A/N: This chapter has some citrus flavoured moments so don't read if you don't like and if you do please be kind as I'm still kinda new to limes and stuff :)

Dirty Thoughts

With one swipe he cleared the desk and laid her naked body across it. He cupped her breasts, his thumbs playing with her hard nipples as she gasped and closed her eyes. Slowly he smoothed his hands over her hips, stopping to gently knead them before moving lower, across her thighs to her knees. Grasping them he roughly pulled apart her legs and positioned himself between them, sliding his hands back up her legs to rest on her thighs. His thumb shifted to touch her between her legs, making her moan and arch her back, begging for more.

"Please," she begged him, panting and trying to arch closer.

He grinned at her and grasped her thighs tighter, pulling her hips closer and readying himself to thrust deep inside her…

"What the hell are you doing?"

Miroku's eyes snapped open and he stared at InuYasha who sat across the room in front of Sesshomaru's desk. Straightening himself from the slumped position, he moved with some discomfort to the edge of the very comfortable armchair he was sitting in and rubbed a hand over his face. He must of dozed off he realized. Looking up at InuYasha again he very nearly blushed as the hanyou gave him a disgusted look. Miroku sighed and lent his face on his hands, last night's kiss had really affected him, that dream wasn't half as bad as the ones that had haunted his sleep through the night. A perverted grin touched his lips….it wasn't half as bad but neither was it half as good.

He didn't understand why it was Sango had left him without so much as a word ten years ago and why she seemed so bitter toward him now but he was glad that the fates had brought her back into his life. He had never felt the way she had made him feel. What they had had together was far hotter than any dream could ever be, the times they had had together were etched deep inside of him, he was never going to forget them. His grin widened as intimate memories from the past filled his mind.

InuYasha gave his friend a disgusted look and turned away again to look out of the large windows behind the desk. He knew what it was his friend had been dreaming of, it was obvious. He frowned at a small bird sitting on a branch outside the window, it's not like he was any better than Miroku anyway. Sitting here as he waited for his brother, there was nothing in his thoughts but her. Kagome…..her name was Kagome. It whispered inside his head. Her name alone sent waves of desire through him, making him think of her soft lips against his, her neck arching back as he moved down to her breasts, his hands slipping down to touch the wet warmth between her legs…..

"Damn!" he hit his fist against the armrest of the chair. How was he going to protect the girl if all he could think of was getting into her pants. He swore again and kicked the desk in front of him. Why had he agreed, he asked himself for the hundredth time.

"Try to refrain from destroying the furniture InuYasha,"

InuYasha turned his head to watch as his brother entered the room.

"About fucking time!" Inuyasha snarled

"Hmmnmn…do I take that to mean you have something better to do than meeting with your elder brother?"

InuYasha gritted his teeth as he watched Sesshomaru calmly and without a hurried movement, move around the desk and sit down leaning back in the big leather chair.

"I just don't have time to waste sitting around waiting for you," he growled.

"Really?" Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow "Then I suggest we waste no more of your precious time and get down to business," and lent forward and opened a draw, pulling out a thick file and tossing it to the other side of the desk in front of InuYasha. Miroku stood up walked across the room and lent over Inuyasha's shoulder as he opened the file.

Leaning back in his chair again, Sesshomaru watched his brother.

"What is this?" InuYasha stopped flipping through the file and looked up.

"Those are all the demon related attacks that have happened within the city in the last month,"

"What!" Miroku stared at Sesshomaru, confused "There must be hundreds of them here. It's almost five times the amount of activity,"

"Yes, that's what concerns the council,"

InuYasha screwed his nose up at the mention of the council. To him they were no more than a bunch of useless old demons from the highest ranked family's sitting around deciding how the rest of them should live. As far as he was concerned the world would be better off without them.

"So? What's it got to do with me?" InuYasha closed the file and threw it back on the desk. The corner of Sesshomaru's mouth lifted in bemusement.

"You are to investigate and find the cause," InuYasha opened his mouth to tell his brother where to go but Sesshomaru cut him off before he could.

"I want to know why this is happening," He lent forward and pinned InuYasha under his cold gaze "Do you have any questions?"

"Yeah," InuYasha leant forward and stared back at him. "Why the hell should I?"

Sesshomaru's long fingers tapped the arm of his chair.

