"Let's find out." Bo grins again and they both move toward the tunnel on the other side of the chamber they were in. They both move slowly, watching where they step and shining their lights over the floor and walls.

"Hey looky here Bo. There's an arrow carved in the wall like yer writin' was. I guess were headed in the right direction."

"Funny Luke. There's only one direction ta go." They keep moving forward and come into another chamber that is considerably smaller than the previous one. They shine their lights across the floor not seeing anything, then across the walls.

"Awright, it's another message Bo. Let's see what it says." Luke shines his light at the message reading aloud. "'Many shall seek, but only those with need shall find, the treasure hidden, within this mine. Look into your hearts, and if they be true, keep following this trail, we've left for you. Hank and Joe Duke'"

"It jus' keeps getting' weirder an' weirder." Bo mutters.

"Well, I don't know what it means… but if I look in my heart I know I've got life's truest treasure with me. My family an' best friend."

"Luke! You getting' mushy on me?"

"Maybe I ain't recovered yet." Luke grins.

"Oh it don't matter none cuz, yer right anyways." They clap each other on the back and grin.

"Ya ready ta head out? Ain't nobody been here in a coon's age."

"Naw Bo. This is gettin' interestin'. Let's keep goin' an' see what we find."

"Awright Luke." They move forward into the next tunnel, which is tighter than the one before, both of them have to duck to keep from hitting their heads.

"Another arrow." Luke says as they pass by it. They enter another room to the mine, the last one it seems, and shine their lights around the small room.

"Here we go." Bo says finding the message. "Let's see… 'Cousins by birth, brothers by blood-' hey that sounds like us Luke."

"Yep, sure does, keep readin'."

"'Cousins by birth, brothers by blood, what lies herein, is guarded by love. Fortune seekers should turn back now, for only those who have taken the vow, shall find the treasure we lay here now. Joe and Hank Duke' Huh? Well I don't see nuthin' lying around in here. I guess someone else already took it."

"Well, they would've hidden it somehow or the fortune seekers they talk about would've found it. Keep lookin'." They continue shining their lights around, moving closer to the walls to see better. Luke shines his light over the back wall, almost missing it.

"Hang on a minute Bo. Look at these dark spots on the wall here. It kinda looks like hand prints were chiseled out an' then filled back in."

"Yeah, it sure does. Good eyes. An' look at that rock below it. It's almost shaped like a heart if ya stare at it right." The two cousins look at each other.

"Ya think?" Bo asks reading Luke's mind.

"Let's try it." Bo holds the flashlights while Luke uses his pocketknife to try and pry out the rock.

"It's movin'." He shimmies the rock out of place and sets it on the floor. Bo shines the light into the hole while Luke reaches in to get what is inside. He pulls out an old sack.

"We found it! It's kinda heavy too."

"Well, open it Luke. The suspense is killin' me." Luke opens the sack and removes a paper before looking inside.

"Holy moly Bo! It's gold nuggets! Not a lot, but still… I bet these would put a good dent in payin' off the mortgage on the farm, if not all of it."

"Awright! Hey what's the paper?"

"Let's see." Luke hands the sack to Bo before carefully unfolding the paper. "'If you've found this treasure we've placed, we know your hearts are in the right place. Use it well, but we hope you see, the true treasure is in your family tree. Heart to heart, and souls to God, we give this gift, by the token of blood. For all you know and all you see, we shall be brothers for eternity, as we hope you shall be. If your need be not great, put this treasure back in it's grate. Follow your hearts, listen to your souls, and you shall know if it's meant to be so. Hank and Joe Duke, cousins, blood brothers, best friends for eternity.'"

"Wow." Bo whispers in awe.

"Ya got that right. What do ya think? Should we take it or leave it?"

"Well, if we take it an' pay off the mortgage, then we won't have ta worry 'bout Boss or anyone else takin' our land."

"That's what I was thinkin' too Bo. Then there'd always be a Duke homestead."

"Let's do it then." Bo replies. The cousins grin at each other and turn to make their way back to the entrance, walking shoulder to shoulder. Bo suddenly stops and turns to Luke.

"For eternity Lukas?" He asks holding out the hand that he'd used so many years ago in their vow.

"For eternity," Luke clasps Bo's hand with his, "Brother."

Even though the two cousins couldn't see it, the sun seemed to shine brighter and the few clouds in the sky joined to make what looked like two hands gripped in the vow of friendship and brotherhood.

The End.