A/N: last chapter, I'm sad, but also glad this is done so I can get back to my other stories. This story kindabeen top priority ever since I started writing it. well, enjoy and thanks to everyone who ever reviewed or just read.

Chapter 17: Midnight Tea

Mary looked around the squad room at all the different officers and remembered in the Special Victims Unit, officers only stayed for about two years. "Munch, what happens to all the detectives after SVU?"

Munch took a sip of his tea and answered, "Some just quit, they can't take it. Others transfer to another division such as Narcotics or Homicide. And I had a partner who quit because she felt that the brass was sticking their noses in where it doesn't belong."

"I'd always thought you'd agree with Monique about that, seeing how you advocate that Americans are letting Big Brother watch them," Mary commented.

Munch stared at her confused until he remembered the hug he saw between Monique and her. "So how do you know Jeffries?"

"One of two ways. A, we're lovers, or b, we're related."

"Is it too much to hope for a?" Munch asked with a wicked grin.

"You're a dirty old man, you know that? It's b."

Elliot nudged Olivia and whispered, "Hey Liv, check it out." He motioned to Munch and Mary. "There's two people I never thought I'd see being civil towards each other."

She nodded. "I feel like we entered the Twilight Zone."

Mary saw Fin exit Cragen's office and asked, "Quick, give me your pen."

"Why do you assume I have a pen?"

"Because you look like an old anorak," she answered.

"A what?"

"An old nerd, now give me your pen." He handed her his pen and watched as she quickly scribbled something down. She folded up the paper and handed him back the pen. "Listen, if we don't see each other after this, there's something I want you to know."

She paused and Munch looked at her curiously. Yes, she had been a pain in his ass since she joined SVU, but the way she looked at him right now made him almost forget that.

"I still don't like you," she said flatly and dryly.

Munch blinked and saw a smile forming on her face. "I wasn't expecting you to say that."

"That's why irony is comedic," she informed him.

He shook his head and said, "That just reminded me of something I wanted to say. I don't like you either."

"Then it's agreed - we dislike each other."

Munch extended his hand. "Here's to barely standing you."

She took it and said, "Here's to restraining myself form hitting you all the time."

They shook hands briefly, gave each other a nod and then Mary headed over to Cragen's office. Fin came over to Munch and asked, "What was that about? It looked like you were getting along."

He shook his head. "No, Mary and I just agreed that we couldn't stand each other. Apparently you could stand her, especially in the bedroom."

Fin started at him shocked. "You knew?"

Munch sat down at his desk, leaned back, and put his feet up. "It was hard to miss after you two started making out in the precinct. Really, could you try to keep your personal life out of your work?"

Fin shook his head, recognizing Munch's sarcastic tone, and sat down across Munch. Munch leaned forwarded and whispered, "Not that I'm really to curious about Mary, but it's been so long since I've been out on a date. How was the sex?"

"So it's agreed?" Mary asked after discussing her future with Cragen.

Cragen nodded forcefully.

"Thank you. Now I kinda want to make a big exit, so if they ask can you just tell them I quit and moved back to Tennessee?"

"You want me to tell everyone that, even Detective Tutuola?"

Mary smirked at him. "Tell Detective Tutuola whatever you like."

She strutted out of the office and back in the squad room. She had to suppress a smirk. This was probably her last chance to perform in front of these people and she didn't want to screw it up.

She grabbed an empty box and dumped a bunch of files that were on her desk in it. She headed over to her locker, knowing people were staring at he,r and emptied her locker out. Elliot and Olivia looked at each other. Olivia shook her head and Elliot went over to Mary. "Hey Clampett, what ya doing?"

"I decided I don't need this anymore," Mary answered him in the thick Tennessee accent.

"So you're leaving?"

"Aren't you a sharp one? I'm getting out of here just as fast as chicken who sees Colonel Sanders coming up to the henhouse."

Everyone but Olivia and Elliot had to stifle a laugh. "Uh Daisy, do you want to talk about anything?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah, now that you mention it, I do. I hate it here. And I'm just sorry you had to put up with me so long."

She finished packing her box and said, "Now, I'm gonna get out of here and hope I don't see you again. Okay?"

Elliot and Olivia just stared at her. "I would say it was a pleasure meeting you, but," she laughed softly, "I'd be lying. And I know for sure that it was not a pleasure meeting me."

She dropped her box on a desk and turned to Fin. She started walking towards him saying, "Detective Tutuola, you had to deal with me the most and you were a real trooper about it. I don't know how to repay you, but I can try."

She smiled at him briefly and then kissed him. The kiss started off soft and delicate, but erupted into a fury of uncontrolled passion. Mary let one hand trace down Fin's back and she quickly slipped something in his back pocket. She let her lips linger on his for a couple more seconds before pulling away whispering, "Check your back pocket, but be discreet."

Fin stared at her, completely shocked. She smirked at him and said, "Bye, Sugar Pie."

She grabbed her box and turned one last time to the SVU team. "Bye ya'll." Then she headed out the door.

"Aw, you even look like a Sugar Pie," Munch teased after the precinct had quieted down.

"Shut up," Fin snapped and pulled the note out of his back pocket. His eyes scanned over the few words. Thank you, and goodbye.

"What does it say?" Munch asked after a moment.


Rapid knocks on Fin's door woke him from his sleep. He dragged his feet over to his door, flung it open and barked groggily, "What!"

He looked at the person who would dare intrude on his much need sleep and saw Mary give him an apologetic smile. "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you."

"No, it's fine. You wanna come in?"

As he motioned to inside his apartment, she took half a step back. "I should go, I shouldn't have come this late."

As she turned to leave, Fin said, "Well, I'm up already and you came here for a reason, so out with it."

She hesitated, and then blurted out, "I need a recommendation."

"For what?"

"Narcotics, and I don't think Olivia or Elliot would give me one."

He was silent for a while, just staring at her like he was trying to figure her out.

"You don't have to give me. I shouldn't have asked."

"I'll give you one," he told her. "I just thought you were going back to London."

She bit her lip and glanced at the ground. "I will go back for the duration of the trial, but I don't think I can stay there. They'll be expecting Bloody Mary and I don't think I can be her anymore, at least not the Bloody Mary they're used to."

Fin nodded and suggested with a sly grin, "Hey Mary, you want to come in for some tea or something?"

"Are you trying to seduce me Detective Tutuola?" Mary asked as she walked into his apartment.

"No, never," Fin answered her.

"Because I just might let it work." She winked and closed the door to his apartment.

The End.