"Is it necessary that we have this argument every time InuYasha?" Sesshomaru's eye's hardened "I think it's time you grew up. I have neither the time nor the patience to deal with your childish tantrums today," Opening a file, he turned toward his computer, effectively dismissing InuYasha and Miroku.

InuYasha gritted his teeth, his hands gripping the chair tightly as he lent forward and opened his mouth ready to give his arrogant brother a piece of his mind. Seeing this Miroku sighed in exasperation and picked up the file and headed toward the door, reaching it just as InuYasha angrily called his brother a big-headed jackass. He closed the door behind him, cutting off Sesshomaru's quiet reply.

Sometime later Sesshomaru stood by a large window and watched his half brother stomp down the long drive and out the gate, Miroku following slowly behind him.

"Your brother is hot headed,"

Sesshomaru didn't turn around at Kagara's voice, he had sensed her when she had entered the room. He frowned a little, he should have sensed her long before that, as it was, he had been alerted by her strange scent. It wafted around him now, neither human nor demon but unlike a hanyou's. No, there was something all together different about her, not just her scent. His frown deepened as stared up at the clear blue sky. He knew of InuYasha's dislike for this woman, it was plainly obvious but there were things that InuYasha did not know, reasons to keep this woman close by his side.

"He needs to learn to obey you without question,"

He felt Kagara's arms slide around him and without a word or any acknowledgment of her embrace he stepped away and walked to the door without looking at her. Opening the door, he paused and without turning around spoke to her, his voice flat.

"My brother is my concern. Do not interfere witch. Your only duty is to tell me of any visions you may have. Do not overstep your bounds," he left closing the door, not seeing the cold smile that spread across Kagara's lips as she stood where he had left her, staring at the place where InuYasha had disappeared from sight.

Kagome sat in deep concentration staring at the scroll in front of her. A warm breeze rustled the leaves over her head causing shadows and sparkling sunlight to dance across the paper but her concentration didn't waver. The words written in front of her ran through her mind in an endless stream until her lips began to move, forming each word. Raising her eyes from the scroll she focused them on a bowl of water sitting just a few steps in front of her. Lifting her hands, she slowly placed them palm down on the ground in front of her and let the last word explode from her lips in a gush of air. Pale light sparked and flung along the ground toward the bowl wrapping around it and creeping over the edges. The water lifted in a long collum from the bowl, it's colour a strange red. As the pale light wrapped around it, it began to clear and slowly lowered back in the bowl. The light settled gently around the base of the bowl before fading and disappearing.

Kagome raised her hands and sat back, slightly out of breath, a triumphant smile on her face as she stared at the bowl. Her smile widened as Sango walked over and crouched down beside the bowl, dipping her fingers in the water. She turned to Kagome and smiled.

"Well done," she raised her finger to her lips and tasted the water "All of the demons blood has been purified. Excellcent job," she stood up again and stepped over to pick up the scroll, noticing that Kagome was still slightly out of breath.

"That's enough for today. You rest here for a moment," she held the scroll up "I'll put this away," she walked away toward the big building that housed the shrine. Entering she walked to the end of the room and placed the scroll into a large chest filled with similar scrolls. Staring down at them she traced her finger over one and marvelled at how much Kagome's Spiritual powers had grown in the last week. She didn't wonder why though, the reason was obvious. InuYasha. Since her first sighting of him Kagome had definitely changed. She had woken early this morning, amazingly fully recovered from Naraku's attack. She seemed stronger and every day that passed she would grow more so. Sango looked at a large elaborate scroll in the centre of the box and sighed. She hoped Kagome was stronger than those that had gone before her. If she wanted to live, she was going to have to be.

Kagome watched Sango go for a second before laying back against the cold stone, her hands under her head. Her eyes delighted in the twinkling of the sun amongst the leaves for a moment before she closed her them and let her thoughts stray to her favourite subject.

"InuYasha," A small content smile flirted across her lips at the sound of his name. She called up his image in her mind, imagining him as he had looked before he had kissed her yesterday. His long silver hair had lain over his strong shoulders drawing her attention to his chest, the tight shirt he wore showing off his muscles.

