Miss Me Baby

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for Skye; I made him up. The Song is By Chris Cagle and the respective people own that. All flames will have moogles cooked over them and then Sora will eat them. Oh, yeah and Square soft owns the characters.

Chapter 1

Smoky and dimly lit, this bar was his kind of place to drown his sorrow. Four months ago he wouldn't have stepped in here but now he thought, who the hell cares. Four months ago he was still with her, the woman he loved. He pulled his cowboy hat down a little farther and gulped down his whiskey. He silently walked over to the jukebox, pressed a button, and sat back down. It was his song, the one he wrote and the one he sung. He hummed as his voice rang out through the bar:

Miss Me Baby

When you hear our favorite song

Miss Me Baby

And when you start to sing along

Think about all the times we danced

In the light to it all night long, oh

Then miss me baby

He watched the couples dancing on the floor. He remembered when they used to be like that. Streaming, the tears flowed down his face. He left the gil for his drink on the table and left before the song ended.

The cold night air stunned him for a second as he walked the streets of Galbadia back to his apartment. He tossed his hat and trench coat on the floor and sat down by the answering machine:

'Hey this is Irvine Kinneas, I can't come to the phone right now, so leave a message and I will get back to you.' beep "Hey, Irvine. This is Squall. How are you? I saw Selphie the other day; she didn't look too good. There were bruises on her face and arms, and when I approached her, she got a frightened look and ran the other way. I just thought you should know. Call me if you need to talk. Bye."

Irvine sighed, he thought over what Squall had said, and someone was hurting her. But why should he care, she had dumped him to go out with this guy. He bent over his head in his hands. He couldn't think of her like that. She was still his sunshine, even if she didn't think so.

Well, thats the first Chapter. The other chapters are already written. Like I stated at the top all flames by flamers will be used to roast moogles and then I will shove them down Sora's throat.

Riku: I want to shove something else down his throat.

Author: speechless

Sora: Jumps on Riku

Author: watches intently being a yaoi fangirl

Riku: I love you too Sora

Author: Oh, pleases read and review.