Okay, you have all been unbelievably patient for it and here it is. The next chapter. Start the fic.
As Terra and Beast Boy walked past they saw that Robin and Cyborg stopped running and were now kicking their pursuers' behind.
"Terra, you find my mom and rally the others. I'll look for Slade!" said Beast Boy.
Beast Boy starts to make his way up to Titan Rock. Beast Boy saw Slade looking down at the other on the cliff with a superior look. He was pretty angry with something but what BB wasn't sure. However, the important thing at the moment was getting to him unnoticed.
"STARFIRE!" shouted Slade.
Starfire starts to make her way towards Titan Rock with some of the Hive students snapping at her a few times. Starfire did the only thing she could do to them, she glared at them disdainfully and continued walking.
"Yes, Slade?" asked Starfire.
"Where is your hunting party? They're not doing they're job!" said Slade.
"Slade, there is no food. The herds have moved on." Said Starfire.
"No! You're just not looking hard enough!" said Slade.
"It is over. There is nothing left. We have only one choice. We must leave Titan Rock." Said Starfire.
Slade glared at her for a second.
"We're not going anywhere." Said Slade.
"Then you have sentenced us to death!" said Starfire.
"Then so be it!" said Slade.
Starfire was utterly shocked at Slade's lack of responsibility.
"You can't do that!" said Starfire.
"I'm the king. I can do whatever I want." Said Slade.
"If you were have the king Nightwing was…"
But before Starfire could finish Slade backhanded her to the ground.
"I'm TEN times the king Nightwing was!" said Slade.
A lion's roar was heard. One of anger, one that would have been made the lion Nightwing used to change into.
Beast Boy was covered in the shadow so in a way it looked like he black furred.
Slade took a couple of steps back in fear.
"Nightwing? No! You're dead!" said Slade.
Beast Boy ignored Slade an walked over to Starfire. He nudged her with his lion nose in attempt to wake her. It had worked, she looked at Beast Boy with weakened eyes.
"Nightwing?" asked Starfire.
"No Ma, it's me Beast Boy."
"Beast Boy? You're alive? How can that be?" asked Starfire.
"It doesn't matter; I'm home." Said Beast Boy.
"Beast Boy? Beast Boy! I'm a little surprised to see you…" gives Jinx, Gizmo, and Mammoth a death glare. "Alive!" The three gulp audibly slowly disappear into the shadows knowing they were in deep trouble now.
Starfire starts to get up with some help of the female superheroes.
Beast Boy glares at Slade.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip you apart." Threatened Beast Boy.
Now that Beast Boy had grown up there was no telling how many animals he could change into now. Even Slade himself had a limited amount of animals. (A/N: Hey, had to come up with some reason for him to be afraid.)
"Oh, Beast Boy, you must understand. The pressures of ruling a kingdom…" started Slade.
"Are no longer yours. Step down Slade!" finished Beast Boy.
"Oh, oh, ye… Well, I would but there is one little problem. You see them?" asked Slade.
He pointed above to reveal a whole bunch of Hive members on the cliff.
"They think I'M king." Said Slade.
"Well we don't! Beast Boy is the rightful king!" said Terra.
The super heroines stood behind Terra nodding their approval. Slade was a lousy king.
"The choice is yours, Slade. Either step down or go through shape shifter challenge." Said Beast Boy.
A shape shifter challenge was when a shape shifter would challenge the alpha male for leadership of pride through a fight using only their shape shifting abilities.
"Oh, must it all end in violence? I'd hate to be responsible for the death of a family member. Wouldn't you agree, Beast Boy?" asked Slade.
"That's not going to work, Slade! I've put it behind me!" said Beast Boy.
"Ah, but what about your faithful subjects? Have they put it behind them?" questioned Slade.
"Beast Boy, what is he talking about?" asked Terra.
"Ahh, so you haven't told them your little secret." Said a delighted Slade. "Well, Beast Boy, now's your chance to tell them. Tell them who is responsible for Nightwing's death!"
Beast Boy steeled himself over.
"I am."
