Disclaimer: I do not own YuGiOh or Daredevil, please do not sue!

Summary: After a terrible accident one of the YuGiOh characters gets blinded and their remaining four senses are super-charged… (Based on DareDevil)

Author's notes: Well, here it is. I can't think of a better title at the moment, so I just decided to call it DareDevil, but I might change it. If any of you reader have a better idea, please share it with me!
Enjoy the chap!

Prologue (Part 1) - Blinded

I stood at the window of the hospital room. I can hear the traffic going by and the people coming home from work and school. I can smell the food they eat and the fumes in the air. I can feel the wind brushing against my face, blowing though my hair and the rays of sunlight. I can see…nothing. Not any more. How may you ask? I'll tell you…


We had all decided to go out for the day, the whole gang. It was a beautiful day. I think we all needed it after what happened in Battle City.

Anyway, we had just seen a movie and were about to go to get something to eat. We all crossed the road on the crossing, but then one of us stopped to tie his shoe. Like did we all know that the track that was coming straight towards us, failed to stop. Something with the brakes they said. Next thing I knew…

"Joey!" Tea called out, who stood next to me. I quickly turned around I see him and the truck calling towards him. The last thing I'd ever see.

The truck driver tried to turn and avoid him, but it would have been to late. Then, all of a sudden, without thinking, I ran out and pushed Joey out of the way.

But then the truck suddenly turned over onto its side. It was carrying a load of barrels, which fell off the truck. One of the barrels suddenly broke open as it hit the ground and it's contents splashed into my eyes.

"Ah!" I screamed as I fell to the ground, with my hands over my eyes. Everything went dark after that, but I could still I could hear everyone screaming and shouting.

"No!" a voice no.1 yelled.

"Oh my god!" a voice no.2 screamed.

"Well, don't just stand there," voice no.1 yelled.

"Somebody call an ambulance!" voice no.3 yelled

"That's gotta sting." voice no.4 said

"What is that stuff?" voice no.5 asked.

"What's going on here?" a completely different voice came.

Then I pasted out after that. I don't know how long though, but when I woke up I could hear some thing dripping and splashing. This kind of gave off a vision off the room, but everything was blue. I thought it was just my eyesight at first, then I reached up to rub them, but there was something blocking it. There were bandages over my eyes, again.

I could hear a heart monitor; my likely mine, bleeping loudly. My 'vision' of the room was flashing up every time the heart monitor would make a sound.

Suddenly, I heard a voice, someone calling a doctor. I was then I knew I was in a hospital.

I tried gets out of bed, but I fell a hit the floor. As it laid on the floor, it could hear footsteps coming from everywhere. Some wasn't even coming from the hospital, but the streets outside, could even hear the car and trucks as if they were right there in front of me, in my room.

"What's happening!" I yelled as I backed up against the wall in panic and watched as my 'vision' showed me images of the blue streets. . Suddenly, all the street and hospital noises died down when the clock tower's gongs went off. Every time a gong came, the surroundings of the room would flash up in my mind, like a sort of radar sense.

I took a few deep breaths, and then I stood up, found the window and faced towards it…

---End Flashback---

…And that's my story. As I stand here now, blinded, I can't help but fear of what happens next for me.

Suddenly, I could hear the door open from behind me, I turn towards it. Although I can't see his face, I knew exactly who it was, even before he said my name…

Author's notes: Oh sorry, we've run out of time! Ha, ha! You lot probably think I'm evil for doing that! But I don't care!
So which one of the YuGiOh characters do you think this happens to? You may find out next chapter, but I haven't quite decided yet.

Please Review and tell me what you think of the story.