Disclaimer: To be used for this whole collection- I do not own Inuyasha, any of the characters in it, and am making no profit whatsoever off of this story.

The Shards Of You and Me

the Mender: ILuvsBakura
the Construction: (posted, but written earlier) Sept. 22, 2005
the Pieces: feathers falling in moonlight- Sesshoumaru and Kagura
the Fragment: Breaking Into Day
the Tools: after the defeat of Naraku

Breaking Into Day

He didn't care.

After all that time she had spent cowering in the shadow of a vast and ever-present darkness, even he had to admit she deserved some light. She was an exquisite creature, a being worthy of more than just a life of servitude. Was it perhaps a mite too egotistical to think that he was to be her savior? It wasn't an exalted position- not one sought after. But if he could give her a moment of respite, then he thought that for once he didn't care that others knew he had a heart.

He didn't care.

The last battle- in that war- was over, and the bloodied, weary victors stood together on a field spattered with blood, sweat, and tears. They were unlikely- even unwilling- allies, but there they were, breathing in the invigorating taste of freedom at last. Everything was accomplished- their acts of retribution, the much-needed assassination of a monster; finally, their shattered lives could be collected and repaired. And even though the silence between them all was nearly deafening, it was too precious to ruin.

He didn't care.

In front of everyone, even his despised half-brother, he was going to end that waking nightmare that she had been subjected to for so long. She told him once that she had grown completely numb; when not even taking her own life was an option, she was left with nothing but following horrific commands, and a futile hope for something more. Now, when their mission was a complete success, he could still see the glazed look in her eyes. He knew that she was happy, and though she realized that, she couldn't feel it. He wanted her to be able to. He wanted her to Feel. To know more than numbness or pain. So even though they weren't alone, he nodded for her to approach.

He didn't care.

Even though there were witnesses- SO many witnesses- he wasn't going to give them a second thought. She looked at him curiously, but it didn't faze him. He let his eyes smile at her, and with an almost imperceptible sigh, she cautiously tread up to stand in front of him. With no warning, he grabbed her, and with no- or at least very little hesitation- his lips gladly found hers. He no longer cared. Even though he heard the shouts of his brother, and he swore he heard a few jaws hit the ground, he just didn't care. If he wanted to... want her, then that was entirely his business. She was smiling; he could feel it. Both ignored any lingering doubt, and prepared to face the new dawn together. It was time for their sun to rise.

With destruction comes rebirth...