I do not own Xiaolin Showdown. I own Arisu (A.K.A Alice) Please don't steal.

Paragraphs with be seperated with these three squares ᧄʓᦩ because my stupid tab key won't work...

I made some of my own Shen Gong Wu up so if you've never heard of some of them it's cause I made them up! Plus if i don't get the original ones right I"m sorry cause I just starting watching the show.

This is my first Xiaolin Showdown Fanfic, so be nice. Enjoy!


"Hey, when's Master Fung gonna be here? I thought we were suppose to do something" Raimundo said bouncing a soccer ball on his knees while everyone kept themselves entertained.

"I know, we've been waiting for almost like, Forever!" Kimiko said tapping on her palm pilot, Omi rolled off his head from his meditating position and rubbed his chin

"Perhaps Master Fung is pulling our toes!" he said

"Leg" Raimundo corrected and peered at the open door "Hey, I've got an idea!"

"Huh?" Raimundo grinned grabbing a bucket and filling it to the brim with water snickering to himself the whole time

"What're you up to partner?" Clay asked looking over his shoulder

"Are you planning to take a bath?" Omi asked curiously.

"Yeah, what's going- HEY!" Kimiko exclaimed while Raimundo stood on a stool by the door leaning the bucket on the top so when the door swung open it would cause the bucket to fall and hit the unsuspecting victim.

"Raimundo, what're you doing?" Kimiko asked running up to the Brazilian just as he jumped down

"Hey, it's his fault he's late. Think of it, as a surprise" Raimundo shrugged

"Ooh! I love surprises!" Omi grinned. Truthfully Kimiko also liked the idea of a bucket over their Sensei's head

"It's not the same thing... It's a bad thing" Clay explained.

"But Master Fung wouldn't fall for such a simple trick" Kimiko said just as the door began to creak open. Raimundo grinned while the rest of the warriors watched.



There was a person who had gotten the bucket splash over their head.

But it wasn't Master Fung... The victim was a tall person, about a few inches shorter then Clay wearing the same Xiaolin monk uniform as them. The new comer stood there at the door way for a moment until they slowly lifted the bucket off their head to peer at the people before him.

"What has just happened here?" Master Fung asked stepping in from behind the person avoiding the water puddles

"Sorry Master Fung! We tried to stop him but... Raimundo..." Kimiko started while her inner part was grinning doing thumbs up 'Raimundo that was awesome!'

"Hey, you were late and I was bored" Raimundo said "What's a guy to do?" Master Fung coughed delicatly.

"I was late because we have a new student. I see you've...Um...Met him" Master Fung said while the person lifted the bucket off his head to reveal a boy with shoulder length dark brown, almost black hair that hung over his dark eyes and his face, had no expression at all. His whole body head to toe was sopping wet from Raimundo's prank

"Oh! A new student! I shall teach him many techniques! So he shall be as powerful as I! Well not as powerful but..." Omi said his round head swelling

"Oh boy, there goes his ego" Kimiko sighed. Omi grinned and stretched out his hand

"I am Omi! Your fellow comrade!" The person bent down slightly lightly shaking Omi's hand.

"Hiya! I'm Raimundo! Sorry about the water... I thought it was only going to be Master Fung..." Raimundo said shaking hands with the new comer, who just shrugged "Hey uh, what's your name?"

"His name is Arisu from the far parts of Asia" Master Fung said "He had wanted to be a Xiaolin monk, since he is interested in collecting artifacts. Such as the Shen Gong Wu"

"Cool! Arisu's too long... Mind if we call you Ari?" Raimundo asked. Arisu merely nodded and went to shake hands with Kimiko

"I'm Kimiko! I'm from Japan!" she introduced herself while Ari nodded ready to move on "Hey! Wow, you have soft hands" Kimiko commented. Ari looked down modestly moving to the last comrade.

"Howdy! Name's Clay Bailey!" Clay said happily tipping his hat and shaking hands. Ari looked down at their hands and smiled. Master Fung clapped his hands together

"Well, let us train, a bit of sparing" he said and lead everyone outside into the grounds.


"We shall spare in pairs today" Master Fung said "First, Omi shall spare with Ari, I shall return shortly" he slowly made his way back into the temple.

