Title: Of Promises Kept
Author: ji aka Corrupted Desires
Disclaimer: Currently plotting to kidnap the twins...
Rating: PG for implied alcohol use and drool inducing mental imagery
Pairing: Charlie/Hermione
Summary: A promise kept.
A/N: After writing the first one and promising to not write a sequel, the song Flying Dreams by Kenny Loggins came on my playlist and started this work floating in my head...
"I have a surprise for you..."
At the sound of the slightly hesitant voice, Hermione lifted her head from her report. She was currently taking a week break from her Ministry job at The Burrow. Almost everyone in the Wizarding World had this particular week off in celebration of Harry's defeat of Voldemort. But as always, even on break she had to have some work to keep her occupied. Thus she wasn't expecting one of the Weasley's to disturb her in the middle of perfectly wonderful Quidditch playing weather.
Hermione's molten chocolate gaze traveled slowly up from her parchment to see muscular thighs encased in tight dragonhide trousers, firm abs hidden beneath a black muscle shirt. Developed pectorals and shoulders met her roaming eyes as she silently thanked whomever decided dragon taming required tight clothing. Pools of chocolate paused for just a moment at the gently crimson flick of a dragon's tail from an enchanted tattoo caressed the neck of one Charlie Weasley as her eyes finally rose enough to take in his face and drive out enough drool inducing thoughts of her tongue following the path of the tail to take in the fact that he was grinning now... As well as holding out a blindfold expectantly.
"And just what kinky fetish did you have in mind for this surprise?" It wasn't until Hermione watched Charlie blink with surprise and turn a brilliant red to match his hair that she realized what she had said.
Running a hand nervously through his hair in an effort to help control his blush, Charlie cleared his throat. "Well... I guess you'll just have to find out, won't you?" He gave a lopsided grin and offered out the blindfold again.
Taking a moment to nibble on her lower lip, Hermione regarded Charlie's face for several moments. A fiery sparkle from the left side of his face drew her eye for a moment and she allowed her gaze to flicker to the fire topaz earring he wore, remembering how he had gotten the piercing after the war.
It had been after the post war celebration, both Charlie and Hermione were more than just a bit tipsy when they had wandered into Muggle London with Fred and George. Charlie had made a comment about not finding a girlfriend because of the scar he now carried on his left cheek because of the war and Hermione had turned around, dragging him into a nearby tattoo parlour. She had told him that if he was so worried about his looks, then he needed something fiery and beautiful to offset the scar.
Though neither would ever believe the twins tale of that night, Charlie had apparently asked Hermione if she were planning on gluing herself to his face. Fred and George swore that she had then licked Charlie's scar and given him one of her fire topaz earrings for his piercing. But Charlie had refused unless Hermione got a tattoo. He claimed that if he had to get a piercing like she had, then she had to get a tattoo. And she had, the small of her back had a winged lioness done the Muggle way that was later enchanted to move.
Realizing that her mind had wandered a bit too long and that Charlie's expression was turning anxious, Hermione turned her dazzling smile to him. "A surprise sounds like just what I need at the moment." And she closed her eyes, smiling as he tied the blindfold in place.
Taking her hands within his, Charlie lead Hermione out of The Burrow and a into the field before wrapping his arms around her and apparating.
It only took a moment to travel to the middle of nowhere. Unable to see, Hermione knew she wasn't anywhere near a town or city by the clean scent of the air and the lack of any sound other than Charlie's heart beating. He remained holding her for so long that for a moment, she thought he had forgotten why he had taken her away from her report.
Reluctantly letting go, Charlie chuckled softly. "Sorry, just got lost in thought for a moment." Thankfully she was still blindfolded and couldn't see his blush. He gently placed his hands on her shoulders and steered her in a specific direction until he finally stopped and pulled the blindfold away...
Hermione gasped at the sight in front of her and turned to look at Charlie with wide eyes. "What.. I don't.."
Grinning at her loss of words, Charlie gestured for her to take in the surprise once more. As she turned her attention back, she couldn't help but wonder at the trace of hopefulness in his expression.
Lying down before them, a custom made silvery harness nearby, a large dragon was curled up and appeared to be sleeping. The dragon must have been a good fifty or sixty feet long, sleek with muscle and pearly blue in color. It didn't seem as if it had scales, but the opalescent shimmer on it's hide gave it a jewel-like quality. The dragon's wings were folded as it dozed, the ridges and knobs along it's head and spine almost seeming to be built to allow someone to ride it. As she watched, the dragon started to wake.
Stretching like an over sized house cat, the dragon flicked it's tail as it spread it's wings. The wings were at least a hundred feet across and Hermione watched, entranced, as the large sapphire eyes opened.
"Oh Charlie... She's beautiful." Hermione didn't know how she knew that the dragon was female, but she did. So riveted on the dragon was she, that it took Hermione a full thirty minutes to remember. "I don't think I've ever seen a dragon like this. What breed is she?"
Charlie couldn't keep the smile from his face as he watched Hermione's every reaction to her surprise. "Her breed doesn't have a name yet. She's the first of her kind to be found... And she's your's." As he watched her eyes (eyes that were still locked on the dragon) widen, Charlie leaned toward Hermione's ear. "Are you ready to fly on a dragon?"
Eyes impossibly wide, Hermione whipped her head toward Charlie. Molten chocolate hues seared as she searched his for a memory. It seemed impossible for her to move as Charlie leaned closer still. "I told you that I would find the best dragon... Just for you to fly."
His hopeful gaze was searching, waiting until the moment he saw the memory connect in her eyes before he finished his move, lips grazing against hers.
Hermione was stunned as the memory came back to her, but anything she might have said was cut off before it could even form and she deepened the intensity of the kiss. Things seemed to fall into place as she recognized what had been started nearly twenty years previously.
Breaking the kiss, Charlie smiled at Hermione and it was filled with such love that she nearly lost her breath as she watched him walk over and place the harness on the dragon. A short time later and she was nestled closely in front of Charlie astride the dragon's neck. Her fear of heights vanished as the dragon sprang into the sky and she felt at home. Her smile grew as she felt Charlie nuzzle against her neck and heard him whisper four words that meant more to her than anything...
"Now... You are mine."
A/N: There. I feel complete on this tale. I hope everyone liked it.