A/N: I'm baaaaaaaaack! I had a sudden burst of inspiration and so have finally started re-writing Lost Forever. It's going to be a lot different now, though, since the events of the sixth book. It's still Draco/Hermione, because I don't write anything else, really. I don't have it all written, but it'll probably be a lot darker than the fluff-pot it was turning into last time. I hope you like it!

Read and reply, lovers. If you want to flame me, fine, just make it constructive criticism and spell it right. That'll be dandy.

Chapter One

A screech cut through the early morning air, piercing the suffocating silence of Diagon Alley. The usually crowded street was devoid of any sign of life. It was only about 5:30 am, after all. None of the shops even opened until nine. The scream continued to invade every corner of the alley until no one anywhere near the Leaky Cauldron could escape from it.

At last, just as angry customers began to rise from their comfortable beds to curse the person at fault, a series of swears rose above the screech. Finally, blessed silence returned to the Cauldron and all but one person forgot their quest to seriously injure the perpetrator in favor of going back to sleep. Besides, they knew quite well that it wasn't actually the girl's fault. They also knew it would probably happen again.

One woman, however, stormed down the hallway in an angry rampage. It was the third time that horrible girl had woken everyone up at this despicable hour, and she wasn't going to stand for it any longer. The old woman pounded on the girl's door, her face pulled into a severe scowl. "You come out right now, you wretched little girl!" she shouted angrily.

Shuffling was heard from behind the thin wooden door and it slowly opened just enough for a dark brown eye to peer through. The girl behind the door bit her lip ashamedly, and pulled the door open wider. "Listen, Mrs. Cavers, I-"

"You'll hold your tongue, girl. I've had enough of you and your damned alarm clock. You will leave the inn tonight. You'll find somewhere else to stay. I don't care where, but I want you to know that you'll be leaving by check out time. Do you understand me, Hermione Granger?" old Mrs. Cavers hissed threateningly.

The girl sighed. "I'm really very sorry, Mrs. Cavers, but it's not my fault. The twins keep cursing my alarm to scream and there's nothing I can do to stop them. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I can't leave, either. This is where I'll be until Sunday."

"I'll be talking to Tom about this!" Mrs. Cavers yelled with a glint in her eye as the door in front of her closed swiftly. "He'll kick you out! Do you hear me? Do you!"

Hermione tiredly rubbed her face with her hand and flopped on her bed. She was going to murder Fred and George for this. She was smart enough to get away with it. All she'd have to do would be to set it up to look like a Death Eater raid, and she'd be on her merry way. Without that blasted alarm clock, preferably. Rolling onto her stomach, she snuggled her face down into her pillow and doing her best to block out the angry old woman still screeching behind the door. There was at least two and a half hours of sleep that she could grab before she had to finish shopping for school.

As her eyes drifted shut, she never registered the strange tingling that she felt in her legs.


A few hours later, Hermione rolled out of bed with a large yawn. The sun was beating brightly through the dirty windowpane, giving the room a dull gray tinge too it. Though Hermione didn't know it had been there to start with, the tingling that had ravished her body while she slept had stopped completely.

Stretching, she moved to the dresser to pick out some clothes for the day. She grabbed her most comfortable outfit, a simple tee shirt and a pair of jeans, and slowly walked into the bathroom. The bathroom door closed behind her and she absentmindedly pulled on her clothes, threw her hair into a rough ponytail, and then began to brush her teeth. After she spit, then came the moment when her eyes moved to the mirror in front of her. That's when her eyes widened in shock, and the toothbrush clattered to the counter. Hermione opened her mouth in an attempt to scream, but nothing came out. She was far too shocked.

For the person staring back at her was not the same reflection she'd been looking at for the past seventeen years. The face looking at her now was narrower. Her cheekbones were higher, and her eyes were now long and slanted. The skin was much darker than the pale complexion she was used to; it looked more caramel-y. Her body had thinned; it looked far more toned than it had the night before. The once fluffy, light brown hair was now tightly coiled dark, dark brown ringlets.

Being Hermione, once she got over her shock, which took quite a long time, she immediately began thinking of logical explanations. The only realistic idea she came up with was that Fred and George had cursed her. They must have. It was the only thing that made a lick of sense. Quickly muttering a spell, her clothes changed to fit her new body, and she stuffed her wand into the back pocket of her jeans. She was going to kill the Weasley twins if it was the last thing she ever did.

Stalking out of her room and slamming the door behind her, Hermione began to make her way to the shop. The twins were always there. She was going to scream at them until her voice was gone. Then she was going to beat them into bloody pulps with their own childish pranks. After that, she was going to force them to change her back to how she was supposed to look.

The girl, so focused on her destination, didn't notice the eyes that looked at her strangely. She didn't realize that someone had started to follow her. Only a moment before a spell knocked her unconscious did she find that something other than her appearance was very, very wrong that day.

When she disappeared from Diagon Alley that day, no one knew how she'd gotten away from the guards that were sent to watch her. Hermione Granger hadn't even left her hotel room. A strange girl had left, instead, but she hadn't looked suspicious. The guards had thought that maybe it was a friend of Hermione's from school that had gotten there early that morning.

And thus, Hermione Granger was kidnapped.