
The moment I saw him standing there, I felt the same conflicting emotions of yesterday, those same emotions I fought so hard to forget. I may have moved on but still, one can never really, truly forget.

Has it been that long?


I wanted to drown...in his eyes...

So, how have you been?

Piercing emerald green eyes stare into mine.

"It could have been a lot better..."

Really? How?

Trying not to break eye contact, trying to be as unaffected as possible. He did not answer me right away nor did he look away.


I was drowning.

"You could have been there with me if I only had the courage to go back for you"

Damn it. Why now.

"It's your turn to turn quiet on me; complete reversal of roles. I deserve that much"

You never came back for me; I was never in any position to wait.

"You knew better than that, you must have known what you meant to me"

How could I know, you never once told me what I meant to you; I didn't know I meant anything at all.


This is not the way I imagined this conversation would be. Her words were true, that hurt me the most because I knew what lies behind her brown eyes.

I am sorry.

I said the words as if they were the last ones I'll ever say.

"Sorry? For what?"

For not coming back, for not saying what you deserve to hear.

I was trying to catch her eyes, to once again see beyond what she wants me to think.

I wanted to drown.

"It's not important anymore. I only remember you the way I want myself to remember you, you do the same; at least we have that. In truth, I don't know you any better than you know me"

I wanted to scream, to refute by saying that's not true. But how can I when all our lives I really never gave her any reason to believe otherwise.

The moment I saw her earlier, I knew I had lost her; she has forgiven but also forgotten about me.

Is there somebody else?

I knew that I was in no position to ask her that, but for my own sanity I gave in to my baser need.

She just continued to look at me, stare actually. That was enough; I did not expect her to answer me in the first place.



Long deafening silence; the conversation ended. They just stood there, under the sweltering heat of the afternoon sun, two combatants, neither one wanting to admit defeat,

Or healing.

"Well, I'll see you around then."

Stillness breached.

She started to walk away.


He felt compelled to say something, anything.


"Is this where we're going to end?"


Hope filled him; something he has not felt in a long time.

Brown looked straight into green ones - decided, sad but firm.

"We ended a long time ago, when you did not come back."

Stillness. Silence. Defeat. Finished.