Chapter 1: Darkness

In the dark of night, Sakura is walking down the alley. Her pink hair flows in the cool breeze as she thinks to herself.

I can't wait to get back to class tomorrow so I can spend some more time with Sasuke, but I bet Naruto will mess it up somehow. How I hate him!

Her hands clench into a fist as she thinks about him.

Why does he have to constantly get in the way?

Then behind her, she hears the metal trashcan move as she turns around to see who might be following her. She sees it's just a black cat and takes a deep breath to calm down.

Stop getting so jumpy Sakura, it was just a cat.

But then she hears a familiar voice call out to her. "Hello Sakura."

She then looks behind herself to see Naruto with his goggles over his eyes, standing behind her and asks in a ticked off tone. "What are you doing Naruto?

"I am here to talk to you." He replies, his voice sounding a bit sinister.

Sakura has a confused look on her face as she replied. "Well I don't want to right now, and what's with the sinister act." She then turns to walk away but hears a voice another voice in front of her.

"To bad, I don't care what you say. I need to talk to you."

At this moment, Sakura is getting a little scared. She tries to walk down another path in the alley as she sees another Naruto blocking that path as well. "What kind of game are you playing Naruto?"

"Who says I am playing a game?" The Naruto's asks at once. "I want to talk to you."

She is now starting to get really scared as she sees one last path that is still open, she runs to it until a ninja star almost hits her face. She looks up to see another Naruto on top of a roof, then she sees even more looking down on her. "This isn't funny anymore, what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry if I gave you the idea if I was trying to be funny. But I am serious, I want to have a word with you." The Naruto that is walking towards her says.

"Well too bad." Sakura replies as she tries to hit Naruto in the face.

But in a flash Naruto was able to hit Sakura in the stomach, kick her in the face, slam and pin her to the wall. "What do you think you are trying to do tramp, you are going to listing to me now and hear what I have to say."

"Naruto, this isn't like you." Sakura points out as Naruto just hits her in the face. The others laugh as he yells at her.

"Oh, so you have notice me. See, I have always just got the feeling I was lower than dirt to you. How you always daydreamed over Sasuke, who doesn't even give you a second look. While I try to get to know you and you treat me like scum."

"I promise I won't anymore, just please let me go." Sakura pleads as Naruto just hits her in the face once again and yells while the others continue to laugh.

"Did I tell you you could talk? You are the one that is scum, do you think I like being treated as if everyone hates me, everyone giving me that icy stare and forsaking me like that? Do You?"

She shakes her head while tears pour down her eyes.

"Being feared seems to be the only way for me to get any respect from this town that I helped save. So tomorrow I want you to bring me some Raman for lunch, and if you tell anyone about what happened tonight." Naruto threatens as he pulls out a small dagger and puts it to her throat. "I will slit that throat of yours, got it?"

She nods her head slowly as looking into his goggles with fear as a grin appears on his face and throws her into a few trashcans. "I will be acting as if none of this happened tomorrow, I expect you do the same." He and his clones then become one and he jumps over the buildings as Sakura slowly pulls herself up and runs home crying.

To Be Continue

I love being evil, but I am not really planning on updating this ff unless another chapter pops into my head. Sorry. But please review and I might change my mind.