This Chapter is set three years later. Richard has made Police Sergeant in the JCPD. Kori owns a flower shop. The two are happily married…though Kori wants something…

Chapter 4-Desires of the Heart

A light blue car pulled into the driveway of 321 Angel Grove Boulevard. A young couple got out of the car and went around to the trunk. Richard and Kori Grayson began to take groceries from the trunk. The little girl from 327 came rushing over, knowing Miss Kori usually had a piece of chocolate in her purse.

"Hi Miss Kori," the girl squeaked.

"Hello, Emma. How is your mother?"

"She's fine Miss Kori. Do you have any chocolate?" Emma asked hopefully.

Kori rummaged through her purse. "Here you go, Emma. Be a good girl and behave for your mother," she said.

"Thanks Miss Kori. I'll be good," the four year old promised. She toddled off next door.

Richard was watching his wife affectionately. Kori was very fond of Emma.

"Sweetheart, we've got to finish getting the groceries in before they spoil," he said gently.

"Yes, of course. Then I shall make you a nice lunch and we can spend the rest of the day just talking, yes?" Kori asked hopefully.

"You got it."

The Graysons brought their groceries inside. The house was cheerful, decorated in yellows, blues, and occasionally a splash of cherry red. Kori always made sure to have flowers everywhere, too.

Richard turned on the radio in the kitchen and the two began to put their groceries away, Kori singing along loudly, but not off-key. She had really learned to carry a tune in the years they'd been married. Richard smiled at the simple joy his wife felt, so grateful some of her eternal happiness had rubbed off on him. He sang along with her, not caring who heard.

Several hours later, after spending the day holding each other and watching TV, Kori began to become a bit restless.

"Kori?" Richard asked, concerned.


"Are you OK? You don't seem yourself, sweetheart."

"I am fine."


"Yes, Richard," Kori insisted.

"You do remember that I can sense your feelings."

"Of course."

"Your emotions are…longing. What is it, angel? Please tell me," Richard begged.

"There is just something I don't have, is all," Kori replied.

"What? I'll go get it for you right now; all you have to do is tell me what it is," Richard said, so eager to make his wife happy.

Kori smiled at his sweet offer. "It is not so simple, Richard. What I want is… a child."

Richard's face fell. "Oh," he said quietly.

Kori sighed. "It is just that I want to be a mother, Richard. I want to have a family."

"Understandable, Kori. And one day we will have a child, I promise."


"I promise," he replied, holding her close.

A few weeks later was Halloween. Kori was particularly fond of the holiday where children dressed up and demanded candy from their neighbors. Little Emma from next door rang the bell first.

"Trick or treat!" she said happily.

"My, Emma, you look really pretty. Are you a princess?" Kori asked, tipping a few candies into Emma's bag.

"I'm a fairy princess," Emma corrected. "Want to make a wish?"

"OK," Kori obliged.

Emma waved her plastic wand. "Abra kadabra!" the girl exclaimed, touching the tip of Kori's nose with the wand.

"Come along, Emma," said her mother. "Thanks Kori."

"No problem."

Richard came up behind her and held her close. "I bet I know what you wished for," he whispered.

Kori pulled away and went into the bedroom, mentally telling him she wanted to be alone. Richard sighed, holding his head in his hands.

Kori began to cry, burying her pretty face in a feather pillow. She heard the doorbell ring, followed by a vague "Trick or treat." X'hal, she wanted a child so badly. Kori heard the TV come on, along with another sigh from her husband. She knew she wasn't being fair to him and she knew it. It wasn't his fault they didn't have a child. But, then maybe it was. He'd promised, and Kori, being as innocent as she was, had believed him whenever he promised something.


Kori didn't respond to him.

"Sweetheart, please," Richard pleaded.

"I wish to be alone," she mumbled.

"I want to talk and you keep blocking me from your mind. Please, Kori, I know you want a baby. I want to be a dad, too. It's going to be alright, Kor, if you just talk to me."

Kori sat up. "Fine," she grumbled.

The door opened, revealing Richard standing there, an expression of concern clear across his handsome face. He came in and sat down on the queen-sized bed next to his wife, pulling her into a tight hug, gently rocking her back and forth.

"Kori," he whispered into her ruby-red hair.

