Title: I never knew

Summary: I never knew life could hurt so much. I watch myself fade away from everything. Including the ones I love. They call to me, but I slipped out of their grasp. I am fakeā€¦

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto
I never knew life could hurt so much.

I watch myself fade away from everything.

Including the ones I love.

They call to me, but I slipped out of their grasp.

I am fake.

I force a smile and a laugh, but inside I am breaking.

I have tried to come back,

I have tried to reach out for help,

But something is pulling me from behind.

And I give in.

The darkness is closing in, and I cannot escape.

But for some reason, I do not want to escape.

The dark engulfs my mind, blinding me from everything.

The tunnel is blocked, I cannot get to the other side.

I hear voices, voices calling me to come to them.

They reminded me about all the times I have spent with them.

My friends.

Yes, my friends.

The people that call themselves friends.

Only at times they shun me like I was a vicious dog.

I wanted acceptance and I got it, for a cost.

I never knew that life could be so hard.

My breathing is laboured now.

I don't have much time.

I remembered the memories I once had with them

I truly did have some laughs back then

The fun times, the happy times.


Was I actually, no doubt in my mind

Really happy

Or was it jut a dream I have been living my whole life

Maybe in reality

I was nothing but a ghost

Floating around and being a nuisance to everyone

But that was then, this is now

My breath is gradually being shortened

I do not have much time

I have two choices

To reach out and take the hands of the people that care for me

But I do not exist

I am still a shadow behind my team mates

My other choice

To finally let myself go

Let me rest and not to worry about anything

Were my options difficult?

I never knew that this one decision would change my whole life

I only have a few more moments

But now I know

But it is too late

I am already gone

I have made my choice

I close my eyes for the last time

And breathe my last breathe

Now, I am just a mere memory of what has happened.

hahahaa... yes... that was quite... ermm werid.. lol i was in a depressing mood.. so im like.. oh well... im not in the mood to write anything happy and stuff.. soo i just wrote this... even though i have so much friggin homework! GRRR! well i hope you.. somewhat like it... lol
