Author Notes:

Kudari-chan: No, I don't need to and I don't have to put Dufort and Lori together. Because I'm not a Dufort/Lori fan. I don't like that pair for a couple of real good reasons. But aside from that, I don't mind the goofs. Enjoy the out takes.

Duskmon Kimura: I'm sure you'll get another chance, Duskmon. And how come I'm not tracked down? It's because I got rid of the ice cream truck before I got back to my house. But, the Wonkavator IS the 'Great Glass Elevator!' DUH. Enjoy the out takes.

Computerfreak101: Glad you girls enjoy the torture. Enjoy the out takes.

Toa Inika Hewkii: Well, this story is suppose to be a Zatch/Kolulu thing in it. Enjoy the out takes.

Brokensilverchains: Uhhhhhhh... Enjoy the out takes.

Twilight Memories: Oh, yeah, how could I for get the stick? Sorry, but you never said that you wanted to join the fun. (Backs away a bit) Too much happiness there, Twi. Chill, and enjoy the out takes.


(I don't know if these out takes are funny, but I tried my best anyhow.)

Out takes of chapter 1.

"Strange place it is, huh?" the strange man spoke to Zatch. "No one ever goes in there." the man spoke again as he pointed towards the factory. Zatch turned to look at the factory again. "And no one ever comes out." the man finished his warning, then started to walk off down the sidewalk.

"Huh?" went Zatch.

"CUT! Zatch, you're not suppose to say anything." I (As the director of this story) said out loud through a megaphone. "Come on, lets go again.

Take 2.

"Strange place it is, huh?" the strange man spoke to Zatch. "No one ever goes in there." the man spoke again as he pointed towards the factory. Zatch turned to look at the factory again. "And no one ever comes out." the man finished his warning, then started to walk off down the sidewalk.

"Who?" went Zatch.

"CUT! I said you're not suppose to say anything!" I said out loud again. "Lets go again."

"I'm sorry, I'll get it right this time." Zatch said, chuckling to himself.

Take 3.

"Strange place it is, huh?" the strange man spoke to Zatch. "No one ever goes in there." the man spoke again as he pointed towards the factory. Zatch turned to look at the factory again. "And no one ever comes out." the man finished his warning, then started to walk off down the sidewalk.

"Dude, you don't make any sense! What in the (Beep!) are you saying?" Zatch shouted anime style.

"CUT! ZATCH!" I shouted anime style.

"I can't help myself! That guy's not making sense!"

"Doesn't make sense? You're the one that doesn't make sense! ZENO, YOU'RE UP!" I shouted over at Zeno.

"Why me?" yelled out Zeno, with make up him, to make his skin look normal, and his hair was died blond, and he was wearing one of Zatch's cloaks.

"Because your stupid counterpart isn't working with us, now get your rear over there for the next take!" I shouted.

At Kiyo's house.

"And ACTION!" I shouted through the megaphone.

"Am I late everyone?" Zatch called out as he closed the door of Kiyo's home as soon as he opened it.

"You're only just two minutes late, that's all. But your not in trouble." Kiyo answered Zatch's question as he walked down the stairs. Zatch just sighed in relief. "In fact, we were just about to have dinner. Care to join us all mighty king of the Mamodo world." Kiyo teased as he entered the kitchen.

"Hey, that's all mighty KIND king of the pirates to you, mister!" Zatch responded as he followed his former book owner.

"CUT! That's not how it's suppose to go!" I shouted.

Out takes of chapter 5.

"And... ACTION!" I shouted through the megaphone.

Zatch begins running away from the crowd of people after he got the fifth golden ticket. But suddenly...

... Zatch trips and falls flat on his face on the sidewalk.

"CUT! Can someone get the kid back up?"

"Holy crap!" Zatch said in pain.

The scene where Zatch meets Slugworth.

Zatch lost the crowd as soon as he pass three blocks and entered a tunnel. He was relieved that Kiyo's house was just at the end of this tunnel, until someone came into his view and he stopped running. It showed a strange man wearing black. He was wearing a black hat on his head and black glasses on his eyes. And lastly, he had a scar on his left cheek.

Suddenly Zatch messes up on his running.

"Congratulations little boy. Well done. You have found-"

"Wait, I mess up, I need to try again. Sorry." Zatch quickly said and went back to his position for the scene.

Take 2.

Zatch lost the crowd as soon as he pass three blocks and entered a tunnel. He was relieved that Kiyo's house was just at the end of this tunnel, until someone came into his view and he stopped running. It showed a strange man wearing black. He was wearing a black hat on his head and black glasses on his eyes. And lastly, he had a scar on his left cheek.