"I fight him? But he could not even dodge a bucket of water for peas!" Omi said

"It's Beans, Omi..." Kimiko corrected.

"You would be very surprised Omi, do not underestimate your opponents" Master Fung said "Now, Begin!"

Omi stood facing Ari in a proud manner. Well... As proud as his height would allow him to be.

"I shall not harm you fellow Ari! You shall learn by defeat! As they say, you must learn before you make mistakes!"

"It's Learn from your mistakes" Clay said

"Ok fine!" Omi said taking a fighting stance "Witness and learn!" Ari simply yawned crossing his arms. Omi's eyebrows furrowed together as he lungged at the new student. With his eyes closed, Ari used the side of his hand and lightly bounced Omi into a nearby tree

"Oh, you were very lucky" the yellow headed monk said rubbing his head "But you have yet to see more!" Omi jumped at Ari again throwing kicks and punches trying to find an opening in Ari's defenses. If...Only... He'd... Stay...Still!

"Oh Ari, you are a worthy adversary" Omi said and clapped his hands together "Tornado Strike! Water!" A giant pillar of water splashed to life in his hands sending the water crashing towards Ari. As his eyes doubled in size Ari sidestepped only to see the water following him and began doing backflips trying to avoid the water until he whipped around thrusting his palm forward propelling some of the water back at Omi but also sending him crashing into the wall leaving a small crater. The tiny monk ran to the wall to see if his new comrade was injured

"Omi, I think you overdid it" Raimundo said jogging beside the little cue ball

"I, did not mean to" Omi said biting his lower lip.

"Hey you ok?" Clay asked kneeling beside Ari, whom was rubbing the back of his head and where the water struck him in the chest.

"I apologize, I did not mean to do that" Omi said, Ari looked up with a pained expression but managed to wave his hand as if to dismiss the whole subject and to accept the apology.

"You took a really big hit there, are you sure you're ok?" Raimundo asked bending over Ari who tried to wave him away.

"Well hello Xiaolin Losers!" a voice cackled from above

"Jack Spicer! Are you here to steal our Shen Gong Wu?" Omi demanded pointing an accusing finger as the boy genieus "Prepare to suffer a horribly humiliating defeat!"

"Oh I don't plan on losing today," Jack smirked "Meet my new and improved Jack bots! The Jack bots 300!"

"Gee, what a lame name..." Kimiko said rolling her eyes. Ari slowly stood up and pointed to Jack raising his eyebrow in question

"Man don't you ever talk? That's-" Raimundo started

"Jack Spicer! Evil boy Genius, no autographs please!" Jack announced himself. Ari rubbed at her head yawning and stretching her back

"Hey! Listen when spoken to! It is not a way to treat an evil boy genius!" Jack pouted then pointed at the monks "Jack bots, ATTACK!"


"Typhoon Boom, WIND!" Raimundo shouted sending a twister of violent spinning wind spinning towards the Jack bots smashing them together. Kimiko rolled to the side and reached in her pocket

"Star of Hanabi! FIRE!" she pointed it at the bots shooting heating flaming balls through them making them melt together or blow up.

"Observe Ari! The danger we must face! You may even learn something from watching a superiour fight" Omi grinned at Ari, who dropped into a fighting pose glaring

"Omi watch out!" Raimundo warned when Jackbots swiveled behind his friend.

"Huh?" Omi turned around and his eyes bugged out when something yanked at his belt as Ari threw him behind him and thrust his palm into a nearby Jackbot sending it spiraling into another Jackbot. With a graceful turn he swiveled on his heel using the side of his hand to slap Jackbot towards a tree as he did Omi earlier. Then leaping into the air he spun his leg backwards smashing two bots away.

