Dedication: Yay-hoo! I've broke double figures! To SpeciallEd, Cagalli-01, Jensor, Futuristic-dudette, lifluvanime, Jessica01 and kinkyfrodo. I have twelve reviews now thanks to all of you. ; )

A/N: Sorry about the mega delay for this chapter. It's a strange chapter and I tried to rewrite it several times, but couldn't think of anything better. If this dies, I'll just remove it, take the TBC from the last chapter and finish the story there.


Isn't it amazing how things turn out?

I mean, only a few months ago, we were just two people who worked together, sometimes having real conversations, lasting hours, other times arguing or ignoring each other for whole days. I didn't mean it though. I like you, no, love you, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get it across in the way that felt right. It wasn't until that one mission, the one that changed everything...I tried to save you, protect you, but I couldn't. I failed you. The flight back to Earth was the longest journey we've ever had to make; your body draining of life every second it took. I ignored my pain. All I cared about was you. I held you so protectively. You were dying in my arms. But you were strong. You lived, but only just. I wanted to help you, to tell you how how I feel. I did when you were sleeping. It was easier this way. Bitter-sweet. I didn't know if you heard me, telling you all the things I would do for you, if only you would wake up...

Only a few weeks ago, I stayed up all night by your bedside holding your hand, hoping beyond hope that you'd recognize my voice, you'd wake up and see that you're important to me, to everyone. I stayed strong for you, never letting my grief show. Until that one night. I gave up. I begged, pleaded for you come around. I promised the world to you. If only you woke up. And at last you did.

Only a few days ago were we both alone in the world. Two lonely people, in this massive universe. But when you kissed me, it was like the universe didn't matter, or even exist anymore. Only we did. When we were together, I felt...happy inside. When you left, I felt empty. I needed to show you how much you mean to me. So I took you here. Hyperion. It's beautiful. Romantic. You said it yourself.

I love you Leela, but I don't think I could say it.

I can show it though.

I lie here now, holding you in my arms as you sleep, your hair spread out around your head like a purple halo. You really are too beautiful. I just watch you sleeping, gently breathing in and out. You look adorable when you sleep. It's all I can do not to kiss you, to stop myself try to tell you without words again what it is I so badly want to. You stir slightly, moving into me, a small smile on your lips.

I love you Leela, I love so much.

I just hope that you know it.