Kagome licked her lips as she thought of his lips and how warm and firm they had been on hers. She raised her hand and touched her fingers to her mouth, tracing her lips and pretending it was his touch. Letting out a deep breath of air she remembered the way he had held her as she had looked up into his eyes. It sent shivers down her spin even now as she recalled the fire that had burnt there in the golden depths of his eyes, demanding that she succumb to him. She slid her hand along her hip and up under the loose shirt she wore, touching the bare skin of her waist as he had, her fingers lightly tickling.

Kagome bit the tip of her finger as she let her mind wander further, imagining what might have happened if Kouga hadn't interrupted them. The sensations that had raced through her when he had pushed his body against hers had been more wonderful than anything she had ever felt. His hard chest against her soft breasts had been particularly exiting and she wondered what it would feel like to have him touch her there. As she imagined his rough hands moving up under her shirt her own hand left her lips to move slowly down her body, her fingers gently brushing a nipple, making her gasp at how sensitive it felt.

Her thoughts to flew to how it would feel to have his lips there and she blushed wildly at the strange feeling in the pit of her stomach and lower. She wanted more of that feeling she realised, she craved it. So she let herself imagine what it would be like to have his bare chest pressing against her, to be totally naked with him as he kissed her in all the places that she ached. Kagome bit her lip and moaned slightly as a bolt of pleasure shot through her at just the thought .The hand at her waist drifted slowly across her stomach and lower to play with the elastic of her panties. A shiver ran down her spine as she imagined InuYasha's hands there, delving beneath the cloth to touch her as she had never been touched before.

"Inuyasha," she whispered longingly.

Suddenly she felt movement above her and her eyes sprang open to stare straight into InuYasha's as he knelt over her, legs on either side of her body. She sucked in a deep breath and lay still as he lent down, placing his hands on either side of her head. She blushed as his eyes continued to bore into her, the heat there searing each part of her body without even touching her. She let out her breath the movement drawing his attention to her breasts and Kagome blushed again as she felt her nipples harden even more and realised her hand was still resting on her breast. She tried to move it to her side but was stopped as he quickly grabbed her hand and held it there. Her eyes flew to his and her heart pounded beneath her chest as he moved her hand with his, teasing her with her own fingers.

"Kagome," it was the first time she had heard him say her name and just the sound of it set free all kinds of emotions that she had never known. She wanted to arch her body up to his, to cling around him like a vine. She wanted to feel his lips hard against her own and his tongue moving in her mouth. Her tongue darted out to wet her lips as she stared up at him, letting him see all the desire she felt.

He couldn't take it. He had to have her! As he had walked behind Miroku to the main house, reluctant to go in and begin the duty of protecting someone he knew would be trouble, he had smelt that familiar and intoxicating scent on the air but this time it was stronger and it was calling to him. Turning he had seen her, almost hidden by the shadows of the tree, laying on the ground. He had had no choice, he had to go to her but he hadn't been prepared for the intense desire he had felt as he watched her hands moving over her body. He had wondered who she was thinking of as she lay there and jealously raged through him as he imagined it was the annoying wolf. When she whispered his name he had nearly fallen over as his jealously was replaced by pure lust.

Kneeling over her now it was all he could do not to rip her clothes off and feast on her like a dying man. He let his eyes move down her body, watching as her breasts rose and fell with each breath she took, his fingers squeezed around hers and she sucked in a deep breath pushing her chest up toward him. InuYasha's stomach tightened and he almost moaned. Twining her fingers with his, he lifted her hand, holding it by her head. His eyes never left hers as he slowly lowered his head to her breast, his mouth just above her nipple.

Kagome held her breath as his lips gently touched the hard cloth covered nub, his breath hot through the thin fabric of her shirt. Her eyes widened and she let out her breath in a gush as InuYasha's tongue flicked out, wetting her shirt and making it cling. Kagome felt her insides melting as she watched him watching her, felt his tongue on her and longed to feel it on her naked skin. Her toes curled as he bared his teeth and took his eyes from hers to look down at her breast. Gently he closed his teeth around her nipple and tugged. Heat shot down Kagome's body and she arched up off the ground desperate for more. She groaned in disappointment as his teeth let go only to gasp in pleasure and closed her eyes as he sucked her nipple into his mouth.

