My faithful readers,

It is time for a wonderful:


After seeing that there is an update and then noticing that it is an author's note, many of you will probably want to kill me. Your worst fear is that I'm abandoning this story, don't worry that is not the case. I have simply lost interest for the moment, and yea I know its been a year or two. I simply don't have any fresh ideas. Well I do but they're for another story. This story will be rewritten, Into the Twilight is my brain child and it will not be abandoned.

On a lighter note I will be starting a new fanfic, it's a crossover between Harry Potter and Magic: The Gathering. This story takes place right after the duel in the cemetery between Voldemort and Harry Potter. During the duel Voldemort hits Harry with a spell that sends him to a different plain of existence, Terisiare, a land that is perpetually covered in ice and darkness. There he is found by a wandering mage, Voska, who takes young Harry under his wing, gives him the name of Jodah, and teaches the boy to wield one of the five colors of magic. I have yet to decide what color Harry will wield. There are five colors:

White is the color of temptation and innocence, purity and civility. People characterized by this color love life and longevity but do so without excess or grandeur. Some see white as childish – a return to youth – but others know it to be filled with focus and a desire to live an uncluttered life. White is for the honest, the righteous and eager, the decent and civil-minded who will stand up to protect justice and honor. It is the color of plains and temples, the color of the scholar and the virtuous knight alike. White is for those who believe in a cause and believe in themselves, for those unafraid to stand up in the face of adversity.

Green is the balance between extremes. Those who favor green are solid people with easy manners. They aren't impulsive, as are those who favor red, or withdrawn like those who favor blue. Those associated with green are socially well-adjusted and organic. They are conventional, yet constantly on the go, and have a taste for the good things in life. Green has, on occasion, been associated with jealousy or inexperience, but those who have a broader understanding know that green is natural, fresh, wise, and comforting, and those characterized by it show a sensitivity to social customs and etiquette. Green provides abundance and resources, it is passive and combative at the same time, and calls to those who want to be grounded in their natural surroundings.

Red is the color of release, the hue of outward expression and excitement. It is hard to be indifferent about red. It may be loved or feared, but it is seldom disregarded. It is characterized as aggressive, vigorous, and given to impulse and mood. Those associated with red are sometimes accused of lacking patience or possessing a quick temper, but red also embodies a fervent passion and feeling for fellow beings. Red is signified by fire, blood, lava, and emotion. It manifests itself as bursts of outward expression and outspoken tirades. Red characterizes whose who know what needs to be done and aren't afraid to do it, for those who want results and action instead of deliberation and debate, for those who like the cathartic pleasures of the flame.

Black, the symbol of death and despair, can be characterized as morbid, impatient, incorporeal, and stagnant. It is the color of pollution and pestilent, festering swamps. Those who show fondness for this color are not the type to show off. They will impress those worthy of their time by their real substance and weight. Black leans on the side of misery and darkness, but can at the same time be mighty and dignified. Black is a stark color, the beacon of nothingness, but those who favor this color abhor inevitability. They would hold to the present forever if they could and they will probably try. Black is for those who hide their darker side behind an air of sophistication, for those who lurk in alleyways and dark corners. Above all, Black is for those who are willing to pay the price of greatness.

Blue, sometimes called the color of distinction, is characterized by calm hands and a reflective mind. A natural sedative, blue is the color of deliberation and introspection, conservatism and acceptance. Blue has almost universal appeal and is considered to be the most aesthetically appealing color. Blue is the color of respect and wisdom. But those who lean toward blue sometimes use reason for selfish and self-justified purposes. It is the color of control and passive aggression as well as the color of the sea and the sky. Blue is for those contemplative people who exercise caution in words and actions and for those who always weigh the options.

I would appreciate it if you would leave a review with which color Harry/Jodah should focus in the beginning. This will be a long story, probably broken up into a number of books. The first book being how Harry got to Terisiare and was raised and ended up at the Conclave of Mages. The Second book will deal with Harry returning to Britain, and what happens when he returns. The Third book will deal with Harry's battle with Voldemort.

Each Chapter will begin with an excerpt from Magic: The Gathering about Jodah, the man who Harry would eventually become, in order to provide information on who he was/is/will be. And in order to convey information that is not relevant to specific chapters. Here is the exerpt for Chapter 1 Book 1:

Through the centuries there are a number of legendary figures that have come to us from the time of the Dark – figures, such as Ith, the horrific Rag Man, Vervamon the Elder, and Tivadar of Thorn. Yet one figure is an enigma among these enigmas. Time and again throughout the period of the Dark – and up to the end of the Ice Age itself – there is reference to a folk figure known as Jodah. It has been suggested that Jodah is the surname of a family of sorcerers, or a honorific title of respect, or that Jodah is a previously unknown Planeswalker. The fact remains that Jodah (be he one or many) is today regarded as one of the founders of magic as we now know it.

Leave me a review and I plan on updating the first chapter with in the next week or so. This is going to be a long story so stick with me on this. Into the Twilight will also be updated during this time period, so HOORAY.

Slytherin 2005