Hello, and welcome to my little story. It's my first fic, I'm afraid, so please forgive a few things here and there. But, enough about that! Please, give this a read!

Disclaimer: I am not rich. Therefore, I cannot possibly own Pokemon. Ah, the tragedies of life.


The eon pokemon soared over the land, together as always.

Normally, the siblings were joyful; with Latias speeding away only a few inches from the ground and the stern Latios sighing as he followed.

But not today – something horrible had happened.

The looks on their faces were pained as they flew towards the large column of black smoke in the distance. They glided over the endless blue ocean, creating walls of water on either side as they raced to an old tower that was slowly falling into the water.

When the two pokemon arrived, they were forced to stare bleakly at the smoldering remains of the Sky Pillar as it sank quietly into the sea. Latias put her claws to her mouth and trembled as Latios tried to tear his eyes away from the tragic site.

"Who…could have done this?" she finally whispered.

"Them." said Latios, pointing to the people standing at the bottom.

There were about ten humans standing there, grinning deliriously at their accomplishment. They all wore long-sleeved green shirts with a silver S on it, and the green beanies they wore on their head bore the same symbol. The men and women wore green pants and full-length skirts, respectively, and they each had silver boots upon their feet.

Among these people was a prominent looking man in a sharp green suit, smiling at the scene before him as if it made him happy. He had untamed ink black hair and sharp features, looking rather fierce. His cold steel eyes glinted in delight.

Latios and Latias turned transparent and floated closer, trying to catch their conversation.

One of the men finally said, "Are you pleased, Master Relem?"

The young man grinned widely, revealing a row of gleaming teeth. "Of course. You all followed my plan perfectly. You are sure that none of the Sky Tribe are still alive?"

"Not a one." came the reply.

He nodded, closing his eyes and smiling. "Excellent. You are all promoted. Now…"

Relem looked wistfully at the rubble, as if there was something in there he cherished dearly.

"Go in there and find the Green Orb. Be extremely careful with it, as it is worth more than all our lives. Take this to guide you."

He pulled a pendant out from beneath his shirt and handed it to the nearest person. At first sight, it just seemed a flake of green underneath a glass cover, but it was so much more than that.

The 'flake' was actually a scale, an iridescent piece of emerald skin that had a dark gold line engraved into it.

"Boss…is this…?" breathed its holder.

Relem tilted his head slightly, smiling proudly. "What else could it be? A Rayquaza scale, indeed."

Latias nearly let out a squeak of surprise but her brother quickly muffled her, focusing on the astonished grunts.

She touched her brother's mind and said, That's…his…

Yes. Latios replied, narrowing his eyes. When could they have gotten that?

Relem suddenly became serious and said, "I believe that I can trust Team Sky with this mission?"

The grunts replied unanimously, "Yes sir!"

"Then proceed."

As Relem departed for his waiting Flygon, the grunt holding the scale yelled, "What's our motto?"

The grunts flung their arms into the air, cheering, "Reach for the sky!"

Latios growled as the grunts rushed into the wreckage, their Mightyena trailing behind them. The tower had fallen apart, leaving nothing but crumbled, sandy stones – mere remnants of the once majestic spire.

Latias, however, was much more concerned with a small island behind the pillar.

Without warning, she flew towards it, leaving Latios stunned for a few seconds before taking off after her. She abruptly stopped at the shore, letting her brother catch up.

"What are you thinking, become visible and rushing into the open? Someone might… have…" He trailed off as he saw was Latias was staring at with her wide, golden eyes.

Lying there face-down in the sand was a young girl, no older than three or four. She was unconscious and bleeding profusely, with one particularly bad gash along her left bicep. She wore the tattered remains of a sea green and beige robe, and her reddish brown hair fell over her face, obscuring it from view.

Latias whispered, "She's from the Sky Tribe? Then we have to help-"

"Don't touch her!" Latios snapped sharply.

His sister pulled back her claws from the young girl's head, not sure if she was more surprised by his harsh tone or the bright field of green electricity that had suddenly exploded around the child.

Latios softened his tone and explained, "The Sky Tribe is…was the clan that built the Sky Pillar. The made it in tribute of Rayquaza, their protector, and in turn he gave them the Green Orb. It allows anyone who possesses it to summon him at will, but the Sky Tribe was wary of anyone seeing or handling it should it be used for ill. Where do you think they would hide such a thing?"

Latias looked at the girl narrowing her eyes and focusing her power. Suddenly, it was visible to her – inside the little girl's heart was a small glass orb, no bigger than a golf ball. It seemed to be made of the purest emeralds, and it gave off a soft green glow.

"Inside a heart? Were they insane?" she exclaimed.

Latios shook his head slowly, saying, "Maybe, but at least no one could misuse it this way. It must have been passed down to her."

He closed his eyes and clasped his claws together, forming a misty blue orb before him.

Latias blinked, "What are you doing?"

He opened a crimson eye and said, "Are we going to help her or not?"

Latias smiled in understanding and focused as well, creating a red energy sphere. After a few minutes, the two orbs merged together and formed a soft lavender light that washed over the girl. The electricity subsided and finally vanished as the eon power dispelled it.

Latias hovered closer to the ground and gathered the girl in her arms, careful not to scratch her with her claws. When the child was securely in Latias's grasp, she nodded to Latios, and the two flew away from the fallen pillar and those who wished to harm the girl.

--- --- ---

Five months passed after that, and the three were hiding out in the lush expanses of grass on Rt. 120. Latios skimmed the tall grass slowly, allowing the little girl to chase after him, laughing happily. Latias soon came into the area, clutching a few Pecha berries in her claws.