"Whoa! Not bad for a kick!" Raimundo said

"You said it, whooee!" Clay grinned slapping two bots into each other. Jack Spicer grinded his teeth and stuck his hand into his coat

"Tangle web comb!" he said as tiny strands latched onto Ari's ankle yanking him off his feet and slamming him into the ground. Raimundo, from the other side of the temple finished off a Jackbot

"Typhoon Boom!" He said and propelled himself at Ari landing beside him and taking out a gleaming sword "Sword of the storm!" he swirled the sword in a circle sending a gust of wind at Jack making him spin out of control and drop the tangle web comb which went slack on Ari's leg. A Jackbot appeared behind Raimundo ready to stab at him with a built in knife

"Watch out!" Raimundo grabbed Ari around the chest with one arm and using Typhoon boom again to bound away. Ari's eyes were wide with shock and he looked down at Raimundo's hand around his chest

"Relax, I do rescuing all the time!" Rai grinned and set Ari down on the ground near the temple steps. Ari's shock turned into anger and annoyance as he drew back his hand and slapped him hard across the face

"OWW! What was that for! And why did you slap me!" Raimundo asked clutching his reddening cheek whilst Ari ran away at the speed of light "Hey! GET BACK HERE YOU JERK! COME BACK HERE AND SAY THANK YOU AT LEAST!"

"Yeowza!" Clay stumbled backwards as a Jackbot stabbed at him until he finally got enough distance "Seimic kick, EARTH!" he slammed his heel on the ground as a stone wall rose up in front of him stabbing the Jackbot. Kimiko did a few flips backwards landing beside Omi

"Geez, they really are improved" Kimiko panted

"We can still defeat them! They still are mere machines after all" Omi said "YAAAA!" He jumped from bot to bot kicking or punching them as he passed them landing on the other side of the temple grounds. He heard a screaming turning around seeing the Star of Hanabi being knocked from Kimiko's hands while she was shoved over by a Jackbot


There was the sound of water splashing onto the floor as Kimiko uncovered her eyes.

"Ari?" Kimiko looked up seeing Ari with his arms spread out in a protecting gesture and a Jackbot had it's mechanical arm in his shoulder. With a snap Ari grabbed the arm and snapped it in half kicking it away and wretching the arm out of his bleeding shoulder, his eyes closed in pain. He looked up and shot a glare at Jack, who froze into place.

ʓ Jacks P.O.V ʓ

Jack blinked for a moment seeing the new boy glare up at him and jump at him. Jack screamed and tried to fly away when the boy grabbed his legs pulling him down and swinging him into a tree, which began to eat him while the boy grinned malevolently.

"EEEK!" Jack screamed while the tree chewed on him until, everything was back to normal, and he was still hovering in the sky. He quickly looked himself over seeing nothing had happened. He quickly shook his head and looked to see his Jackbots all destroyed. Again...

"Well, don't think you've won! I'll be back!" Jack shouted and flew away as fast as he could and wondering why and when trees could chew on people.

Ari groaned and pitched backwards

"Whoa Nelly!" Clay grabbed under Ari's arms holding him up "We gotta get him inside!"


"Master Fung!" Omi ran in ahead of Kimiko and Eaimundo while Clay walked in last with Ari over his shoulder.

"My, what has happened?" Master Fung asked staring at Ari while Clay laid him down

"Took a hard hit from a bot" he said

"And he took it for me... Man I feel horrible..." Kimiko said looking down.

"No worries, I'm sure Ari will be up with Adam soon enough!" Omi said

"It's Up and at 'em" Raimundo said. Omi shrugged and stood by Ari peering down at him until Ari's eye snapped open and he used his arm to swat Omi away backing to the wall gripping his shoulder.

"Whoa calm down fella, we ain't gonna hurt you" Clay said and Ari closed his eyes looking down

"Maybe it would be wise to dress Ari's wound." Master Fung said "Everyone else out, Kimiko, would you help Ari?" Kimiko nodded and went into a seperate room with Ari closing the door.

"Well, better get to work if you ever want that to heal" Kimiko said taking a few oinments and bandages from a shelf and walking to Ari, whom was sitting on the floor "Come on, shirt off" Ari sighed and undid his belt peeling back his shirt to reveal another shirt underneath

"Two shirts? Why do you have two?" Kimiko asked and her eyes went wide when Ari peeled back the second and last shirt "You're-" Ari smiled softly

"So, You know now" Ari said, his voice soft and his eyes gleaming.

Authors notes: yeah... First chap. Actually I just started watching this show and hardly know about it. Just one week and WHEE! I'm on a fanfic streak. Well, I hoped you enjoyed this chap, Reviews are greatly aprecciated.