By Mackenise Jackson

An: Thanks for the reviews, they make my day. As you probably have guessed this is taking place near the end of season seven, after Chimera but before Heroes. Please R&R and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Disclaimer; Not mine, never will be

Looking at each other Cassie, Jack and Janet slowly move towards the open door. When they are about a metre away Daniel Jackson's form filled the doorway a stack of papers in hand. Causing the Colonel, Doc, and Teen to jump.




Daniel for his part just stared at the three of them before saying.

"Well this explains why my department is so excited and with no artefact in sight."

"Come on Danny-Boy it's just a bit of fun"

Daniel stood aside as everyone filed into Jack's office.

"What about Sam, Jack?"

"Daniel, you helped Jack with the other list, how can you act like this" Cassie jumped.

"Um...ah… That is different it was only a couple of us and Sam didn't mind"

Knowing this line of questioning could go on for ages, Janet asked.

"Are you going to tell Sam or not?"

Thinking for a minute Daniel replied.

"No, it may hurt her, but there is something wrong about Pete, and maybe this will help her realise that everyone but her can see it… What can I do to help?"

Silence reigned for a minute, before Jack handed Daniel some papers.

"Choose the best ones"

Soon everyone was sitting, engrossed in their lists.


They had been making great progress, when two things happened, one the door opened to reveal Teal'c, and two a huge gust from the air-conditioning hit the room. Blowing papers around the room and out in do the halls.

"Quick, catch the paper"

All five people started racing after the lists, the air-conditioning still gusting, when over the PA came Siler's voice.

"Sorry everyone. I run in to a slight problem with the base air-conditioning should have it fixed in a couple of minutes"

With the hallway all ready covered in white this didn't go down well.

"Great these are going to be all over the base"

"We'll never catch them"

"I must agree Cassandra Frasier"

Passing Airmen were soon recruited to gather the pieces of paper.

The sight this formed would have made any bystander smile.


In fact up in the security room, the personnel there couldn't stop laughing at the sight of four of the base's senior staff, one of their daughters plus a handful of airmen chasing paper up and down the hallway.

"Jones, make two copies. Send one to the General. And the other to the leader of SG-3, he wanted to see the next time SG-1 made a fool of themselves."


Back in the hallway, the air- conditioning suddenly returned to normal. And everything stopped.

Everyone watched as the paper gently floated back down to the ground.

"Ok lets get it picked up" order Jack.

Five minutes later, along with Teal'c. Everyone was back it Jack's office.

"O'Neill may I inquirer about what is taking place in here?"

Jack, Cassie, Janet and Daniel all looked at each other.

"Well T, it's like this…"

An: Thanks for reviewing. Only a couple of chapters left. Hope you enjoyed. PLEASE R&R.