Title: Okay

Fandom: Friends

Pairing: Carol/Susan

Rating: PG

Word count: 427

Disclaimer: I don't own them.

Summary: Ben knows it's okay.

When Ben was one, his mommy got married again. She married his other mommy, and Ben can't imagine what life would be like if he didn't have both of his mommies. So that was okay.

When Ben was three-and-a-half, he noticed that most of his friends at preschool only had one mommy and one daddy, but he had two mommies and a daddy. He had to ask his mommies why. But his mommies said that it just meant that he had more people to love him. So that was okay too.

When Ben was just turned six, he saw his mommies doing something in bed. They told him that they were just doing something that mommies or daddies who love each other do, and it was just like having a cuddle. And Ben knew that he liked having cuddles, so he supposed his mommies did too. So that was okay.

When Ben was almost eight, a boy in his class started saying his moms were lesbinems. His mommies told him that Jack was almost right; the proper word was lesbians. And they told him that it wasn't a bad thing, it was just a word for a girl who loved other girls. So that was okay.

When Ben was ten years old, his grade had to go into the gym and listen to the principal talking about growing up. And it confused him, because the principal talked about boys liking girls, and girls liking boys, and he didn't understand where his moms fitted into that. He asked them about it when he got home, and they told him that it was okay not to understand, and that the principal didn't know everything. They said that sometimes boys liked girls and girls liked boys, but that they were girls who liked girls. And they said that maybe he would like girls, or maybe he would like boys, or maybe he would like both, but that they didn't mind who he liked. So that was okay.

When Ben was thirteen, he walked in on his dad making out with Joey. He was a little weirded out, because it was his dad, and his dad's best friend. And his dad was married to Rachel. But when it had all settled down, and his dad was living with Joey, he didn't mind. He liked Joey too. So that was okay.

And, when Ben was sixteen, he felt no hesitation in letting Jack push him up against the wall of the changing rooms and kiss him. And it was more than okay.