving his hand slightly.

Marcus nodded, but he continued to stand in front of the lord, waiting patiently for Eliwood to recover all of his sense.

After the lord had sufficiently recovered from his lack of sleep, Marcus voiced his question again.

"Yes…I believe I have." Eliwood said thoughtfully.

"And who is this lucky lady?" Marcus said eagerly, although he tried not to show it.

"Well…I think I have feelings for…"

Chris: Yep. Three more chapters after this, each detailing a separate ending of the story. One will show Lyn, the other will show Fiora, and the last will be Ninian. Enjoy and don't forget to review. Yep.

And if you don't….Well, I don't have a threat, so yeah.