Inuyasha couldn't believe how much he wanted this woman. It didn't matter that they were in broad daylight where anyone could see them, all he could think of was making her moan louder and louder, to have her call out his name as he made her his. He lifted his head and heard her groan again in protest and a pleased smile touched his lips as he moved his mouth to her other breast. He jerked a little as she arched high, pressing her hips to his and felt her free hand move up over his shoulder. He lifted his mouth and watched as she opened her eyes and looked at him, everything she was feeling was open there for him to see. She was his. His hand moved down between there bodies to touch the soft skin of her stomach and down to the low waist of her panties. Her hand tightened on his shoulder and he locked his eyes with hers, his voice rough with his need for her.

"I want to….,"


InuYasha ignored the voice for a moment, refusing to believe someone would interrupt them. His hand flexed and he felt Kagome tense under him, whether from his touch or Kohaku's shout he didn't know but either way he knew he had to stop. Lifting his hand he looked into her eyes and saw the same frustrated desire that he felt. He wanted to ground his hips to hers to show her that he felt the same way but Kohaku's voice again interrupted him.


Reluctantly InuYasha stood, wrapping his arm around Kagome's waist pulling her with him and deliberately held her close so that she could feel exactly how much he wanted her.

Kagome felt her stomach jump as he pressed up against her and she blushed furiously a strong desire to lay back down and pull him on top of her came over her. Unable to believe her own thoughts she looked away catching sight of Kohaku standing on the veranda of the house.

"I think we'd better go in," she said quietly, stepping away only to stumble back into InuYasha's arms, those strange hot sensations still chasing through her, making her knees weak.

Inuyasha looked down at her and took a deep breath, breathing in her heady scent. Soon he promised himself, he would have her soon.

"Come on," he said and led her toward the house.

They walked into a room filled with tension. Sango and Miroku stood on opposite sides of the room, Sango with her arms wrapped around herself, Miroku with an unsure expression on his face. InuYasha just rolled his eyes at the pair and sat down at the table. Kagome looked between the two, her expression curious. What had happened between these two? Sango refused to talk to her about it except to say she had no more feelings for the man but Kagome wondered if maybe that wasn't quite true. For someone who didn't feel anything there was certainly a lot of emotions hanging between the two.

Miroku tore his eyes from Sango and focused on Kagome.

"I'm sorry," he stepped toward her and held out his hand "we've never been properly introduced," he took her hand and instead of shaking it as she had expected, he lent down and kissed it. Raising his head again he seemed to pause for a moment, his eyes darting to look at Inuyasha. A grin spread across his face "I'm Miroku. It's a pleasure to meet you," his eyes flicked down again for an instant.

"I'm Kagome," she frowned wondering what he was looking at and as he let go of her hand she looked down and went bright red. On the front of her shirt were two damp spots, her nipples visible under the thin damp fabric. Blushing, Kagome excused herself and walked to her room to change.

InuYasha watched Kagome go from the corner of his eye, his own cheeks slightly pink. Turning to find Miroku looking at him, InuYasha frowned and ignored him glancing instead at the file laying on the table to Sango.

"So did you read it?"

"Um…no, not yet," she muttered and sat down. "I take it they're all demon attacks?" she asked as looked at the folder on the table.

"Yeah. Miroku thought they might be somehow connected to the old demon that's been after you," InuYasha gave Miroku a meaningful look. Miroku turned to Sango, who refused to look at him but listened as he talked.

"There's been a huge rise in attacks in the last month, with no apparent cause. If this Naraku is an ancient one then he could have something to do with it,"

Sango nodded "Hmmmn… I suppose you could be right. I could look over th…,"

"Good. Miroku will stay and help you and I'll take Kagome with me to see what we can find out," Inuyasha abruptly stood just as Kagome came back into the room. Grabbing her arm he pulled her out the door with him and down the steps.

Sango came out onto the veranda "Wait! InuYasha!" she yelled but InuYasha didn't stop, he disappeared out of the front gate, a bewildered Kagome in tow.

Sango turned around to look at Miroku who lent in the doorway staring at her. For some reason she felt like a mouse trapped by a cat. Taking a deep breath she reminded herself that she was in control. She was strong, nothing was going to happen, she wouldn't let it. All she had to do was forget exactly who this was and pretend he was just like any other man. Nodding to herself she prepared to brush by him when his quiet question stopped her in her tracks.

"Why did you leave me?"

A/N: ah…I hope that wasn't too bad :) next chap...more about Sango and Miroku's past and why she's so ticked at him.