Zatch accidently runs into Slugworth.

Out takes of chapter 6.

The scene where everyone's waiting outside the factory.

"Hey, Sherry, I found out in the script that there's a chocolate river we're gonna encounter later." Brago whispered to Sherry while the others were saying their lines, but one of the cameras were able to catch them on tape.

"Okay, just don't go gorging yourself in it." Sherry responded.

"What are you talking about? You gorge yourself in chocolate." Brago whispered back.

"Not as much as you do."

"I so do not over gorge myself as much as you, and I'll prove it in any way possible."

"Hey... smell that, Brago?" Sherry said as she began sniffing the air in front of Brago. "Smells like a bet."

"No, I smell..." Brago responded as he took in a deep whiff of air in front of Sherry's face. "... You losing a bet!"

"You're on. First one to dig into the chocolate river loses." Sherry finished.

The scene where everyone's about to sign up the contract.

"Hold it, Kolulu don't sign anything. What's this all about?" Lori spoke to her sister/former Mamodo partner, then she turned and asked Willy Wonka.

"Just some blah blurblur-" Willy answered but messed up on his lines.

Take 2.

"You just have to, I mean you, and the contract, have to barymythlow." Willy messed up on his lines again, and was silent, but then looked straight at the camera and said "Look... stop it, no laugh at that."

Scene where Brago tells Sherry to stay out of it when he wants to sign the contract.

"I'm only trying to help you."

"You're the one who kept begging me to take you with me, and I said yes. But as long as we're here, we're doing this my way. Now give me that pen!" Brago responded as he snatched a pen out of Kolulu's hand and began to sign the contract. "Wait, hold on a minute, I did something wrong."

Take 2.

"I'm only trying to help you."

"You're the one who kept begging me to take you with me, and I said yes. But as long- NO WAY!" Brago messed up again, and stomped his foot on the ground.

Take 3.

"You're the one who kept begging me to take- ah, okay, I'll get it right next time." Brago quickly.

Take 4.

"You're the one who kept begging me to take you with me, and I said yes. But as long as we're here, we're doing this- no way. Wow, what the (Beep!) is wrong with me today?" Brago messed up again as he walks off stage to his trailer.

"Get it right, Brago, hello." Sherry spoke up, but then an old soda can came flying at her, hitting her in the head.

Out takes of chapter 7.

The whole Chocolate Room looked like something from a dream, it was a wonderland of sweets. Everywhere you look, there was candy everywhere. It was a dream come true for any candy lover.

"(Beep!)" spoke Zatch.

"(Beep!)" spoke Kolulu.

"(Beep!)" spoke Tia.

"(Beep!)" spoke Kyanchome.

"(Beep!)" spoke Brago.

"CUT! You guys aren't suppose to cuss! Okay, lets try again." I said out loud on the megaphone.

The scene where Sherry's looking for Brago.

"Brago? Where are you?" he heard Sherry calling out for him. He raised his hand up over the top of the bushes he was in so that Sherry would find him more easily.

"Oh, I found-what?" Sherry passes through the bushes to find Kiyo and Megumi kissing.

"Do you mind?" both teens yelled at the blond.

"CUT!" I shouted.

Out takes of chapter 8.

"Well actually, chocolate." Willy corrected them.

"That's chocolate!" everyone except Brago called out.

"A chocolate river." Kolulu spoke.

"Yes. And there's my chocolate waterfall. No other candy factory in the world makes it chocolate by waterfall." Willy explained as he then whispered this into Sherry's ear "It helps if you want it just right."

"Let me at some!" Both Brago and Sherry yelled out as they ran straight up at the edge of the chocolate river and began putting chunks of melted chocolate into their mouths insanely. Then they looked at each other and...

"YOU GAVE FIRST! I DID NOT, YOU DID!" both the dark mamodo and the blond shouted at each other in unison.

Sherry suddenly slapped Brago, then Brago slapped Sherry back, then they roared and lunged at each other. Their fighting caused both of them to fall into the chocolate river. When they burst out of the fudge to breath, Sherry spat a bunch of melted chocolate out of her mouth into Brago's face. Then the mamodo jumped onto the blond and brought her into a head lock.

"Kick his butt!" the girls shouted out at Sherry.

"Yeah, kick her butt!" the guys shouted out at Brago.

But then Brago and Sherry turned around and LITERALLY kicked each other in the butt with their left feet. It caused both of them to fall face flat in the chocolate river.

