Where Do I Belong?


Author's Note: Okay, so as usual, I don't own OTH or any of its characters. Enjoy! I am so sorry that I never posted the conclusion of this story!

"So, are you ready for baby number three?"

Haley looked at Brooke, "Are you kidding? I'm still adjusting to life with two babies; it's going to be crazy with three."

"How do you think Keegan and Kaitlin are going to handle it?"

"Good I hope. We talk to them about the new baby. We just hope they understand."

"I'm sure they do." Brooke looked back at her newest design, "I can't believe you guys aren't finding out the sex of this baby either."

"We're just glad it's not twins again. And as long as he or she is healthy, that's all that matters."

"Have you thought of any names?"

"If it's a boy, Ethan James."

"And a girl?"

"Elizabeth Michelle."

"Those are both great names. Now, what do you think?" Brooke held up the onesie.

"You do realize that this baby is going to be born in just a few weeks, right?"

"What's your point?"

"Babies don't hang out in their onesies in March."


Haley walked out of the bathroom, "Nathan!"

Nathan cracked his eyes open, "Hmmm…"

"It's time to go."

"I don't have to work today. And the sun's not even up yet, so I'm not late for class."

"No Nathan, it's TIME to go."

Nathan shot up, "What! The twins?"

"Your mom's here, remember."

"Right, my mom."

"Now get your ass out of bed and take me to the hospital before I have our baby right here."

Haley smiled at Nathan as the nurse handed them their baby, "Welcome to our family Elizabeth Michelle Scott."

Nathan gently kissed Haley, then Elizabeth, "for the first time in my life, I truly feel like I know where I belong."