The Mission

AN:Well,another Neji and Tenten fic from me.I hope my writing has improved since last year,since ,looking back I find it rather childish and...poorly wirtten.Well,I was twelve then,I'm thirteen now,and I hope things will change.Anyways,this is a Nejiten fic,set when the two are about 16,chuunins,having recieved their first B mission.Enjoy!

"Neji!We have another mission.."her voice was bland,unemotional,as always when it came to dealing with these things.Calloused and rough hands held up a scroll,the outline of their mission which Tenten was currently scanning.She furled up the scroll,burning it with chakra,as required."We're to go into Mizugakure,to retrieve a scroll from a Konoha agent.It's a war-zone there,which is why this is a B-Ranked mission."she bit her lip-as always,Tenten was cautious,almost nervous when going out on missions like these.

Neji smirked,leaning casually against the wall,a sharp wind fluttering his long,dark hair.The effect was quite intimidating,to someone who didn't know better.Tenten did."That's good,isn't it?More battle experience.And B missions pay very well,I've heard."not that the young Hyuuga needed the money,living with his powerful clan at the Hyuuga mansion-he was more interested in the battle experience.

Tenten scowled-this was so like him."Just because you may be all powerful-My Lord Hyuuga,doesn't mean we all are."she was bitterly reminded of all the times she'd lost,failed miserable,no matter how she tried,in comparison to Neji.Her limits were under his.But not by very much,as she liked to argue.

She'd been on his team for as long as she could remember.Always doing missions together,training together,and so,Neji and Tenten had bonded,and become friends- best friends.She helped him to change his cold ways,helped him to see that there was more to life then just fighting.And he,in return,tested her skills,challenged them,showed her new ways to get out of any situation.A good partnership,something that benifited the both of them.And now,as they both just turned 16,they had their first b mission bestowed upon them.If Tenten was worried,Neji was not.

Not that he had any reason to be-the boy was a natural fighter,one of the very best.His ultimate defense made him almost impossible to touch or hurt.He could shut down an enemy's chakra flow with just his fingers,and his Byakugan.And he was a skilled weapons fighter,and intelligent,as well.Tenten was different-she was slimmer,quicker,leaner than him.Her fighting style differentiated from his poised,strategic chakra attacks.She preferred weapons more-her aim was amazing,the very best in Konoha.She could make invisible threads,fine as silk,and very strong,to soundlessly sneak up to enemies,and strangle them.Together,Neji and Tenten made a dynamic pair.

"Anyways,we should start training now,go to bed,and wake up at sunrise tomorrow,if we're going to make it to the next country by nightfall."he motioned for her to follow as Neji walked into the forest,found their usual clearing,where weapons still scattered the hard,cold ground."What'll it be this time?Weapons and Kaiten,or sparring?"

Tenten thought for a moment-they'd done the first just the other day."Sparring."she finally answered."But don't use chakra.Last time you accidentally hit me with it,I was coughing up blood for weeks!Besides,how many Hyuuga's are wegoing to meet in Mizugakure,when they all live in Konoha?"Tenten had just cut off his coming reply about being prepared for anything,and grinned."See?Just normal sparring,please?"


She dropped her kunai holster onto the ground,and readied herself,stretching all of her muscles and getting warmed up.Neji did the same,and he soon got into the usual Hyuuga stance.Just the sight of it made her gulp slightly,though she knew he wasn't going to use chakra. Tenten gathered her breath,and charged at him.

Her body was soon a flurry of fists and legs,so quick and agile.Neji blocked all of her blows,but a few came close to slipping past his defense.While she ducked and evaded his.He soon got into the routine of robotically blocking her blows,as Tenten grinned slightly.Just what she'd wanted.She faked a punch to the left,and he didn't take her bluff-he was just too good for that-and Tenten didn't expect any less.However,he did not expect to go into a fancy flying kick,which he blocked.However,her feet locked upon his arms,trapping him.Tenten used chakra to try and flip him into the air,and send him flying,but failed.

In a split second,Neji had wrenched her away from him,sending her spininning into the air.Tenten flipped,and landed evenly,out of breath and winded.He was truly amazed at how much she'd improved in the past year or so."You almost got me there.I wasn't expecting the kick.You took too long in trying to utillize your chakra,which gave me a chance to escape."he smirked slightly,as Tenten glowered at him.

"Ah,don't worry,Neji-kun.I'll get you someday.And that'll take you down a notch or two."

"I'm sure you will,Tenten.Someday."