Love Is Something Priceless

Chapter I

His life

15 year old (15 in human years, 21 in hobbit years) Frodo Baggins woke up with a good stretch and a wide yawn. He lay there with his eyes closed for a few more minutes before opening them to greet the morning. He smiled and then stumbled out of his bed and into the kitchen for some breakfast. He rubbed his eyes and had another good yawn, before he began to make some porridge. It was early, so he was careful not to wake his Uncle Bilbo in the process. When he was finished making his meal, he silently ate it, with a smile on his face. 'A brand new day!' he thought to himself, 'full of new surprises.'

After he had taken the last bite, he jumped out of his seat, and opened the front door. He stopped to take a deep breath of the cool morning air before he stepped outside. "Autumn, my favorite time of year!" he said to himself. He closed his eyes and listened to the rustling of the leaves, and the feel of the cold wind tugging at his sleeves. It chilled his skin, but he loved it.

Frodo quickened his pace and walked through the forest to his favorite stream and sat down on the bank. He dipped his feet in the icy water and leaned his head back listening to the sound of the birds, and watched the sunrise through the treetops. He loved the feeling of the gentle breeze blowing his hair back, and the rush of water against his feet.

Frodo was starting to become quite a handsome young hobbit. With his ocean blue eyes, and his dark hair, that was starting to curl. He had fair skin and an attractive face, with a charming smile. Frodo was very adventurous and usually got himself into mischief, along with his relatives Meriadoc Brandybuck, and Peregrine Took. He drove his own Uncle crazy sometimes, as well as some of the people around him. Frodo was also a very passionate, courageous hobbit. With A strong-will, and always looking for the deeper meaning of life.

He was immature at times and still loved to tease girls. Especially one, Rosie Cotton, whom he loved to torment.

He sighed, and closed his eyes letting many memories fill his mind. His parents' death, his summers he had spent when he lived in Brandywine with Merry and Pippin, and his first meeting with Gandalf. He chuckled at this thought as he remembered how scared he was when he first met the wizard. He had almost had a heart attack at seeing a 'giant' in the Shire. 'It all passed by too quickly' he thought.

Suddenly he heard something from behind him, that disrupted the peacefulness of the birds singing, and he spun around to see a movement in the bushes. Frodo swallowed then timidly got up and walked over to the spot. He began to gingerly pull back the leaves to see what was hidden behind them.


Frodo fell to the ground in shock as a girl sprang out from behind them.

"Hello Frodo!" she said smiling. He frowned and rolled his eyes to show his frustration.

"Hello Rosie." He drawled.

She slapped him on the arm, "You are the rudest boy I have ever met!"

He huffed and started walking away, "Thanks! I make a point of it!" he hollered. Then he furrowed his eyebrows, "Who does she think she is? Scaring me like that? Stupid girl!" he said quietly to himself beneath his breath. He shook his head in annoyance, and then his eyes widened as he remembered something.

"Oh no! I was supposed to meet Merry and Pippin half an hour ago!" He slapped himself on the forehead, and then ran to his destination.