Big Ned and his gang joined the Biker Mice crew for an impromptu barbecue and beer bash at the Last Chance, Charlie's way of saying thank you for their part in her and Vinnie's rescue.

Word soon spread through the bikie grape vine and before long, the party had swollen in size and spilled out into the street. Charlie's neighbours chose to not only tolerate the loud heavy metal music blaring out of several speakers positioned strategically for the crowd's enjoyment, but insisted on joining the party. More barbecues were fired up and more radios tuned in to Sweet Georgie Brown's evening session.

Chef Andy was alerted to Charlie's safe return and raced over to see for himself, only detouring to the liquor store to fill his van to the brim with a variety of alcoholic beverages and soft drinks to supplement the nearly exhausted supply at the Last Chance. His arrival was greeted with great enthusiasm and he was proclaimed the hero of the night as eager hands set to emptying the van's contents.

Closer to midnight, Stoker had been hunted down by the insistent blonde biker from Big Ned's gang, and convinced to check out her bike. She had used the opportunity to abscond with her willing catch and they hadn't returned until several hours later. Stoker wore a silly grin for the rest of the night and appeared generally dazed.

The party wound down in the early hours of the morning and the red-eyed crowd dispersed to nurse their headaches, though some quite happily set up camp where they fell.

Modo had used his sheer size and bulk to claim the sofa, falling asleep with two young beauties snuggled against him for warmth. Later inspection revealed it to be Officer Jensen and a girlfriend who had been sent by Murphy to make sure the party didn't get of hand. They were so dedicated to their job that they insisted on keeping an eye on things even during their off-duty hours.

Carbine invited Throttle and Stoker to bed down on the floor of her bedroom to escape the press of bodies and they happily stretched out to snore the night away. Carbine ground her teeth at her generosity and swore she would get the snoring duet back somehow, before finally drifting off herself.

Charlie found herself hard pressed to move around for the many bodies lying strewn both inside and outside her garage. Spying Vinnie snoring in one corner of the garage, she crawled over bodies until she reached him and shook him awake.

"Huhn?" he mumbled, wiping the drool from the corner of his mouth.

"Come on, bed" Charlie said, dragging him up by one arm.

He slung his arm round her shoulders and let her guide him up the stairs, round sleeping bodies and into her bedroom. He crashed face down on the bed and didn't move another muscle for the next twelve hours. Charlie followed suit, slinging an arm and a leg over her husband's broad back as she fell asleep next to him.

The next morning for everyone still at the garage was, in reality, the next afternoon. Those not too worse for wear were sent to purchase bacon and eggs, bread and coffee for the hungry crowd nursing hangovers and were treated to a late breakfast.

After the hefty meal, everyone pitched in to clean the garage and street up and the rubbish filled a number of garbage bags, stacked a couple of metres high outside the side of the garage. Finally, the remainder of Big Ned's crowd said goodbye to their hosts and rode off to do whatever they considered to be important at that time.

In the evening, Stoker took off to visit his new friend who had offered to show him some of the Chicago nightlife. Modo had been invited to a police function by Officer Jensen and Throttle took Carbine out for a romantic dinner at one of the more expensive restaurants in town.

Vinnie and Charlie were left to their own devices, much to their astonishment after having so many people around not long before. Not up to going out, they decided to stay in and had a dinner of left-overs, sat through a made for television movie and just enjoyed the chance to be together without anyone else around.

When the film finished, Vinnie turned the radio on and grinned at the song that came on.

Turning to his wife, he started to sing along with the song, pulling her off the sofa and toward their bedroom.

She was a fast machine,

She kept her motor clean,

She was the best damn woman that I ever seen,

She had a-sightless eyes,

Telling me no lie,

Knockin' me out with those American thighs,

Taking more than her share,

Had me fighting for air,

She told me to come, but I was already there,

'Cos the walls start shaking,

The earth was quaking,

My mind was achin',

And we were makin' it and you...

Shook me all night long,

Yeah you, shook me all night long.

Running double time on that seduction line,

She's one of a kind,

She's just mine all mine,

Well her claws,

Are just another cause,

Made a meal out of me, and come back for more,

Tried to cool me down,

To take another round

Well I'm back in the ring to take another swing,

But the walls were shaking,

The earth was quaking,

My mind was aching,

And we were making it and you...

Shook me all night long,

Yeah you, shook me all night long,

Knocked me out, I said you

Shook me all night long,

Had me shaking and you,

Shook me all night long,

Had me shaking,

Well you shook me...

You really shook me and YOU!

Shook me all night long,

Aaaaahaaaahaaaah You...

Shook me all night long,

Yeah yeah you,

Shook me all night long,

You really got me and you,

Shook me all night long,

Yeah you shook me,

Yeah you shook me,

All night long.

A wide grin spread across Charlie's face when her husband finished singing and her eyes gleamed with a wicked glint.

"Indeed Mr Van Wham, that's exactly what I plan to do!" she purred as she pushed him down on the bed.


I started this story in April 2005 and have only just finished it. Talk about a slow writer! But I hope you had as much fun reading my fanfic triology as I did writing it.

Thank you for taking the time to leave your reviews on my past stories (Thrills and Spills, Viva La Vinnie!) and I look forward to any new ones about "Primal Scent".

I'm almost sorry the triology has finished, but I can't be that sorry cos I've just spent three hours finishing the draft, blearily wading through the editing and putting the finishing touches together tonight.

I have another fanfic related to this triology in mind, one for Carbine and Throttle's wedding…hopefully on Mars. See how it goes.