"I just want to have a family again, Richard. I have you and our friends, but I would greatly enjoy a child to hug and take care of," Kori said, her gem-like eyes filled with tears. Richard felt his eyes fill with tears, too.

"I want a family, too. You will get pregnant when we're ready for it to happen."

"But I am ready for a baby," Kori protested.

"Destiny, angel. It will happen when it's meant to," Richard said. "Please stop crying. I hate it when you cry. Do you know why?"

"Because you always think it is your fault?" Kori suggested.

"That and because it makes me feel, as a husband, that I haven't done my job of protecting my wife," Richard replied gently.

"Protect me always," she murmured into his chest.

"Do you doubt me, sweetie?" he asked playfully.

"No," she admitted.

"I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?" Kori inquired, resentful at being separated from the safety of Richard's strong arms.

"I'm going to turn off the light by the front door so people won't bother us," he replied.

"Bring me the chocolate," Kori commanded, knowing he wouldn't mind being ordered around.

"Will do."

Richard returned a few minutes later, carrying a bowl with various types of chocolate in it. He liked it when Kori had chocolate; it made her…amorous.

"Snickers," she said, stretching a hand out.

"You got it," Richard replied, tossing her a few Snickers bars.

"Thank you," Kori said sweetly, popping the small candy into her mouth. She then proceeded to pull Richard down on the bed beside her and kissed him. He returned the kiss, leaning back into the pillows on their bed, Kori lying on top of him.

Richard pulled away after a few minutes, thanks to something beeping from the top of his dresser. He managed to get out from under Kori, who didn't seem to have noticed the beeping noise. Stumbling slightly from lack of breath, Richard went over to the device.

"Every time we get comfortable," he mumbled, glaring at the contraption. It was his 'JC Beeper' as he called it. The chief of police knew that when the city needed Nightwing, to contact him on the beeper. He didn't want a signal; much too Bruce.

"I have to go, sweetheart. I'm sorry."

"It's OK. I could very possibly be asleep when you return, however."

"That's alright. I love you, Kori," Richard replied, and gave her a kiss. Both hated it when they kissed for what might be the last time. After giving her a brief hug, Richard took off.

"My hero," Kori murmured.

She was asleep when Richard came back, exhausted but unharmed. It had just been a small time thief, but a particularly clever small time thief at that. It had taken both all his skill and all his energy to catch him. Richard changed into pajamas and crawled into bed, hoping not to disturb Kori. Try as he might, however, she woke and smiled at him.

"You are O the K, yes?" she asked softly.

"Exhausted, but I'll be fine, Kori," he assured her. "I'm going to sleep now, K? I can't keep my eyes open any longer."

"Goodnight," Kori said, snuggling into his arms. "I am happy you are safe, Richard," she said before falling asleep.

Kori continued to want a child. Richard felt incredibly guilty, thinking it was his fault that they hadn't gotten pregnant yet.

"Richard, it takes two to waltz, yes? It is not your fault we don't have a child."

Richard hid an affectionate grin at Kori's incorrect use of the expression. "What if something's wrong with me?" he asked, terrified.

"You are perfect," Kori said gently. "Don't ever doubt it."

"Mrs. Grayson wants to cuddle, does she?"

"I have never rejected cuddling, have I?"

"No, you haven't," Richard admitted, launching an attack on her ribs.

"Please-stop-tickling-me!" Kori shouted between bouts of laughter.

"I don't want to," Richard said, still tickling her without mercy.

"It's really cold, Richard. I want to cuddle," Kori said, giving him a pouty look.

"I guess," he replied, trying and failing to sound indifferent. Richard held out his arms, allowing Kori to nestle in their safety. She spread a blanket over them, resting her head on his shoulder.

Love you Kori said through their mental link.

Love you too.

Months past before Jump City was completely free of snow. February 25 found Kori very puzzled.

"Sweetie?" Richard asked sleepily from the bed.

"I'm OK, just a little shocked," she said in a hushed voice.

Richard immediately got out of bed. "What's shocking you?" he asked, approaching the bathroom cautiously.

"Richard," she continued in a stunned but happy voice. "I'm pregnant."

Well…she got what she wanted, didn't she? See that little button at the bottom of the screen, that lovely purplish-blue button that says GO? The little guy likes to be pressed and have a review typed in his little review box. How 'bout you give him a click and tell me what you thought, huh? By the way, this story is now COMPLETE!