Starfire approached her son with a look of pure grief.
"It's not true. Tell me it's not true."
Beast Boy's head sunk.
"It's true."
"You see? He admits it! Murderer!" accused Slade.
Lightning crashes behind Slade's head to punctuate the sentence.
"No! It was an accident!"
Slade walks around and around Beast Boy with his hands behind his back.
"If it weren't for you, Nightwing would still be alive! It's your fault he's dead; do you deny it?"
"Then! You're! Guilty!"
"No! I'm not a murderer!"
Slade and the hyenas start to back Beast Boy up the length of Pride Rock.
"Oh, Beast Boy, you're in trouble again. But this time, Daddy isn't here to save you. And now EVERYONE…KNOWS…WHY!"
Beast Boy slipped over the edge and was clinging on to the ledge with his hands. He changed into a lion and sunk his claws into the rock to try and help him climb.
Lightning strikes the bushes below him, igniting a fire.
"Beast Boy!" shouted Terra.
Slade smirks underneath his mask as he looks upon Beast Boy's fearful face.
"Now this looks familiar. Hmm…Where have I seen this before? Oh yes, I remember. This is just the way your father looked before he died."
He takes out two razor sharp silver S's and plunged them into Beast Boy's paws like he did to Nightwing.
"And here's my little secret…"
Slade leaned in close to whisper it to him.
"I killed Nightwing." Whispered Slade.
Beast Boy has a quick memory flash back to that fateful instant. His voice blends with his younger voice in the scream of when his father died.
In one giant leap Beast Boy lunged up and pins Slade on his back.
"No, Beast Boy, please!"
"Tell them the truth!"
"Truth? But truth is in the eye of the behold…" Beast Boy starts to put pressure down on Slade's throat. "All right! All right! I did it!"
"So they can hear you!" demanded Beast Boy.
Slade gritted his teeth but did as he was told.
"I killed Nightwing!"
Terra lifted the rock she was on and started flying towards Slade. Hive member jumped off their ledge and attacked Beast Boy. The female super heroes joined in the fray to fight off the Hive members.
"BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" was the cry that was heard as the Hive members were blasted away with sonic blasts and explosion disks.
"'Scuse me! Pardon me! Comin' through! Hot stuff! Whoo!" exclaimed Robin.
A monster like hand punches a Hive member off of Beast Boy. The Beast Within starts fighting off the Hive members in a Kung fu 'B-movie' style.
One last Hive member tries to sneak up behind him but hits him in the face with a raise of his fist without turning around in a typical Batman fashion.
Gizmo, Mammoth, and Jinx arrive in the cave and smirk as they walk over to Raven.
"I've been waiting to do this for a long time now!" said Gizmo.
"I'm going to enjoy this." Said Jinx.
Raven put her hands to defend herself from Jinx, Mammoth, and Gizmo who had entered the room to pummel her and quite possibly eat her later (cannibals).
Two shadows suddenly outstretched into the cave.
The three looked and saw Robin and Cyborg itching for a fight.
"You want to give these guys the sonic boom?" asked Robin.
Cyborg turned his arm into his sonic cannon.
"I got the sonic if you got the boom." Said Cyborg.
"Hey! Who's the Tin Man?" asked Gizmo.
"Oh no you did NOT just call me a TIN MAN!" shouted Cyborg.
"Oh no they called him a Tin Man." Said Robin.
"You callin' me a Tin Man?" demanded Cyborg.
"They shouldn't have done that." Said Robin.
"Are you callin' ME a Tin man?" demanded Cyborg..
"Now they're in for it." Said Robin.
The three Hive members hold onto each other and scream in fear. "AAAAAAAAAAAGH!"
A dust cloud starts to form as Cyborg begins to beat the crap out of the three evil doers. Mammoth tries to escape at one point but Cyborg drags him back into the dust cloud.
As the three Hive members go running out of the cave Robin and Raven start to chant.
"Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!"
Okay that's it for now. I, in all honesty, thought that this would be a good place to end it. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll try to get the next one up sooner I promise.