"Lia, come and eat." she called.

Because the eon pokemon were capable of human speech, they were able to inquire the girl about her background after she awoke. But for the first few days, all she could do was either sit and cry or stare blankly at nothing, hardly pausing to eat or sleep.

Sometimes she would scream for her mother or Rayquaza until her throat was raw. Other times she would lay on her back and stare unblinkingly at the sky for hours on end.

She was constantly on the edge of insanity.

But one day, she had simply woken up and told them that her name was Lia, and ever since then she had been a happy, bubbly child. She seemed not to remember anything but her name and a 'strange, green dragon' that she saw in her dreams sometimes. And whenever she said this, Latios and Latias would glance at each other and say nothing, waiting for the thought to pass from her mind.

Now Lia sat contently, eating her berry and watching the pokemon wander by. The eon pokemon spoke in hushed tones, trying not to catch Lia's attention.

"So you've found it?" Latios whispered urgently.

Latias nodded sadly, saying, "Yes. It's a little house off the shore of Olivine in Johto. No one should find her there. With luck, she'll never come back to Hoenn again. But…" She trailed off, looking at the little girl with sad eyes.

Latios followed her gaze and sighed, "She's grown on me too, but we can't risk Team Sky finding her. You don't want her to get hurt, do you?"

Latias shook her head and said firmly, "Let's go now."

She glided over the girl and sweetly said, "Are you done eating, Lia?"

"Yep!" she chirped, berry juice smeared over her face.

Latias smiled softly and affectionately wiped off the child's face before taking her into her arms and heading towards the sky, her brother right by her side.

"Flying? We're flying! Where are we going?" she chirped eagerly.

"Johto." Latios replied curtly.

"Where's that? Is there a lot of blue sky there? I love the sky!" she giggled.

The eons watched the little girl stretch out her arms and close her eyes. A serene look came over her face, as if flying came naturally to her. The tattered robe billowed around her, giving her an ethereal look.

Latios smiled bitterly – she was certainly Rayquaza's child.

--- --- ---

It was a long flight, but presently they came to a quaint little port that rested just above the Whirlpool Islands. The sun was bright and the waves were blue, making Olivine City a beautiful beach front city.

Latias carefully shifted Lia on one arm and pointed briefly with the other, singling out a small house on the shore.

A young woman was drying laundry in the front yard, and her husband was training a small Slakoth by making it move boulders. The woman was pinning up sheet after sheet cheerily, seemingly oblivious to the huge pile of laundry next to her. There were little cardboard boxes everywhere – they just moved in.

Latios observed the childless family and sighed. He knew it was for the best, but still… Latias hesitated, holding Lia tightly in her arms and staring.

Hey…Latios… she began psychically.


What if we just…kept her? You know? Rayquaza will come back eventually.


She'd be alright, we'd protect her… She already likes us…


She looked up, startled, at her brother's serious expression. Lia looked curiously from one to the other, holding Latias tightly.

"This is what's best." he decided firmly.

Latios had to psychically pry the girl from his sister's arms. She turned her head sharply and remained silent.

He turn transparent and glided closer and closer, until he was nearly directly above the woman. Just when she stretched out her arms to reach for another sheet of laundry, he dropped Lia into her arms, controlling her fall. The little girl landed directly into the woman's arms, causing her to let out a small scream. The eon pokemon hovered invisibly nearby to make sure she was taken in.

"Maria? What's wrong?" The man quickly ran over to his wife, staring bewilderedly at the child in her arms.

Maria stared into the air as she put down the child, then said, "She…she just fell from the sky…"

The man looked up and squinted into the bright sky, saying, "There isn't a plane around! So where did she…"

Maria wasn't paying attention. She was instead staring at the disheveled child clinging to her leg, tears welling up in her eyes. The poor thing was rightfully terrified of the whole ordeal. The girl turned her large blue eyes towards the woman and gave a whispered squeak.


The woman's expression softened instantly. She knelt down and held the child to her.

"Norman?" she whispered. "I want to keep her."

He whipped around, staring at her incredulously with amber eyes. "Keep her? But we can't just-"

The look in her dark eyes stopped him cold, allowing her to continue, "Norman, I know you love your pokemon, but they can be all we have! I think this is someone's way of trying to tell us that."

Norman ran a hand through his course black hair, staring for the first time at the child with reddish brown hair, sky blue eyes, and a tattered robe.

"What's your name?" he finally asked the little girl, exasperated.

"It's Lia." she replied shyly. She then stared up at him with a cute, confused face. "Are you my daddy?"

Norman seemed a bit taken aback at this, but then he knelt down to her level and smiled slightly, replying, "Yeah, I guess I am."

Lia smiled shyly and walked to him, allowing him to pick her up. He looked surprised at how light and small the child was and how easily she accepted him.

He caught his wife's eye. She was smiling so happily at them and even he started to feel happy. A daughter. Wow. But she could be their daughter.

He didn't quite know what he would do, but for now, he would care for this child.

The sibling pokemon watched the new family walk into their home, and then quietly prepared to leave. They took one last look at Lia, who by chance was staring at them from over her father's shoulder.

She waved good-bye to them childishly, moving her fingers up and down in unison.

Latias waved her claw in a final good-bye, and then turned slowly around and flew off.

By the time Norman had turned to see what his new daughter was waving at, they had already gone.


Long time readers will find the first half of the story (Prolouge - Chapter 10) newly revamped. Please read through it again! As for my first time readers, thank you very much! Please, leave a review and continue on!