"Not like that!" Kiyo snapped at Brago, but the dark mamodo ignored the human.

"Headbutt!" Kanchome and Folgore said out loud.

Both Brago and Sherry grabbed hold of each other and banged their foreheads against each other, and then fell back into the melted chocolate.

"Headlock!" Megumi and Lori said out loud.

Brago and Sherry brought both each other into a headlock.

"Use her own weight against her!" Zatch shouted next.

Brago nodded and tried, but by Sherry's size, which was taller than he is, it brought both of them falling backwards into the chocolate with a thick SPLAT noise.

"Suplex!" Tia and Kolulu shouted next.

Sherry picked Brago up and was about to drop him behind her, but in the melted chocolate, her feet slipped and both Brago and Sherry fell off into the chocolate again with another SPLAT noise.

"Even I can fight better than that!" Zofis shouted out from out of nowhere.

"Where did you come from?" everyone shouted out in unison.

"Alright, I surrender, you win!" Sherry called out in defeat. The blond was on her back in the chocolate, and Brago had her pinned by just sitting on her stomach.

"Keep rolling, lets print that." I said through the megaphone.

Out takes of chapter 11.

"Is it gum?" Kolulu asked out of the group.

"Wrong, little girl. This is- (Wheeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzeeeesssssssssssssssssss!)" Willy messed up on his lines and ended up wheezing a long time. When he finished wheezing, he stomped his foot on the ground, looked straight at the camera, and said "Wow... that's not even funny."

The scene where Willy calls Zofis.

"Oh, Zophie?" Willy calle dout.

"Wha-ah, lets start again!" Zofis said his lines completely not the way it was suppose to go, so he turned around and run off the set, but ran his face into the wall.

Out takes of chapter 14.

(A/N: This is a deleted scene and a out take/blooper/messup at the same time.)

"Maybe we can find our way out of here if we just follow the piles of trash-wait!"

Take 2.

"Follow the piles-follow the piles-follow the piles-follow the piles-follow the piles-follow the piles... of trash and we may find our way out." Brago said, with a lot of stammering when saying his lines. Sherry just stood there looking at him.

Then Brago and Sherry began to walk off, with Sherry turning to look at the camera with a weird smile on her face.

"Better you had that line than me." the blond said out loud.

Out takes of chapter 15.

"Mr. Wonka, can we please take-" Megumi said her lines, but suddenly stopped and began to laugh.

"CUT! What's so funny, Ooumi?" I shouted out through my megaphone.

"I'm sorry, Rahkshi, but-hahahahahaha-he has... something in his nose-hahahahahahaha!" Megumi said and burst into laughter. Everyone else saw what was so funny and they burst into laughter as well.

"What's so funny?" Willy Wonka asked, turning around, to reveal something small and disgusting hanging out from his nose. I didn't find it so funny.

"Makeup!" Zatch called out, still laughing.

The scene where everyone's on the Hsaw Aknow.

"Will, don't go to sleep." I said to Willy Wonka on my megaphone.

"Oh, come on, just this once? I've had all my shots." Willy begged me to let him sleep during while the camera was rolling. "Looks like we're gonna have a smorgasbord."

Out takes of chapter 16.

The scene when Zeno reached into the t.v. and took the chocolate bar and began to eat it.

"This is delicious." Zeno said happily as he took his first bite of the chocolate bar.

Everyone just backed away a bit from Zeno. He turned to look at the camera and showed the chocolate bar in his hand. He had the most freakish smile in the world, PERIOD!

Suddenly, the crew and camera people in the back ground began to giggle out loud. Zeno turned his head in different directions to see them, with the freakish smile on his face.

"Try the chocolate bar," Zeno spoke up, with the camera people and crew members giggling harder this time. "It's heavenly," then the crew and camera people giggled even harder than before. "It tastes like dog (Beep!)"

And then the crew and camera people, including me, just laughed insanely from the thing Zeno just said. Then the dark lightning mamodo took another bite out of the chocolate bar and laughed as well.

Out takes of chapter 18.

"Oh, Zatch and Zeno." Willy said one time at the two lightning mamodos.

"Yes." Zatch and Zeno said in unison.

"Don't forget about the man who had everything he ever needed." said the candy maker.

"What's that?"

"He lived happily ever after." Willy finished with a smile on his face.

Almost everyone cheered in excitement.

"I don't get it." Zeno said all of a sudden.

Everyone stopped cheering and Zatch fainted just like that.

"CUT!" I shouted one last time through my megaphone.

Zeno looked up at the camera, including everyone who is reading this chapter and said "Was it something I said?"