So, I decided to add another story to my collection. This is just something I whipped up. It is diary entries from Ginny and Harry. It is sort of like the seventh book but the more romantic side so think tall dark and handsome with a troubled past.

Disclaimer: Wasn't mine Isn't mine Won't be mine

May 27

In my room bored

Dear Diary,

I still don't understand. Life can be so horrible sometimes. It's unfair how Dumbledore had to die. Harry's taken it very hard. His eyes have lost that spark that I so dearly loved. It is strange how the man I love the most is the only one I cannot have. He broke up with me to 'protect' me. How incredibly bizarre! Breaking my heart is the worst thing he could have done. Men are so stupid sometimes. Take my brother for example. He loves Hermione so much and he has such a crappy way of showing it. What a dweeb.

Look at me, going on about why life sucks in my brand new diary without actually introducing myself first. Well, my name is Ginny for starters. I have beautiful long auburn hair that I actually didn't like until last year. Harry liked it too. He used to tell me that all the time on our evening walks-"Used" being the key word by the way.

So anyway, my Professor McGonagall gave me this diary to write down my thoughts and feelings. I know, very strange, but I thought whatever. I might as well do it because everyone else around here is completely dull. The summer has just started and it has only been a few weeks since the funeral. Harry and Hermione are coming tomorrow. It will be totally awkward but life goes on…hopefully.

What bugs me though is that the three of them are planning something. Before we left Hogwarts, they were always whispering to each other. I feel so left out.

Depressingly Alone,

Ginny Weasley


Sitting by the lake at Ron's house

Dear Diary,

I have definitely got to come up with another name. Saying "Dear Diary" is kind of weird. Actually, a guy keeping a diary in the first place is weird. Professor McGonagall gave us each a diary. She wants us to write down how we feel. I don't have much relaxation time left so I thought I might as well write while I could. You see, Ron, Hermione and I are not returning to Hogwarts next year. We have a mission to accomplish. It sort of reminds me of that stupid muggle movie Dudley used to always watch. My only source of hope is that I think the guy wins in the end. So anyway, we haven't told anyone about our plan. Ginny doesn't even know.

Ahhh, Ginny. When I actually arrived her today, I was scared, scared that I wouldn't be able to control myself. Ginny is perfect. She makes me feel free and I would do anything to hold her in my arms right now. That would be selfish though. By not telling Ginny, it will protect her. No harm will come to her if she doesn't get involved. If she forgets her love, then maybe it wouldn't be so hard for her if I didn't come back. I cannot let my feelings get in the way. She can't love me now. She can't. It tears me apart, thinking about not returning. Who knows if we will succeed?

I gotta go…someone's coming.


May 29

Early in the morning in my room

Dear Diary,

I heard Harry last night. He was having a nightmare. I went in Ron's room where he was sleeping so I could calm him down. He never woke up but as I lay there next to him, his breathing finally slowed down. Oh, how I hate him for torturing me like this. Yesterday I tried to start conversation just so I could hear him talk but he was so cold towards me. It makes me so sad. He showed no emotion towards me at all except for the occasional flash in his eyes. A good or bad flash, I don't know.

So, the three are DEFENITELY up to something. They locked themselves up in Ron's room yesterday and put tons of barriers on the door so I couldn't even hear them talking. Afterwards, at dinner I tried to get any information I could out of them. I talked to Hermione and this is how it went…

"So, Hermione, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine, thanks for asking Ginny. Pass the potatoes please."

"Sure, so are you going to be taking any new classes next year?"

(I swear I saw her face go red.)

"Um, ya' I'm not exactly sure yet."

"Oh, I thought you would have already signed up for them."

"Well, um, I forgot."


"Oh, how strange. Anyway, how is the marriage going with you and Ron?"


"Hahaha, just trying to lighten the mood."

"Oh, very funny."

"Yah, I know. But seriously, what did you and the boys do in Ron's room all day?"



(I love to see her flustered)

"Uh, I have to go to the loo. Sorry"

Not very successful I must say but still very amusing. Today I plan to hide under Ron's bed and maybe I can listen in on their "meeting". I will find out what they are doing and hopefully, I can figure out why Harry hates me all of a sudden.


Detective Ginny Weasley

I know, sort of slow in the beginning but i had to set the mood. It will only be a few chapter long, depending on if people like it. It will be very romancey so expect lots of fluff. heehee R&R!