The sun was setting and the waves of the ocean crashed onto the beach. Sweet silence...

"Oh Gar!"cried a naked gothic girl with dyed purple hair.On top of her was a boy with brown hair and green eyes enjoying her yells of joy.They kissed passionately...their hearts pounding...sweating like crazy!

"Raven...Raven...RAVEN!" Gar screamed as he woked from his dream in a deep sweat.

"Hahahahaha still having wet dreams huh?" a boy standing in Gar's doorway said.
"Shut up Brad!" Gar hissed. Brad was Gar's cousin who move in with them because he was to much for his mom to handle anymore.He had brown hairthat fell on to his faceand hazel eyes. He's very cute and tall and just about every girl he knew liked him. By now Gar's parents was at his doorway as well.

"Garfield! You did it again!" Mrs. Logan said as look at the wet sheets on Gar's bed. Mr.Logan made a sad face, he knew what his son was going through. The same thing happened to him when he was Gar's age.
"Garfield,go take a bath and clean those sheets then go back to sleep.We're leaving for the school at 7." Mr.Logan said with a calm vioce unlike his wife. He looked at Brad who was still laughing at Gar.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping! You gotta go to school tomorrow as well." Brad looked at his uncle with fear in his eyes but it went away quickly and he said with a smile,
"Hows anybody suppose to sleep when our little wet dreamer here keeps screaming," he then changed his voice to a more lust ful one, "Raven! Raven! Dont Stop! Don't Stop!" he started moving his body as if he was having sex with someone.
"That's it!"Mrs.Logan grab Brad's ear and draged him to his room. A parent doesn't like to hear about their teenage kids doing 'it', even if it was just in a dream.Words like 'let go' and 'shut up' was heard as he was being drag down the hall.With all the screaming and yelling it was no surprise that Gar's 13 year old sister was awake. Even though she was only 13 she could pass for a 16 year old because of her developed body. She had long blond hair that was so dark that it looked brown and unlike everyone else in the house she had darkblue eyes.

"What in the world is going on out here! I'm trying to sleep here people.So if u don't mind, Shut the hell up!" sheyelled, though she was half asleep.

"What did you say Kiri!" her dad said to her.

"I said, would you please be quite so I may continue sleeping, father." she said in a sweet gentle vioce. She quickly truned around and went back into her room. Gar's dad left as well.

After cleaning himself up he got in his bed with clean sheets. He just didn't understand why he keep having these dreams of Raven. Maybe its because i've hadn't seen her in so long, he thought. Him and Rae had't seen each other since summer began. A matter a fact he hadn't seen any of his friends. But the only thing he can do now is wait till the morning sun comes up.

I've decided to continue this just because of vampiress10921, so you can thank her