Ha ha you're dead

by uchihachik

This is my quick-update version of the so-called "sequel/ addition/ whatever you want it to be" for my suicide fic, "Nothing to lose".

Disclaimer: Own nothing I. No sense is what I am to be making.

(Naruto's POV)

It...just..hurts so much. Why did Sasuke die? And...Right when he just admitted that he..loved me. I finally found someone who loves me, and now he's dead. I sniffled a little after I finished crying. I don't even know how I held it in before I got home. I don't want anyone to see me like this. I'm supposed to be strong, because men do not cry. And, I'm a man. The day Iruka-sensei gave me the forehead protector, I was a fully-fledged shinobi. One step closer to my dream and, now, I'm bawling like a teenage girl at the end of a sappy movie. But then, why the hell shouldn't I be? My best friend- No, my onlyfriend- Gone forever. I'll never see him again. Why can't I...make the pain leave? Go away forever? Or...I could take care of it myself. If there was someone else in this world who loved me, then I might consider continuing life, but no, nobody loves me, and, for the first time in my life, I'm truly, sincerly, and really...alone. This was the thought that brought tears to my eyes. It wasn't that my best friend died, but it was that I'm now alone...That was when I heard it...

"And the victim's sister is supposed to have commited suicide..."

This...was the answer.

I leapt out of my bed, grabbing a shining silver object as I went. I ran and ran, blinking the tears out of my eyes so I could see. I ran faster and harder than I ever have before. After all, this was desperate...

That's when I tripped, flying head-first into the ground. But, I had reached my destnation. That was the one and only thing that had gone right today. I lay at the foot of a loosely burried patch of soil. This was a grave. I had watched a certain 17-year-old, black-haired Uchiha dig this grave from the rooftop next to me. I didn't even bother to stand up, but my ears perked up at the sound of music. Well, this song I knew. One time, I had forced Sasuke to dance with me to this song. I had grabbed his arms and pulled him into some tango-like position, dipping him back like the proffessional dancers do. (A/N: Its like, when pro dancers wrap their arm around their partner's waist and lean their partner back while holding their partner up with the arm that's around their partner's waist. Its a pretty sexy-looking dance, but if I say the word "partner" again, I'm gonna explode!) I can't actually pinpoint a dancing beat in this song, but we danced to it anyways.

"How do you get your sleep at night?
How did you get your noose so tight?
Like chewing on tinfoil, it's so much fun
Gonna be dead before you're gone"

Eh, I love this song.

"Cause look how things have gotten
And I'll be happy so I won't pretend
And I'll be cheering that you're going down
And I'll be laughing, I'll be laughing"

I glared at this rock. It had a farewell to Sasuke carved in it by Itachi.

"How many feelings can you steal?
Gotta be part of your appeal
I can see through you cause you're wearing thin
Like chewing on tinfoil once again"

"Foolish little brother"? How can he still call Sasuke that? Although, today has proved to be an eye-opener as to just how very foolish Sasuke can be...

"Ha Ha you're dead
And I'm so happy
In loving memory
Of your demise"

Hmph..That's pleasant..."Ha ha you're dead"...That's sooo not what I'm thinking...

"When your ship is going down
I'll go out and paint the town
Ha Ha you're dead
Ha Ha you're dead
Ha Ha you're dead"

Okay...this song is officially out of theme right now.

"Ha Ha you're dead
The joke is over
You were an asshole
And now you're gone
As your ship is going down
I'll stand by and watch you drown"

Well...This is kinda true...If you wanna talk to Sasuke about something, he'll go all asshole/ jackass/ idiotic, stoic, over-agnsting hardass on you. I've found it very diffucult to pursue a conversation with him. If he loved me so much, he could've at least talked to me more...

"Ha Ha you're dead
You're gonna be dead
Just remember what I said
Ha Ha you're dead
Ha Ha you're dead
Ha Ha you're dead"

I did tell him that he was dieing for the stupidest reasons...Trying to kill Itachi...But, I never actually thought he would listen to me. And now, he's gone and I can never re-create my thoughts on him. If he had've opened up a bit, he probably would have been a pretty likable, kind guy. Without any hestitation, I broke away from my suicidal thoughts and proceeded to carry-out the real actions, picking up that long, sharp kitchen knife from the ground beside me where I had dropped it. I ran it quickly and gently along the tip of my finger as my own scarlet-coloured blood flowed out of my fingertip. I licked the blood off, a habit I had developed. I tasted the coppery substance on my tongue. (A/N: I actually do have that habit. I like the taste of my own blood. Yeah, I'm twisted...) I then placed the knife gently on the underside of my wrist. I took a deep breath and pushed down a little harder. I cringed as a thin, shallow red line was indented into my wrist. I took another, deeper breath. It was now or never. I shut my eyes tightly as I slit my wrist deeply, the edges of the bone peeking out. Well...I think it was the bone, but it was hard to tell after the blood gushed out of my wound. I howled in pain and clutched my bleeding arm. This is the stupidest, most reckless thing I've ever done! And it'll be the last! Why! Why don't I think before I do anything! Would it kill me to use my head or consider things for once! Ah...my vision is fading...Everything is sliding out of focus...I'm...dizzy...Falling...White light...

What Ino and Sakura saw before they entered the house


(Ino's POV)

Tsunade-sama told us to check out Sasuke's house to see if Itachi was still here. We're currently walking up the driveway. We approached the door, and that's when I saw it. I dashed over to it, Sakura jogging behind he with this "WTF?" look on her face. She gasped when she saw it. At the foot of Sasuke's freshly dug grave, lie a motionless, bloodstained Naruto, his blue eyes opened for eternity.

"Who...who did this?" I asked.

"Look..." Sakura pointed to the blood-covered knife, just milimeters away from Naruto's own hand.

"I need to throw up..." I said, covering my mouth with my hand.

"Behind the shed..." Sakura ordered.

And that's where I went, throwing up loudly for the next two and a half minutes. I came out from behind the shed, slightly disoriented.

We covered Naruto up with a sheet that was on the clothesline. We also pulled his headband down over his eyes. It chilled my blood to see those unblinking, staring, icy cold, lifeless blue eyes looking at me.

We then entered the house. Nothing could be worse than this. Nothing, nothing.

If only wish that was the case...

The end

That's this fic. Nobody even guessed as to what Green Day song this would be called. So, now you know. Its called "Ha ha you're dead." Wasn't that SasuNaru bit tragic? I tried to make it that way. If Sasuke had've died, don't you think Naruto would act like that?

Anyhow, the story ends, like this.

